Posted on 05.22.2017

An Open Letter to Senator Charles Schumer

Sen. Schumer, I don't live in your constituency but in the larger picture, you live in mine and every other legal, taxpaying American citizen who is affected by the power you hold in your political party, your blind allegiance to it and the obstructionist posture to anything that doesn't directly benefit it.

There's something sinister about seeing you bent over the lectern in the Senate Chamber, your countenance resembling what I would imagine Edgar Allen Poe's would look like reciting one of his macabre tales of doom and gloom, as if there is not one drop of happiness in your life, forecasting a dismal future for America if anything President Trump proposes passes both houses and becomes law.

I know you're disappointed, I know you had the balloons ready to fall and the corks halfway out of the champagne bottles election night and I know you just can't face the truth that what happened in the election was exactly the same thing you continue to do, you forgot about the working people, you forgot about the empty factories of the rust belt, you took for granted the high crime, low employment inner cities you've made unkept promises to for decades.

Instead of looking inward at the real cause for your party's loss you had to find a scapegoat and if it hadn't have been Russia it would have been something else.

Sen. Schumer, will you do me and America a favor, will you lay your hand on a Holy Bible and tell America that you believe in your heart that Donald Trump has actually colluded with Vladimir Putin and the Russian Government to the detriment of the United States of America.

You see sir, everything you've come up with so far, and you've been at it since well before the election, has been superficial, and I believe that anything your special counsel will come up with will also be superficial, guilt by association, the fires of trivially fanned and proliferated by a tilted, hate-filled media and super partisan politicians.

Sen. Schumer, what goes around truly does come around and if, or should I say when, this pendulum starts swinging back the other way, do you realize that Mr. Mueller could actually find a lot more dirt on prominent Democrats than they do Trump and his staff.

You have opened Pandora's Box, sir, and basically thrown away the lid.

Now it’s time to chop the log and let the chips fall where they will.

If President Trump has actually colluded with the Russians or any other foreign government, or sold-out my beloved nation in any way, I definitely want to know about it, and if he has he should be impeached and thrown out of office in disgrace, but right now you're a hell of a long way from proving even one little iota of your accusations.

Now let's turn this coin over.

Did or did not Hillary Clinton allow Russia to purchase up to 20% of American uranium reserves?

Who leaked the classified information that started this ball rolling? For the investigation to be valid, that has to come out.

Did Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton's State department through incompetence, indifference or both allow four American citizens to die in Benghazi?

Careful how you answer this one because the jury and some explosive evidence are still out there and could well be brought to light in a few months.

Did or did not Hillary, by using an unsecured internet server and allowing Huma Abedin to email copies to her husband, Anthony Weiner, expose classified documents?

Was there collusion between the Obama administration and the IRS to disallow tax-free status to conservative organizations?

If not, why did Lois Lerner plead the Fifth Amendment and retire with full benefits?

You see sir, Pandora is neither a Democrat or a Republican and what is revealed in the coming months could well be a two-edged sword.

Careful what you wish for.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels

— Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. — TeamCDB


Check out "Mexico Again" from Beau Weevils - 'Songs in the Key of E'




AMEN, Thank you Charlie, The Great Deceiver has a strong hold on Democratic Liberal Liars. There Judgement day will come.
Posted by Randy
Letter to Charles Schumer
Love it!! Well said ..well written Thank You Charlie!!
Posted by MaryAnn
Letter to Schumer
Good piece, but it was "Candidate Trump" the Dems say colluded with the Russians...not "President Trump".
Posted by Bob
Schumer letter
You've expressed what so many Americans feel and would like to say. To stop blaming and start working at being just. It's disheartening and you've hit it straight on. God bless you and I hope you receive an answer we all deserve.
Posted by Sally
Fwd my comment to Senator Schumer please
I'm in total agreement with your letter. Well put Mr. Daniels. Everything needs to come out. EVERYTHING! Those who have wronged this nation and matter who they are...should NOT go unpunished. Schumer, Pelosi, Warren, Lewis, Waters other high and mighty acting liberals or careful of pandoras box being opened. That tale just doesn't ends well.
Posted by Laura
God Bless you Charlie! Thank you for saying exactly what the American people are thinking.
Posted by Drinda
Tit for Tat
What would Trump do if he was innocent? Would he complain about reporters? Would he refuse to answer questions? Would he conceal his tax returns? Would he fire anyone leading an investigation into contacts between his administration in Russia? Would he hang onto a guy even after a warning for almost 3 weeks claiming that he... Why go on? Better to talk about what a mean insincere guy Chuck Shumer is than ever face the truth.
Posted by dana
Crooked as a Barrel of Snakes
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie, crooked as a barrel of snakes comes to mind with the Shumer's, Pelosi's and Reids, however it is a gross understatement, what they and their ring leader Obama has done goes way beyond the pale. It is pure unadulterated evil with no sign of a moral compass and repentance is out of the question. nuff said God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
Open letter to chuck Schumer
So well stated. You are a true American Mr. Daniels. Thank you.
Posted by Kimberly
Charlie Daniels to Schumer
You said it all Charlie. Chuck Schumer will swing along with Hillary and the DNC when all of the unopened stories come out and they will. Such a calamity for the Dems will happen. Half of America will not recover.
Posted by Glen
chucky chucky chucky
#AWESOMESAUCE great soap box charlie!
Posted by vivian
Schumer Letter
Thank you for writing what all Patriots are asking/demanding to have truly "Justice for All". Beware the double edged sword, Dems
Posted by Elizabeth
Open letter
Thank you so much for this letter. This is exactly how I feel but not eloquent enough to express it.
Posted by Jana
Mr Daniels, I am unfortunately living in NY where Schumer is our representative. To say that he is obstructing is an understatement here in NY. Between him & Gillibrand aiding and abating Cuomo in all his acts, Upstate NY is basically screwed big time because we don't have any fair representatives. So as much as your letter is totally awesome and right on the mark, I don't think Schumer will give it any due. He is so arrogant now that he is the speaker of the Democratic party. The only way he will brought down is by voting him out in NY and sadly I don't think it will happen unless the Republican Party can come up with someone to beat him. We are stuck with him until 2023. On another note, you are awesome!! Love, Linda
Posted by Linda
An Open Letter to Senator Charles Schumer
Very well done Charlie. But be careful I wrote two letters too John McCain and one too Schumer and within 3 weeks I was audited by the IRS for the first time in my life.
Posted by John
Good letter
Great letter - but we're not as smart and don't know what best to liberals so that ding dong wil have a staffer send you a canned letter back to donate money- that's what I get ! But Charlie your a ace - hope the lord blesses you today - mike
Posted by Old
Your letter to Schumer
Outstanding well written covered all the points, America is on a dangerous path we can either make America great again or be sheep vet around by the Judas goat Schumer I prefer to be part of the process of making America great again. Schumer the Dems & the media for some unknown reason dislike America they would rather see it become the United socialistic States of America# that is their final solution for this country. God bless you mr. Daniels for such a heartfelt and accurate letter again well done
Posted by Arthur
Letter from C. Daniels/Schumer
THANK YOU MR. Daniels! Your letter was ON Point!! Please let's make sure despicable Chucky reads it! He is a disgrace!
Posted by Christine
Little Chucky Schumer
Amen brother, thanks for saying what we hard working, over taxed Americans are thinking and saying out here! God Bless you Charlie.
Posted by Karl
Posted by SHARON
Dems secret deals with Soviets mic
Let's not forget the video of the open mic moment with Obama and the Russian Emb. with Obama explaining how after the election he would be in a better position politically to move forward with his agreement with Putin. WHAT AGREEMENT!
Posted by John
Make Country Great Again
Loved the letter Boss, please get with Hank Jr and put out a killer album b4 you fogeys pass. I'm too young and it'll be a long time b4 I get to meet yall in Heaven.
Posted by Joseph
Open letter to Schumer
Well said. Pandora is definitely on the loose. May the truth prevail and guilty punished.
Posted by Cynthia
Chuck U Schumer
Your article was right on!.....Chuck U Schumer is a intellectual coward!
Posted by John
Charlie Daniels open letter.
Well said My. Daniels. Let's see if you get​ an response back.
Posted by Rhonda
Cheers to Charlie Daniels
Thank you Charlie Daniels....beautifully written and we'll said. I agree 100% with you!
Posted by LINDA
Reply to Charlie's letter
Well said Charlie. You are a very intelligent and well written man, not to mention a great performer. People like Chuck Schumer, Pelosi and Pocahontas are self serving and do nothing for the people that they were hired to serve. They are a discrace and should suck it up and try to serve the people who put their sorry asses in office. If they can't get out or they will be voted out. Did you see Republicans acting like this during the last 8 years. Don't think so. They need to try being professional, move on and serve the people who put them in office. I believe in Trump. If he did anything wrong then he needs to go. However, I don't think so. As you said it's time to let the fur fly. Trump has a lot of courage dealing with these people. Never thought it would be this bad. Hard to believe grown adults acting this way. Thanks for writing your letter. I follow you everyday. Good luck with your tour. Like to see you if your near Pa. thanks Charlie
Posted by Matt
Our God is a mighty God! I have faith the truth will come out! Praise God!
Posted by Bridget
Mr Charlie's Soap Box
Chuck Schumer stop this nonsense and stop stalling everything that goes through the Senate. The United States has work to do and you are acting like a petulant child rather than a Senator. Grow up,get over the election and get to work or take your toys and go home
Posted by Mitchell
Sen Schumer letter is right on!
Amen brother...what goes around comes around!
Posted by John
Hypocrite Charlie S (S...Head)
What a Jerk. Yes Mr. Schumer your day of reckoning is on it's way coming....And soon I hope!
Posted by Joe
Sen. Schumer
Well said Charlie but what comes to mind while reading is O what a tangled web we weave when once we practice to deceive and you can't get more tangled than this messed up government and I am a true believer of what goes around comes around I 've seen it happen many times they lie till they can't tell the difference between the truth and a lie. My mom use to say it will all come out in the wash and there is plenty of dirty laundry coming out of our government
Posted by Emma
Spot On
A very well thought out and written letter. Thank you for conveying what so many of us think.
Posted by Lincoln
Letter to Schumer
The devil went down to Georgia...because he already took all the souls in NY.
Posted by Don
Thank you Charlie! We strongly support President Trump. Great letter to schumer. Posted by Karen
Posted by Karen
Schumer letter
Thank you, Charlie. God Bless America..
Posted by Mac
Open Letter to Sen C Schumer
Amen! What a powerful thing the mind is. As I read the Open Letter I had visions of Charlie on the fiddle and suddenly ole Chucky grew horns. As one from the Ultra-Liberal New York $tate, he scares the shit out of me almost as much as Andy Cuomo.
Posted by Rick
Charlie Daniels
God Bless America and God Bless Charlie Daniels and everything he stands for! I left New York for the free state of Utah last year and I'm happily clinging to my God and guns!!! Keep fighting the good fight.
Posted by Jim
Great letter
Amen brother, I hope he listens to reason for a change. Thank you Charlie
Posted by Cathy
E Pluribus Unum
Trump was going to bring us all together, right? Apparently, his supporters do not think that the rest us are even part of this country. Charlie, you think that no one has thought to investigate Benghazi? Or that people should one day look into Hillary Clinton's e-mail server because Lord knows no one has done that yet? Enough of the fantasies about Chuck Schumer. Trump has made his own bed.
Posted by dana
Amen & thank you Mr Daniels for caring for our country with the heart of a warrior! I'm also praying for our POTUS, VPOTUS, their families & all conservatives who are willing to speak out against injustice in our country.
Posted by Audrey
Charlie's comments about the honorable Senator Schumer
Dear Charlie, Sounds like a lot of hot air, and it also sounds like you drank the cool aid! As a God fearing Christian, you should know the commandments of Our LORD. THOU SHALT NYET LIE, and etc., and etc., and etc. To defend the lies of a liar is to become a liar yourself. Ecc. 12:13-14. Jesus Christ, Peace be upon him, taught us many beautiful lessons! Don't let the devil steal your soul. John 8:31-32. May the truth prevail always! Peace be with you.
Posted by Sean
Sick of the biased political rhetoric
Charlie as usual you hit the nail right on the head. Wish you would run for president and clean house in washington.
Posted by Linda
Charles comment
Couldn't have said it better I agree 100% hope this keeps going thanks
Posted by Anthony
If you actually read the news, you'd had enough sense not to write this bull. You're like many Trump supporters, you read, evidently, just headlines and not the full story. It's people like you who are helping to destroy the United States.
Posted by Robbie
An open letter
Thank you Charlie again for standing up love you brother
Posted by Jerry
An Open Letter to Chuck Shumer
Thank you Charlie for your devout patriotism! I agree wholeheartedly with your article. If President Trump broke the law, he should be punished. If there is no tangible evidence then the Dems/Libs need to get over it and accept Trump as President.
Posted by Melinda
Mr. Daniels thank you ever so much in your efforts to bring American back toward it's founding roots. President Trump has gone out of his way to steer our country back into the right direction. Our country has been truly blessed and can remain blessed if we continue to pray for all our leaders as well as our adversaries alike. Our country has fallen victim to self Indulgence. We serve ourselves and not our Heavenly Father above. Our school system, MSM, and Washington, cover our eyes from the truth. Only a God fearing nation will warent the blessings from God.
Posted by Jerry
Senator Charles Schumer.
Outstanding and may God Bless you Sir, and your band members past and present.
Posted by Kevin
Open Letter To Chuck Schumer
Chuck, while you're at it, could you please ask James Comey, Brennan or James Clapper how they can conclude that the Russians hacked the DNC server when the DNC denied these Intelligence Agencies access to their computers? Since when did it become protocol for our Intelligence Agencies to defer matters of National Security to a third party group by the name of CrowdStrike?
Posted by Reed
Letter to Shumer
Thank-You Charlie. I think someone should fund a video with you and your amazing voice reading this.
Posted by Stephen
Letter to Senator
Absolutely well said!
Posted by candy
Letter to Senator Schumer
Thank you Charlie Daniels for saying the truth. I'm a Democrat that voted for Donald Trump and never voted for Obama. I am embarrassed by the obstructionism of the Democrats. I will not support the Democratic Party as long as Nancy Pulosi and Chuck Schumer remain in the party and continue to not listen to the people and do what is best for them. So proud of President Trump. He understands and cares!
Posted by John
Charles Schumer
Amen! Couldn't have said it better myself. I'd love to read a letter to Nancy Pelosi. She is just as sickening as he is!
Posted by Angela
Open Letter to Senator Schumer
I have to live in upstate NY...which is really beautiful...but between Schumer and Cuomo...we are surrounded by corruption and radical Liberals.
Posted by Tom
Senator Schumer
I agree 100% with your letter. Sen. Schumer is "my" representative and I think he forgot the oath of office he took. Instead he is posturing for the Democratic party. Time to vote him out and get term limits. Thank you for your letter.
Posted by Linda
Thank you Charlie! As someone represented by Chucky, I have never felt as though I was represented. He says a lot, but never says anything. Always short on details, but long on rhetoric and platitudes. Also, thank you for your decades of great music.
Posted by Michael
Special Council
Dear Sir; Thank you for the thoughts but honestly I do not believe that any special council will do what you describe. My fear is simple; politicians are the problem not the party they belong too. When I read history I see that sooner or later all politicians become corrupt. Senator Schumer couldn't open Pandora's box unless he was truly honest and our system not twisted. I know I do not paint a very nice picture of our current system. But how could I, given the facts are only given if they are slanted to the direction of and support the source. We have lost our compass and many have lost the desire to find a new one. They only want someone to give them things they believe they are entitled too. I also doubt any of those in Washington would even bother to read and certainly not try to understand why you wrote this piece. Pray for our country. But how about those Predators!!
Posted by David
Common Sense
I m a New Yorker. I m sick with the state of politics in New York. From our Senators to our Governor to the Mayor of NYC. Fortunately, President Trump is a fine example of a real New Yorker. A man who tells it straight, who Loves our Country and is putting the best interests of America First.
Posted by Kevin
letter to Senator Schumer
thanks so much Charlie! so many more need to "stand up and take a stand" in the words you coined so beautifully! Their rhetoric is deeply seeded in our schools and colleges as well which just perpetuates the liberal agenda and I believe a cancer to our American way of life! Keep praying for this great nation!
Posted by Fred
Charles Schumer Open Letter
Thanks Charlie .... Clearly .... The devil is playing fiddle with the Democrats ....
Posted by Gary
Could sadly write a thousand negative things; but one that got me the most is him crying about somebody at a NY Airport that was held up to ente, and he never cried for a murdered Jew!
Posted by Paul
As a New Yorker, it is Chuck Shumer, Kirsten Gillibrand and the prince, Andy Cuomo that make me ashamed to be from New York. The arrogance of Cuomo, the blind allegiance of the party line of Gillibrand and the attention mongering Shumer all spell disaster for New York and now this country. Shumer is hell bent on disparaging Trump while those around him from his own party continue to usurp the law and get away with who knows what while he turns a blind eye. He keeps saying that Trump is bad for the country, but I knew long ago was what was going to be bad for this country was Shumer as the Senate Majority Leader. While he didn't win, he is showing his true colors. The main color is the black of his heart.
Posted by Bill
Chuck Schumer
Thank you, sir, for your thoughtful rants. I love them. Please don't stop.
Posted by Jeff
Your letter
Amen and I with hope all the truth comes out and the guilty ones arrested and charged. 4 men died and Hillary lied , and Obama nowhere to be found very sad.
Posted by Daniel
An open letter to Senator Schumer
Charlie Daniels nailed it. He touched on everything. I could only hope and pray the senator would respond but more than likely that won't happen cause he can't fight the truth of what was said.
Posted by Faith
Letter to Schumer
Beautifully said!
Posted by Sandra
Schumer letter
I pray that Schumer will receive this
Posted by Marcia
Posted by Amy
It is making me sick at my stomach, hearing the media talk and talk about all the things Trump has done, with Russia, when none of them have ever offered anything more that unnamed and anonymous sources. If they say it enough, they know people will soon take it for truth.
Posted by Rebecca
Senator Schumer
Man Mr. Daniels you couldn't have said that any better sir. You are a legend in my book. You music and your words. God bless you sir. C.D.Queeno
Posted by Craig
UpChuck Schumer letter
Nailed it , BRAVO !!!
Posted by James
Thank you Mr. Daniels. However, I don't believe a life long politician will ever admit being wrong. It is obvious that his intentions are not for the benefit of the American way. It is only for his party, no matter how incorrect they are.
Posted by John
Thank you!! Now if only he would read it.
Posted by Angela
Posted by Warren
Open letter to Chuck Schumer
Charlie Daniels hits the nail on the head with this one. He shows Chuck Schumer the difference between a Conservative and a Liberal. If a Conservative leader were to do something wrong, we are the first to seek to remove them from office. If a Liberal leader does something wrong, they seek of obfuscate and cover up the wrongdoing.
Posted by Brad
Letter to Schummer
Mr Daniels hit the nail on the head. God Bless America!
Posted by Barbara
Schumer Letter
They all think they're above the law.....thank you Charlie!
Posted by Debra
Open letter to Chucky Shumer
It would mean nothing for an evil man to place his hand on a bible. There is no oath that can hold a dishonorable man to the truth.
Posted by William
Charlie's Open Letter
Amen C.D. You said what just about EVERY patriot in America has been thinking.
Posted by Gregg
Shumer is incapable of thinking of anything other than himself. He only wishes to move things forward that would benefit him getting reelected.
Posted by William
You sir.......took the words right out of my mouth ! Bravo.....
Posted by Kathryn
Chuck schumer
Charlie, the devil not only went down to Georgia, he also went to D.C. And now Donald J Trump rosining up his bow ! God bless you and God bless the USA.
Posted by Michael
From your hometown state of NC, Thanks for being a loyal American Charlie
Posted by Tony
Amen Brother
Posted by Paul
Dysfunctional Government
Thanks Charlie on posting your open letter to Senator Schumer. The people of America need our elected officials to start working together to make progress. What we do not need is career Polititans who exist to do nothing but get themselves elected again to to do nothing .
Posted by Wayne
Your ability to put into words the emotions and feelings that people are feeling right now is amazing. Thank you for this letter because it represents exactly what I would love to tell Charles Schumer myself. God Bless you Mr. Daniels and God bless the words you wrote to Mr. Schumer.
Posted by Fay
Charlie Daniels
Posted by DONALD
Amen Charlie,Keep it coming,and GOD BLESS
Posted by Paul
Open Letter to Schumer
There is some validity in your comments despite the pronounced bias shown. OK so you are a Republican. And that means ??. I am a registered Republican. My priorities are God, Family, Country, Party. Anyone has to be clueless to deny the presence by the Russians to influence the American election as well as any other American Institution or company or influencial person to corrupt our way of living. We now who have a president who lies, denies and attempts to obfuscate the truth. His mouth is his own worst enemy. He will be indited and impeached if he has obstructed justice and the evidence is he is headed in that direction. I am not a fan of Schumer but I am not a fan of someone who wants to cozy up to and be influenced by Russian oligopys who seek to destroy our way of life. Many comments added here may be the work of Russian hackers. Think about it. Lets hope truth will prevail. ***NOTE*** No Russian hackers here. We require a valid email address and we approve each comment before it becomes visible. - TeamCDB
Posted by David
Well thought out and written. We are all sick and tired of politicians running the country for themselves and doing only what it takes to get re-elected. It's time for them to hear the American people and do what's right. America is a beacon to the rest of the world and we should not seek to emulate them. We are joined together by a spirit of hard work and ingenuity that will move civilization forward. Sure we have out problems and should take care of those who cannot take care of themselves. However we should NOT become a nation of giving stuff away to able-bodied people. It is a formula for them to feel like losers and it's bad for society. While I did not vote for the Trump, God bless and guide him and God bless the United States of America.
Posted by Frank
Letter to Schumer
Thank you and God bless you Charlie. The truth will come out!
Posted by Jeff
Letter to Schumer
Great letter, unlike the moronic democrats, Trump and his supporters love the USA
Posted by James
A little bit of everything!
God Bless you and God Bless the USA! Chuckie Schumer is a disgrace and nothing more than a JOKE. He only represents the people who line his pockets and who support his socialist agenda. And he most certainly does NOT represent or speak for those of us who call ourselves REAL AMERICANS & TRUE NEW YORKERS! I saw you at the Casino in Salamanca, NY not long ago and My God man, you sure rocked the house!! Keep up all the good work Sir!!
Posted by Bob
Very well said. I hope that he reads this and takes it to heart, but I have my doubts.
Posted by Keith
That was great. Jim spawn in Kansas City said you were a great American. Proud to be a trump trainer! It's gonna be a great ride!
Posted by Mike
Your letter
This open should read and discuss this on prime time for All People who live in America. You notice I didn't say "all Americans" people who believe in America know this. It's the young skulls full of trash, like the ones who walk out during a Graduation Ceremony and that type of disrespect for America are the ones that need to hear this message. You are a true American, God Bless
Posted by Mark
Clown Senator
God bless America and you Mr Daniels . I loved your letter I believe you sir have struck a cord so to speak . Our country is in danger from enemies both foreign and domestic . And the Senator and his band of hypocrites are at the center of it . We need to all speak up in defence of this Nation and our great President . You sir are an American patriot for being a voice of light in today's darkness . God bless
Posted by William
Thank you
Thank you Mr. DANIELS could not have said any better. God Bless You and God Bless America. Semper Fi
Posted by James
Thank you Charlie Daniels
Our Heavenly Father had shown up on 11/8/2016, bringing to light the corruption in our government. He is revealing all of their evil and none in the Democratic progressive party will survive. AMEN!
Posted by Anthony
Democrats ,Liars
well said Charlie,Judgement day will come for liberal Liars.
Posted by ROGER
Pandora's Box
It is a sad day when this country is being attacked from within her own walls of Congress. I just wonder how much of our military is under the control of those who fight us. Watch Kay Griggs speak on utube. It is a real slap in the face from what you thought law and order should be. I will stand and fight if they try to round me up.
Posted by Mary
Letter to Chuck
Your comments are like your music, right to the point and great to have. Keep up the good work brother, you ARE a blessing.
Posted by Skip
Schumer letter
Your thoughts give me hope for our woumdercull county!
Posted by Keith
letter to charles schumer
All I can say, is thank you and well said.
Posted by David
Posted by Mike
I am very upset with your letter You speak nothing about the cuts trump is doing to hard working Americans the seniors an low income how can he make America great when he treats the Native Americans the way he does not care about those things how can you write the things you say when Trump is no better what about the children who are going to lose they health insuresce an the food they need no where in your letter do you address this I am neither Democratic or Republican but I still care about this country
Posted by Ann
superb letter so true what goes around comes around ...another saying told to me as a young man HONEY ATTRACTS FLIES VINEGAR DOESNT LIBERAL DEMOCRATS STARTED 8 YEARS AGO DIVIDED THE COUNTRY
Posted by gordon
Way to go Charlie
I couldn't have said it better myself...enough of the power and greed trips
Posted by Bill
Charlie Daniels' letter to Shumer
Bravo. This hits the nail right on the head.
Posted by Carole
Schumer letter
Mr Danieks. I love how you chose your words wisely You said what the test of us say daily Thank you for calling him out.
Posted by Cathie
Charlie Daniels - YOU'RE ***************
***NOTE*** Mr. "American Majority" to understand why your comments did not get posted, please read the "Please Read Before You Post" section at the end of the soapbox which explicitly says that you MUST provide a real name and legitimate email address. Since you provided neither, your comment was rejected. If you would like to post your comments again correctly with an actual name and email address, we will be happy to publish them. - TeamCDB
Posted by American
non one knows the facts, not even you
Mr. Charlie, we all get our information from the media, it just depends who you are listening to.. Your information is no more factual that what Schumer states. All are just opinions and very strong ones. You both just state your opinions. All this is doing is just divining our country, I would hope people like you would work on bringing the country together.
Posted by Anu
reply to your letter to schumer
Well said. To bring out the GLOBALIST mindset and the RHINO'S that are also GLOBALISTS. Thank you for standing up and be counted. Our beliefs are very close and our COUNTRY is our focus!
Posted by Gary
thank you
more than once I've heard your comments on our politicians ,their not doing their jobs esp john mcain and lindsey graham, I agree with every thing you say about chuck schumer.thank you for taking a stand
Posted by philip
Sen. Schumer
***NOTE*** Mr.Gagne, to understand why your comments did not get posted, please read the "Please Read Before You Post" section at the end of the soapbox which explicitly says that you MUST provide a legitimate email address. Since you did not, your comment was rejected. If you would like to post your comments again correctly with an actual email address, we will be happy to publish them. - TeamCDB
Posted by Joe
Letter to Sen Schumer
Your eloquence rivals Jefferson, your passion that of Patrick Henry, and the truth snd wisdom in what you said borders on being Lincolnian. You are a Patriot Sir. God keep you always
Posted by Richard
Shut up who cares god is a lie and your music sucks. - Chris Stockwell
Posted by Chris
What the majority wants to say...
Mr. Daniels, thank you. Honestly, you said what most are thinking. God Bless you
Posted by Damon
Praise for Daniels
I doubt if Chuck Schumer will respond to Charlies' open letter. He is embarrassed and will not have the courage to admit the truth.
Posted by Ben
Huma Abedin
I believe that they found that she didn't e-mail them to him but that she used that computer to look at them or upload them and that is how they came to be on Weiner's computer. Still, the effect was the same.
Posted by Cathy
Bravo to Open Letter!
I was brought back to reason my father enjoyed listening to your music and for good reason!! The Good ole American words.... I loved your open letter to Schumer!! Bravo to you!!!
Posted by Victoria
Schumer letter
Right on! I agree completely. God Bless you and our country.
Posted by Sandee
Political Comments to Sen. Schumer
Why not let the process play out? Some loyal, God-fearing, and Democratic fans of Charlie Daniels would like to listen to your excellent music rather than listen to your biased and petulant political commentary.
Posted by Jesse
Senator Charles Schumer
*** NOTE*** Mr. Spence, to explain to you why your well-thought-out comment did not get posted, please refer to the bold "Please Read Before You Post" at the end of Charlie's soapbox that says "please refrain from profanity." If you would like to attempt to string together a coherent response to Charlie's soapbox, without the majority of words you chose in your first attempt, we will be happy to post it. - TeamCDB
Posted by Earl
DemonicRATS are socialists
Charlie, Thank you for risking the liberal blackball that runs rampant in the entertainment business. Telling the truth, that the demonicRAT party is thr real socialist party is something that everyone needs to stand up and put their foot down on the coming removal of our liberty.
Posted by Bruiser
Thank you, Mr. Daniels. Your open letter to Senator Charles Schumer was more than appropriate, timely, and patriotic, it was desperately needed to put Mr. Schumer and his cohorts on notice. WE THE PEOPLE, are still watching. They may think they have put us on the back burner while they proceed with this witch hunt, but we are simmering on this back burner and are about to boil over! Enough with the fantastical accusations! Get to work! Do what you have been elected to do! So many of these puffed up pigeons have been leading a politician's life of privilege for decades that the sincerely have no clue what it is like to live a typical paycheck-to-paycheck existence. And the constant violent protests endorsed by the media and Democrats have lost their impact. Enough is enough. Let's ALL work for America.
Posted by Jan
great post
Great content, home run can you send one to Mitch McConnell, or Paul Ryan they I think are obstructionist.
Posted by Kathy
Mr. Danials
***NOTE*** Mr. Harlan, to let you know why your comment did not get posted, I point you to the bold letters at the end of Charlie's soapbox which say "Please Read Before You Post" which explains that we need a legitimate email address before we will post a comment. Since you apparently did not provide a working email, your comment was rejected, but since you questioned Charlie's patriotism by pointing out that he didn't serve, I thought I would explain to you why he did not serve. Mr. Daniels did not serve because he failed his physical due to his poor eyesight that he attributes to an extremely high fever he had as a child. He wore thick glasses and contact lenses on stage until 2013 when he was able to have corrective surgery from Dr. Ming Wang in Nashville, TN. - TeamCDB
Posted by Dale
I guess when you have a R by your name you can do as you please. Or have you forgot the last eight years. Every time the president tried to do anything the mighty R would fight it to the end. Just say you are not going to let president have his pick for the court is fine if you have the big R. It goes on and on but with the right letter you can do what ever you want sad.
Posted by rick
Thank you Charlie for saying what us everyday tax paying working men and women think of the circus Chuck Schumer and the Democrats are doing in Washington. You are a great American my friend.
Posted by Randall
letter to Schumer
I am a lifelong fan and so disappointed to see you accuse Schumer of things you are guilty of yourself. I would call it blind party loyalty to defend such a corrupt admin. who most likely committed treason. Schumer is my senator and I thank God he sees what most of us see, a completely corrupt person who is unfit to lead our country and very likely was installed with help from Putin. You didn't approve of trump not so long ago?? What happened?
Posted by Stacy
Letter to Schumer
Excellent,excellent letter. You make me proud.
Posted by Bo
Thanks for a well written calm recitation of facts and thoughts that many of us are thinking. Mr Schumer please just be honest
Posted by Craig
Schumer letter
As a disabled veteran since 1974, and a Connecticut conservative, I don't have much voice in the political world here. Thank you Charlie Daniels for setting the record straight and speaking out for those of us that don't have much voice!
Posted by Bill
Sen. Charles Schumer
The Senator is simply a loser, devoid of decency, and dedicated to the destruction of America!!!
Posted by Larry
Schemer letter
This is a letter to be read by every politician in Washington DC. We don't know how far this initial investigation will go but I agree - pandora box has been opened. Thank you for writing a letter expressing the thoughts of millions of Americans Mr. Daniels!!!
Posted by Pat
Open Letter to Sen. Charles Schumer
Thank you Charlie for standing with, and up for America, and speaking the Truth. #GODBlessCharlieDaniels
Posted by Larry
Open letter to Schumer
Mr. Daniels i must say you worded that letter perfectly and i do agree they have opened Pandoras box and i hope it bites them in the ass. God Bless our Troops and the USA..
Posted by Gary
You are a pathetic coward
There was a time I admired you. That time has passed. You are a coward and a traitor.
Posted by William
Letter to Schumer
One of the BEST! You have a way with words. So many Americans agree with you, but I feel that we are the silent majority. Love, love, love your letter !!
Posted by Diane
Open Letter to Chuck Schumer
Thank you for sending this letter and God bless you a d God Bless America.
Posted by Vanessa
Thank you, Charlie!
Great got the feelings of all of us who see yhrough Schumer and his cronies.
Posted by Susan
My Sentinments Exactly
Thank you Charlie. I am from the state of New York and I am ashamed of Chuck Schumer's behavior. He has been obstructing President Trump from the onset. He needs to be careful because I duspect he's got some skeletons in his closet thst may come out if he persists.
Posted by Ron
Let the Truth Bs Heard
Thank you so much. I couldn't have said it better. I appreciate your telling everyone what I agree with totally. God Bless
Posted by Carol
You are a hypocrite Charlie. Eight years of obstructionist posture by the Republicans and you are a mute. Trump has barely been in office and you are a cry baby. With the level of intellect you and your compatriots display on a daily basis I am astounded that you are able to tie your own shoes.
Posted by Paul
Letter to Chuck Schumer
God Bless! Thank you for putting down in writing what we are all thinking! Love you!
Posted by Joann
Thank you be
Thank you for saying what patriotic Americans are thinking.
Posted by Mary
Schumer letter
Thank you for your wonderful letter to the primary Senate obstructionist. I have long been in agreement with you on the overwhelming majority of your views, and I consider you a great American who uses his fame for the good of God, the United States of America, and his fellow citizens. May God bless and keep you and your's always.
Posted by George
And you really think our current president and Congress cares about working people. The Hillary issues are deeper than the one-liners in your commentary, but I know the country will take a long time to recover from the damage of the current administration. You need an understanding of the issues deeper than the surface info that is fed you on the Trump Channel.
Posted by Beau
Did or did not Hillary Clinton allow Russia to purchase up to 20% of American uranium reserves? She did sign off on this agreement, something I do not agree with. But this was not done on her authority alone. It takes a village to make a blunder.
Posted by Beau
Who leaked the classified information that started this ball rolling? For the investigation to be valid, that has to come out. Leakers are the same as whistle blowers. If someone in government is corrupt, I would support the leaker or whistleblower over the corrupt politician trying to hide what he is doing.
Posted by Beau
Did Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton's State department through incompetence, indifference or both allow four American citizens to die in Benghazi? If so, that makes them one of the most competent state departments in recent history. Nine witch hunts failed to find Hillary did anything wrong. During the George W Bush admistration, there were 13 embassy attacks with over 60 fatalities, yet not one investigation.
Posted by Beau
Senator Chuck Schumer letter
Fisher Daniels what have you ever done for this country other than pay taxes? I served in Vietnam as a United States Marine now I am a 90% combat wounded disabled vet. You need to do more research, maybe Trump should be with you, and see what Congress is trying to pass. See who's going to suffer. We know you're not you make too much money. But sure do some real research and maybe you will have a better understanding of where the senator is coming from.
Posted by Tommy
Charlie Daniels letter to Schmuer
Posted by Linda
Thank you Mr. Daniels for standing up for America! I totally agree that the real problem is the Democratic Party and her operatives. President Trump must surely drain the swamp! By the way, a great concert on April 30th at Merriweather in Maryland
Posted by Evan
A simple Left reply to your open letter to Mr. Schumer
Mr. Daniels, Indeed, sir, we on the Left are dismayed that a narcissistic, man-baby who shares confidential U.S. intelligence is in the White House. You should be too. Indeed, no evidence has yet come to light about Mr. Trump's connections to Russia - although ample evidence has come to light implicating his surrogates. Perhaps you might join us in demanding to see Trump's tax returns. You might also have some care and concern for the people who may lose their healthcare so the Walton family can receive a $53 billion dollar tax cut. It's true that Hillary had her faults, but she would not seek to gut Medicare - as Paul Ryan has long sought to do. Best regards, Erin Rado Crestline, CA
Posted by Erin
Very well said. A refreshing statement from someone who would be listened to because obviously the Dems and the anti-Trump are not listening to the people. Thank you!
Posted by Diane
Open Letter to Chuck Schumer
There are an awful lot of Americans that feel the same and are saying the same things. This is why President Trump was elected. We the people are tired of these "two for a nickel" B.S. Politicians. How any of them can actually believe the things that they espouse is absolutely mystifying to me. I enjoy reading your opinion articles because they are so eloquent and insightful. There are not that many platforms where someone can have and voice opinions such as ours. Please continue, our nation needs this. And as a great fan of your music, I will continue to support you. Thank you.
Posted by Pierce
Thank you sir!
A very comprehensive and much needed statement by a true American. We need more of these from people like him!
Posted by Margaret
AMEN to that, Charlie! It turns my stomach to see how stupid and plain evil they have become.
Posted by Sadie
Dems lost it
This is a great and honest article I hope it makes it to his and all their desks and maybe just maybe they can see how over the top they are being... I pray this insanity stops before it causes a civil war within the USA Thanks Charlie. Great letter
Posted by Valerie
Chuck Schumer
I came to this country many years ago from Scotland and did it the legal way. I disagree with Sanctuary Cities - it is a slap in the face to millions of immigrants who did it the legal way. I agree with Mr. Daniels and I thank you for your wonderful letter. I am sure a lot of American would like to talk to Mr. Schumer face to face, but he only want to listen to people who agree with him. Mr. Schumer, be a man and listen to what the people are saying because when the truth comes out you will be the one with egg on your face and hopefully out of a job.
Posted by Maureen
Open letter to my senator
That was a well written, well thought out letter. I applaud you for posting it. Unfortunately Schumer is my senator and I've known for a long time what a reprehensible spineless parasite he truly is. New York is a wonderful state except for the political slime that New York City keeps electing to represent the rest of us. Mr. Schumer has shown us his true nature once again with this unfounded witch hunt of Russian nonsense. With all the resources in law enforcement and intelligence available to the democrats over the last 8 years, you would think they would be able to prove something by now. Just reinforces the fact that they have nothing but a talking point. I heard it once said somewhere that the Devil went down to Georgia. Well, I think he high tailed it to New York and Washington once he got beat and has found a place to flourish. God help us all.
Posted by Rich
Open letter to Schumer
Well said. Thank you. Schumer is one of the inhabitants of the swamp.
Posted by Doug
Letter to schumer
Very nice! Agree 100%.
Posted by Lorraine
Posted by Tommy
You sound like all the other low information republican't Trumpaphiles. Keep supporting the traitor and we'll see how quickly you change your tune when the truth comes out. Your stupidity is amazing and your ignorance is beyond measure.
Posted by Dusty
Chuck Schumer
Excellent piece on Chuck Schumer, I agree with everything you wrote Chuck Schumer to me is just an obstructionist he offers no ideas to help the country become better he is just a sore loser that his girl Hillary did not win I hope that a lot of people read your article it was very good I just wanted to tell you thank you for writing it good luck in good health
Posted by Lewis
Letter to Charles Schumer
I really liked the letter that you sent to Charles Schumer. Things in Washington have steadily gotten worse. There seems to be no end to it really.
Posted by Lorena
The Truth of the #fakenoise of Chuck Schumer
You must of seen a magician capture your attention on his left hand, as he does something with the right, without you knowing. Senator Schumer and liberal media trying hard to tie attention, resources, multiple committees investigating Trump So the attention of all the crimes Obama and Hillary Clinton committed are buried, never investigated. Even Chuck Schumer does not believes in the things he saying.
Posted by ronald
Both Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton had real proven Shady deals deals with the Russians. Answer one question Schumer why aren't they being investigated?
Posted by David
Soap Box - Schumer article
God bless you Mr. Daniels! I very much look forward to reading your articles when they are published. Your voice is the voice of the American majority and it is refreshing to read your fair and well thought out commentary. I appreciate you sharing with us! Regards, Steve
Posted by Steve
Your Letter to Chuck Shumer
Thank you Charlie for putting these thoughts down on "paper". I have a suggestion - you should have also forwarded your letter to N. Pelosi, M. Waters, A. Green and a host of others. Once again, sir, Thank you.
Posted by John
CD's Schumer letter
Amen brother, you speak for America, and if the losers of the election can't move on, well, they are just LOSERS!!!
Posted by chris
Open letter - wrong
Did you send this letter to the Republicans when Obama was President? The GOP did the same things. They even bragged about it. Love your music, not your politics.
Posted by Butch
The Democrats have somehow forgotten that they were hired by the people to do the work of the people. Oddly, the people who hired them ride the train of hate with them and don't care if they do the work of the people. Stop the false narrative and get back to work for this great nation.
Posted by Samuel
Great Letter
Well articulated and right to the point ...All the important points. Thank you for giving voice to what so many of us are saying!
Posted by Laurene
An Open letter to Charles Schumer
First of all I want to say how much I admire you. I am a middle class American. Born here almost 75 yrs. ago. We were a Christian Nation back then. Over the yrs. they stopped our children from praying, told us not to say Merry Christmas, then went so far as to tell us not to say the name of Jesus. Well I for one will always honor my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We lived through 8 yrs. of Obama and Hillary. Charles Schumer and his followers cannot began to know the fear we went through those 8 yrs. So the Christians called on God! God said if His children would turn from their wicked ways and call out to Him, He would hear them and heal their land. I believe with all my HEART that is what God is doing through President Trump. But remember this when God goes to work the devil get scared, and he goes to work as well. I think he is using people like Charles Schumer and others to do his work. Our God will allow the devil to do just so much. Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, and all the others had better be careful! Our God is a MIGHTY God! And He reigns over Heaven and Earth. I am nor worried any more. I sleep well at night now unafraid of what they will take from us next. I am not worried about President Trump as well. As long as we trust in God and keep praying His work will get done. God bless you and God bless America!
Posted by Carolyn
Charlie, thank you for your eloquent article. You have dropped the hammer on the nail head - dead center!
Posted by Kent
Charlie daniels
I hope you were listening to Charlie Daniels open letter ? Because Charlie speaks for a great many Americans. We are desperately tired of the constant back biting. Move on and work for a better not bitter America.
Posted by Clinton
Chuck Schumer
Great letter, we need more Patriots in the Senate like you.
Posted by Jack
Telling the Truth
Well said Charlie! As always you are a corner stone American who has a great way to putting the undeniable truth out on the table for everyone to see and understand.
Posted by Robert
Letter to Chuck Schumer
Well written letter. You have said so eloquently everything that I have been feeling for this last year. Thanks for writing it.
Posted by Joyce
Letter To Lying Shumer
Take this you lying dem
Posted by james
Open letter to my Senator
Thank you Charlie for reading some of my mind. Wishing you could have mentioned along with the two different parties, the different laws reserved for us tax payers and the ones the elites don't ever have to follow. All of these investigations are nothing more than smoke in mirrors while we pay for their legal defense. I plead the 5th because I must lie to save my own skin! Case closed, nothing to see here folks so just move along. GaryL who would never vote for a loser!
Posted by Gary
Letter to Shumer
I appreciate your words. You conveyed them very well. I too shutter when I see those who are supposed to put America first, fighting to tear down our blood bought country. If they would work together, just imagine what good could be accomplished.
Posted by John
Letter To Chuck Schumer
God Bless you, sir, for the patriot and proud American you are. Your letter was eloquent, respectful, to the point, and right on target. We must take back our country for God fearing, decent, patriotic Americans, and let the leftists in politics and the media know they can't dictate communism to us. Al Kaye
Posted by Albert
chuck shumer
Amen and god bless you! what is wrong with people ? the snowflakes never got a spanking for disrespecting anyone either, it shows in most of them, and ill tell you when a spanking was due to my kids they got it, and they turned out wonderful all have good jobs before they graduated and respect people. please dear lord let us pray for our president to get us threw the sadness and killing in the world, god has sent him to do the job, I hope the truth comes out of Obama and the Clintons, hoping crying lying chuck gets his boot in his arse out of the white house.
Posted by debbie
Thanks Charlie Daniels, these politicians are only about them selfs,.they are blinded by daughter and my wife met you when she was 5 at Dolly wood, she was cribbled with Gillian bura.met you again 7 yrs later in Louisville, ky.and, God healed her she,s a from ky. Happy birthday to you and keep on picking and playing the fiddle.
Posted by Loren
1 Peter 5:8
Well done Charlie! The devil went up to DC, he was looking for a country to steal...
Posted by Mike
Thank you for expressing such truth Charlie!
Just what so many Americans are feeling!
Posted by Bob
Weel said sir. Thsnk you for ststing so elegantly snd so succinctly whsy many of your felloe Americans are thinking.
Posted by Heidi
Letter to Schumer
Thank you Charlie. Let's hope he gets it and reads it!! Well spoken! God bless you and God help our country.
Posted by Joanne
Letter to Sen. Schumer
I be leave that in the political arena of today; a lot of elected officials are more interested only in self interest, This is heading our country to socialism! Our elected officials need to understand that the American people are not stupid and that we do know what truth is; They need to also understand that a half truth is still a LIE !!!
Posted by Rick
Thank you Mr. Daniels for voicing exactly how most clear thinking Americans feel.
Posted by Terry
Letter to Charles Schumer
Thank you for your great letter Charley! What a horrable time of political sludge we live in. Keep up the great work! Maybe some of your pals could join in with your honorable patriotism! Maybe their is some song lyrics inspiration and your letter . God Bless you!
Posted by Don
Open Letter to Charles Schumer
Stop. You're too smart for this rhetoric, Charlie Daniels - - or dumb like a fox playing to your base. Can I get an Amen?
Posted by Mark
Letter to Schumer
Bravo Charlie, and thank you.
Posted by Steve
Open letter to Schumer
Your knowledge of these events is staggering - why bother with any investigation when you already know everything?
Posted by Nick
CD letter
You are a ridiculous old redneck. Where where you from 2008-2016 when your racist republicans obstructed our President because he was black? The GOP will be exposed for the old scared people they are. Hahaha
Posted by Carrie
Schumer Letter
***NOTE*** Mr. "Don Trump", to let you know why your comment did not get posted, I point you to the bold letters at the end of Charlie's soapbox which say "Please Read Before You Post" which explains that we need a legitimate name and email address before we will post a comment. Since you apparently did not provide a working email, your comment, which was an attack on Charlie rather than an actual rebuttal was rejected. If you would like to try again with a real name and email address and something a little more that an attack, please try again.
Posted by Don
Well said!! Senator please respect our President!! Nobody gets ahead from lies.. The truth always always comes out!!!
Posted by liz
I could not agree more with Charlie.
Posted by Jeff
Open Letter
How proud I am of you, You laid in out for Shumer,can the coward respond?
Posted by Anna
Open letter to Schumer
I find it amusing that opposing the president's programs once Trump is president is so much more terrible than when Obama was. That and the tone of your letter does not tell me you are open to listening and accepting any facts that come out of the investigation unless they totally go the way you have already decided. That is sad, because unless we can restore integrity in our institutions our country will remain divided and confrontational.
Posted by Dianne
You're a Saint, Charlie Daniels
Thank you for calling out that America-hating Schumer for his disgusting treatment of our President. And for demanding answers to the Clinton cartel's crimes.
Posted by Elle
Thank you
Well spoken, you also speak for everybody' who voted for President Trump and that even includes Democratic voter Support! Whether they realize it or not ! Benghazi has had everybody I know upset ! Thank you! God Bless America, God Bless our Military and Police !
Posted by Barbara
Without Doubt
Thank you for expressing a truth that needs to be heard by everyone. It is sad that those being entrusted with the stewardship of the care of a nation has faltered so miserably, no matter their affiliation.
Posted by Jack
Letter to Senator Schumer
You blame the Democratic party for ignoring the Rust Belt. I have 2 things to say about that. 1. The blue collar jobs of the Rust Belt are gone. Profit making companies want to maximize profit. Creating jobs costs money. Those jobs will never come back. 2. Candidates for public office try to win the votes of people who will vote for them. Due to the Electoral College system of electing Presidents, it is a waste of time and money to campaign in a state you have either no chance of winning or an excellent chance of winning. This is why Democrats will not campaign in Wyoming and Republicans will not campaign in the District of Columbia. Voting is the difference between being known as those people or my fellow constituents.
Posted by David
You sir are fantastic!
God Bless You !
Posted by Lee Anne
Your Open Letter to Senator Schumer
You have proven you know NOTHING about the sale of a controlling stake in a CANADIAN company called Uranium One to Rosatom, the Russian atomic energy agency. Because Uranium One controlled uranium mines in the United States, THE SALE HAD TO BE APPROVED BY THE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN THE UNITED STATES (CFIUS), part of the executive branch. EVEN IF CLINTON HAD WANTED TO MAKE SURE THE SALE WAS APPROVED, IT WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE FOR HER TO DO IT ON HER OWN. CFIUS is made up of not only the Secretary of State, but also the secretaries of Treasury, Justice, Homeland Security, Commerce, Defense, and Energy, as well as the heads of the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative and the Office of Science and Technology Policy.
Posted by Andrea
Charlie Daniels to schumer
Charlie said it well. I haven't checked to see that Charlie actually penned these words but u agree whole heartedly wit them. ***NOTE*** These are indeed his words, we would not be posting them on his official website and social media, if they were not. He would not be happy with us if we did. - TeamCDB
Posted by Jim
Dead on
Mr. Daniels, Amen. There is a lot of wisdom in your words.
Posted by Jeff
Chuck Schumer
Thank you for stating the issue facing our nation as a result of people like Schumer. Our election completely upended the traditional Repub v. Dem dog and pony show. Yet, it is obvious that many in Washington refuse to accept the voice of the People. Most democrats and many republicans are working to derail our President's efforts to actually serve the American People. Schumer is a shining example of this attitude. An even more profound example of the pernicious attitude in D,C, is the behavior of the "Freedom Caucus." This group wants the President to adopt their conservative positions. When he does not, obstruction is the answer. Until the Republicans join together for the good of the Nation, people like Schumer will prevail. God Bless America and President Trump.
Posted by Ken
Posted by Dawn
An Open Letter To Senator Charles Schumer
Thank you Sir, for this letter to Senator Charles Schumer. I know many Americans like myself will read and appreciate every word you wrote. God Bless America !
Posted by Barbara
Letter to chuck
Great letter! The truth will set you free! You highlighted the issues that the Democrats want to sweep under the rug! I do think panadora's box is opening more. Circa exposing abuse of NSA and FBI surveillance under Obamacare administration! Even FISA court reprimanding them just two weeks before election! Funny how that was kept quiet ! Thx Charlie...heard you live in concert a couple of years ago! Loved it!
Posted by Deborah
Charlie Daniels' Letter
God Bless you, Mr. Daniels. And God Bless America.
Posted by Timothy
Well stated
I've been a fan of yours for most of my life. Your music shaped my thoughts when I was young and learning about the world. The respect I have for you has done nothing but grow over the years. You, my friend, are a patriot poet. Thank you for sharing your talent, intellect, good middle American values and strong trust in God. Peace be with you Mr. Daniels.
Posted by Robin
MR Daniels
I totally agree with your comments, you my friend love this country like I do.. God bless the USA, and God bless you!
Posted by Douglas
Chucky Cheese Shummer
You are my hero Mr. Daniels, now an open letter to Hilly Clinton would be appropriate to shut her pie hole and ride off into the sunset, defeated and put to pasture. Nobody wants to hear these Dems sit and run down the country like they have done for the last eight years. We are sick of it, we want back our respect the dems gave away.
Posted by Russ
Dems @ reps
I've always been told there are two sides. A man has two legs you can't walk on one without stepping on the other
Posted by Robert
Chuck Schumer Get To Work
Pls stop acting like a BIG baby and start trying to solve some things that Obama ignored. Look around there are tons of things. Have mercy and serve your nation you big cry baby.
Posted by Jo
Thank you Charlie
Thank you for the truth and hopefully those in his district that would have to vote for him or someone else, will vote someone else as he along with the rest of the Democrats are without credibility anymore. Since before the election they have done nothing for the people, it has all been for party. And none of that has been good for anyone. Thank you again for your open letter. Tom
Posted by Tom
term limits
as a libertarian who did not vote for gary johnson (because of cfr wm.weld) i would like to hear your stand on allowing members of congress to hold office seemingly forever. it seems 8yrs. ought to be adequate. renumeration for their services should be small, and they should be held responsible for their political actions.
Posted by billy
One problem.
Well said but there is one problem. If the past is any indication of the future, any evidence proving corruption by the democrats which may be discovered will mysteriously disappear. It's happened before.
Posted by cedric
Chuck the Smuck Schumer
Damn right Charlie Daniels. The evil powers are always behind the wicked leaders. What this world needs is a few more rednecks (in Congress!)
Posted by Joel
Letter to Chuck Schumer
Bravo to Charlie Daniels! If I wrote a letter to Schumer the words would be exactly the same. God Bless America, President Trump...and Charlie Daniels.
Posted by Francine
Charlie Daniels
Thank you for your letter to Mr. Schumer, it is good to see that there are still stars out there who think. I agree that the Pandora box has been opened and when it all comes to pass there will be such a hoopla that the people will wonder what hit them. I do not agree totally with Pres. Trump but I am more than willing to give him a chance that our country is in such desperate need of.
Posted by Cathy
Well, I did it again, ended up on the brain dead part of the internet.
Posted by Jay
Open letter
Said, proudly by a true Patriots expressing what the majority of the country, the point we need to get across as these Democrats and media is trying to destroy our great County AMERICA, MAY SHE ALWAYS STAND PROUD.WE WILL OVERCOME THESE TRAITORS.GOD BLESS
Posted by William
Schumer Letter
Articulate, non-partisan and correct. We need Charlie leading not the washington swamp!
Posted by Frank
Thank you to a true American for your wise letter.
Posted by Roberta
Chuck the schmuck schumer
Thank u Charlie it was perfect
Posted by Thomas
Letter Chuck Schumer
Dear Charlie, Thank you. You're letter to Chief Clown Schumer is spot on. Russ Penniman USN(ret)
Posted by Russ
Many thanks Charlie.
It's always good to hear from a fellow patriot.
Posted by Ed
Open letter
Charlie I always felt u are a True American! Really great letter. The Democrats ruined the inner cities. Welfare for a time, and then back to work. We do need term limits and EVERYONE in social security, Obama care like the rest if us. Thomas Jefferson, voted man of the millinium, said some revolution now and again may be needed. Never realized how far left our America has drifted. Will not be easy maybe not possible to correct without some intervention. It would be a disgrace but where can this division of country be healed? Trump came to congress and asked both parties to come together but the leftists just sat in their hands. No emotion, nothing. I just hope that the people that voted this people in office will vote them out at re election time. They only represent themselves, not what constituency wants. God bless u Charlie!
Posted by Lawrence
CDB open letter to Chuck Schumer
Thank you! Very, very beautifully said!!!
Posted by Adele
Superficial Schumer
AMEN and GOd BLess you Charlie Daniels. You articulated exactly how so many of us feel that live outside of Washington DC. Keep them coming Sir! Cathleen
Posted by CATHLEEN
Letter to Schumer
THank you Charlie Daniels, well written, and I totally agree
Posted by Donna
Thank you
Thank you for laying it out . It says what many would like to say to the swamp rat.
Posted by Shelley
Charlie Daniels letter to Schumer
You are right on Charlie and a resolution to all this mess can't happen soon enough. If the democrats and all thos misguided souls who are protesting in the streets would try to be part of the solution instead of most of the problem maybe out president could get some things done and restore this nation to leadership in the free world!!!~
Posted by Eleanor
Charlie Daniels open letter to Senator Chuck Schumer
I totally agree with Charlie Daniels. Everything he said is true and evidential. I recommend that everyone read the letter and make your own conclusion based on the facts that Charlie stated. Do not let politics bias your conclusion.
Posted by Sharon
Duel with the Devil and you'll be burned
For a man that's most famous for a song about dueling with the devil he sure doesn't mind backing him. Anyone that thinks DT will ever help America or Americans is sadly mistaken. Maybe Charlies Chicken in the bread pan wasn't better than the devils after all?
Posted by Tova
Open Letter to Sen. Schumer
Thank you Charlie and may God Bless this country and your pea pickin heart!
Posted by Tom
C.D's letter
It's nice to hear the truth finally come to the surface regarding the corruption that's gone on in Our Country and that the people involved are one by one being exposed! They deserve the maximum punishment allowed! They're all thieves and without conscience!
Posted by David
Letter to Schumer
Thank you Charlie Daniels for your letter I couldn't of wrote it any better. I ran across your soap box when I was looking for Schumer to send him a letter myself. It takes courage to write a open letter with all the left going after people and try to destroy them. It's great to rally around with someone of your statue. You have spoken for millions of Americans. God bless you and keep you safe.
Posted by Jackie
Comment on Chuck Schumer
Charlie, you nailed it. He has "visions of greatness " for his self interests... as an obstructionist to the President. Get over it Chuck!
Posted by Ted
I think you were a lot kinder to Chuck then most would be..thanks
Posted by Tina
Amazing letter
Mr. Daniels , as a person that came to this country via a work permit and am now an honored American Citizen, I am so proud to stand behind your open letter . I love your music . You are a very proud American . A very proud man . Chuck Schumer would make JFK turn in his grave and groan . Sad .
Posted by Brent
Mr. Schumer
I can no longer watch nor listen to this poor excuse for an American. What the Democrats in Congress and too many of their followers are doing to this country is truly disheartening. The President and his supporters are the only bright spot in all of this. They are working so hard to improve the lives of our hard working citizens.
Posted by Diane
Thank you!!
Thank you and well written. I appreciate your analogies and love for our country. Excited to purchase tickets to see you in concert this August.
Posted by Krisryn
Charles Schumer
Well said. I'm in total agreement.
Posted by Diane
Charlie Danials comments
Thank you Charlie there was a time when Democrats truly wanted to help the country not change it into a socialist state.
Posted by Kevin
Republicans should be spending their money in New York and California to get Chuck Schumer voted out of office Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelot see photos dad office if they could take down these three people I'm sure that President Trump would have no further problems getting his agenda voted on and passed God bless America and those who serve and protect us
Posted by Penny
God bless you!
It is good to know that there are still people out there that believe in god,u.s.a. and pride in being american, the greatest country in the world. God bless you Mr. Daniels and thank you for being a great american and patriot.
Posted by John
Remarks on schumer, right on
Well said Charlie, You have spoken the truth. Remember folks schumer endorsed weinie the pervert and weeping schumer hangs out with bat sh-t nancy and the rest of the whiners. Lets require voter authentication and enforce the laws....the dems are finished !!
Posted by Johnny
Our Country is in Trouble
It does not surprise me Russians believe Americans are stupid. Unfortunately, many are. No objectivity, no checking of facts, NFL players taking knees rather than putting their money where there mouth is. Promoting everything God speaks against. At this point I would prefer it myself if Putin was president.
Posted by Vena
Flushing Out The Washington Swamp
Amen Again Charlie! I pray to My God that these embedded washington swamp rats like: Pelosi, Schumer, Franken, Waters and now this disgraceful Frederica Wilson will all be flushed right out. If they had 1 oz of honor they would step down immediately! They are the problem! Cancers need to be cut out and thrown away and they are the cancer infecting all of us. They blatantly show their evilness without any shame whatsoever while constantly patting themselves on the back for doing nothing but systematically destroying of God Given Country. As the old saying goes: Lead, follow or get the hell out of the way! Whats even scarier is to know that their are people out there that are just as dangerous as they are like the ones who keep electing them. Wake up America and Take Your Country Back from these incompetent swamp dwellers! May God Bless Us All and May God Bless The United States Of America!
Posted by Charlie
Schumer-upgrade to a**hole of the decade!
Congratulations Chuck Schumer!! You have made it!! I didn't think you could do it, but you are in the running for JACKASS OF THE CENTURY!!!!!
Posted by Don
Charlie Daniels
Well said Charlie. Awesome letter. Agree with everything you said God bless you!!
Posted by Larry
Thank you
Every since seeing and hearing you at Armadillo Headquarters, Way Back in the early 70's, ive appreciated your music, and common sense, and even more now as I approach my own 70's. Make America Great Again, and don't allow the raving loonies on the left, right or middle derail the fight to make this Country Great and Prosperous
Posted by L
Charlie Daniels
Mr. Daniels you sir are a great American I have been a fan of yours since I was a teenager I am now in my mid-50s and it is refreshing to read your words sir. God Bless You, God Bless POTUS.
Posted by David
One word: Waco.
Posted by Kevin
miserable chuck shumer
Thanks for the letter Charlie,the worlds most miserable man deserves all the thanks for trying to stop any good legislation from being passed,he should just go home and make someones else's life miserable
Posted by phillip
Shumer Sucks
Chuck Schumer Sucks Chuck Sucks!
Posted by Jay
Beautiful Letter
Well done ! Sen. Schumer needs some quiet time to reflect on his dictatorial stance on what he believes. He diminishes the rights of those he represents.
Posted by phyllis
Sen Charles Schumer
Your open letter to Senator Charles Schumer is dead-on, and articulates the views of many of us out here in the hardworking, taxpaying, so called, silent majority. Schumer (Pelosi too) is the poster child for why we need term limits in Congress. Schumer's antics surrounding the current government shut-down, are not only appalling, they highlight his complete disdain for the American people.
Posted by Bob
Love it well said I am from Long Island where my taxes are thru the roof he should go see what he can do about lowing are taxes instead of trying to work a deal with immigration I can’t stand listening to him
Posted by Robert
Schumer needs to go
Since when are illegal's more important than the tax paying American's in this country. You are a piece of garbage representing American's, please go away!!!
Posted by R
Chuck the nut
Chuck get you head out of the sand and either take those glasses off will put them on the right way you look like a jackass up there representing New York can’t wait to see you go you are a useless piece of crap Charlie has set it all in his post and we approve of everything he said. can’t stand you liberals anymore what trump needs to do is cut you democrat liberals off how about you don’t get payed
Posted by Laura
Charlie Daniels post to Schumer
Thank you, Charlie
Posted by Sally
Love your music Charlie...
But you are misinformed on many of your points. Lay off the Faux News
Posted by Edwin
Soap box
Thank you for your candid and upfront letter. The TRUTH about what has been done needs to come out and be exposed to the America people. Can I please share your letter. Thank you for caring for our BLESSED HOMELAND UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Posted by Billie
Schumer get off your lazy Add and do what the American people need and our Military you do not deserve to hold that position.Wiut
Posted by Richard
Chuck Schumer
I Believe that Chuck Schumer is a Self serving pig headed obstructionist. I think he is doing terrible harm to this country I wish he would shut hi mouth and go away.
Posted by Greg
Charlie you are oh so correct . It's time we put term limits on Congress just like the president has.
Posted by WILLIAM
Shumer and Pelosi
These people are the lowest of the low. They are total traitors to the US. Total scum.
Posted by Michael
You are right on track with these questions. We all need to know the truth weather you are for Dem or Rep. I would also like to know what makes Trump a Nazi in the eyes of a democratic?
Posted by Connie
Your a piece s**t. You Obama and Hillary are going to HELL and hopefully prision. Release the FISA tapes and pray for your soul
Posted by Karen
Making America Great Again
Thank you for speaking out for us Americans. While most celebrities speak against us and OUR President, who we trust in, its an offense. I wish more would do the same. Two years again while Donald was running I went to a Kenny Rodgers concert when he walked on stage he raised his fist and said TRUMP! God bless you, sir, and God bless the USA
Posted by Susan
You are right
Right on, Charlie!
Posted by Erica
Charlie Daniel’s Letter
You are spot on in this Letter. You have written what many Americans think. Thank you.
Posted by Joseph
This world only allows us so long to embrace her. The sun will rise and set only a miniscule number of times, as it will my father, as it did his father, and so on and so forth. It's never been my goal to cause harm to anyone or hurt anyone's feelings. It was how I was raised. It's how I hope my daughter is going to feel about it after she's all grown up. But the way Trump talks with such narcissistic, arrogant, lothfulness that makes me feel that he is not at all a potus. The insecure mannerisms, self proclaimed mental compatible, and the lies. Oh my sweet baby Jesus the lies. It's not hard to understand that being raised in wealth and privilege made this awful little man. With his fake tans and tiny little clean fingernails he'll never understand what it is we do everyday keeping America great. The "again" is obviously for the rich to benifit more off of our hard work. Tax us all you want trump. Make your friends richer. Go to bed at night and sleep like a baby thinking the lies your being told by your handlers are true. It's what you deserve because if you ever had to live life unscripted or had to work for anything you needed or better yet had to look at your kid without a penny to your name and figure out how to put food in her belly, you'd know what an insult people like you are to Americans. I'm not white I'm American of a multiethnic background. My father went to war for this country and met my mother who's Asian. She came here to give her future a chance. Worked hard raised her kids and made sure we understood that this is a land of opportunity and to never take it for granted. Work hard and love this land because just over the ocean is where I could be living. But you throw your dad's cash around until you inherit his hard Work. Buy yourself out of trouble. Buy a college degree instead of earning one. Buy a wife. Or two. Or three. Buy a presidency. You will never earn my respect. "Or anyone's. Everyone says so" to quote you trump. All I want to say to you donnie is*** you, you pice of ***" I hope you fail at everything because it's you that I don't like. You as a person. Not republicans or the one percent or bald people. It's you we don't like. Every single one of us. And the ones who tell you otherwise are stealing from you. We are all laughing at you for spending so much money just to be president of nobody.
Posted by John
CBTS be careful what you wish for
It's been said; in your questions lies the answers. Of course our previous gov't have sold us out to the bankers and other national leaders ( First Wilson.) I find it sad and disgusting that we as Americans, BUT, especially those in CIA,DOJ and our leaders have opted for self empowerment/ego and riches instead of defending our constitution, peoples and nation against all evils foreign OR DOMESTIC. Enormous evil have been allowed to creep in from the DOMESTIC side which is terrifying and depressing to know those that aren't doing what they were hired to do, those WEAK people, run everything! Truth, honor, integrity and love through serving others ( the people) are out the window. If there is a glint of hope in Trump and his administration then that is the only hope we have to grasp at and boy do i hope. Btw, Shame on the MSM( mainstream media)who are part of the criminality! Ppl trusted you. No longer though!
Posted by Kara
Charlie D
There are a lot more questions I'd like Chuck to answe!
Posted by Tom
Letter to Schumer
Thank you! Continue to speak, to share and to be a true individual whom even with your fame has not lead you to jump on the Hollywood band wagon. Help expose the truth on Schumer's Wall Street secret greed , and the undermining of our country for selfish , self satisfying gain .
Posted by kathy
I had no idea that you are this stupid and ignorant. I will never again purchase or even play your music.
Posted by Linda
Open letter
I'm with charley
Posted by Gerald
Le Letter
*NOTE* Since you were obviously not able to follow directions and put in a real name instead of "Scarlett O'Hara" we have adjusted it accordingly. You also misspelled "attempting." - TeamCDB What’s to be said, except there’s just one more outspoken, but totally ignorant, and not in touch with reality has-been attemoting to make some sort of sense out of their redneck point of view. I saw that band one time during a Rolling Stones concert many years ago and I wasn’t impressed. But that has nothing to do with the fact that Charlie Daniels is apparently a very confused old man. Perhaps some Altheimer’s meds are needed?
Posted by Harriette (Jackie)
Democrats & media’s corruption
I believe what goes around comes around however how much damage has to be done by Democrats to this great country before they are exposed as the evil they are ? Thank u as well evil mainstream media for making us wait !
Posted by Sher
My President
As an American citizen and veteran I do not like how the Democrats treat our President. He was hired to make America great again. In my opinion he is doing just that. We working people are tire of giving what I work hard for to criminals. They are criminals who only want to take what they can get. I am also disappointed how there could be anchor baby’s. Go home and attempt to improve your country. Let my President do the job I hired him for. Sore loser!!!!
Posted by Stephen
Democrats should be ashamed of themselves...period
Posted by B
Thank you for expressing the " deplorables laments". God turned his back on this country when legalized abortion, free sex and the end of prayer in school, the pledge of allegiance and the destruction of the family and the war onen began. God bless you!
Posted by Darcie
Charlie Daniels Letter
God bless you Charlie Daniels. You have always been unafraid to stand up.
Posted by Tom
Your letter to Chuck Schumer
WELL SAID!!!! Thank you!!!
Posted by Juliana
Posted by Raymond C
God bless ya, Charlie.
Posted by Lon
Devious Donkeys
6/18/18 -- Thank you for expressing my thoughts exactly. I know Stupid Schumer will never read anything I write, but his demeanor on TV would be a cartoon if it weren't so destructive to our nation. Hunched over a lectern, fish eyes peering over glasses, lips twisted with venom, he is the face of pure evil. We must keep draining the swamp until all the bottom-feeders are gone for good. Keep up the great work, Charlie!
Posted by Molly
Thank you
Thank you Charlie. Could you please write an update to Chuck, and his Democratic PARTY? I would appreciate it.
Posted by Diane
Open letter to Schumer
Mr Daniels, I agree with you. but I do feel that there is deception going on in both parties because there are progressives in both parties. Hopefully the truth will come out soon.
Posted by Robert
Charlie Daniels open letter
Dear Sir . your letter could not have been more correct or direct . As a Marine Corps Veteran I am proud or the job my president is doing for our nation . I am no so happy to be a NY resident with political leader like Mr. Schumer . although it is a great state it is dominated by politicians with distorted view of our constitution . hopefully your correct about pandora and what goes around .
Posted by Nick
Did or did not Hillary Clinton allow Russia to purchase up to 20% of American uranium reserves?
Well, the answer to that one, at least, is a she didn't. I wish people would stop using this as an argument since it has been shown to be factually untrue in all parts and it weakens all the other arguments that are paired with it. So let's stop weakening our arguments with bit going forward. Please. (
Posted by Pete
Schumers letter
Schemer the obstructionist, alligator tears, flip flopped on immigration from 2006, to support his anti Trump posture. Dems have no platform... They are a disaster and Maxine waters needs to be locked up
Posted by D
Right on point Sir. There is a clear bias in America. Democrats get away with everything while Conservatives get excoriated for nothing. We need truth and justice or we’ll fall.
Posted by Carl
Chuck Schumer
God bless you Chatlie. I have always admired you as a musican and American. I am in complete accord w yiur views on Chuck Schumer only I could never have stated them in the gentlemanly and unprofane way that you did. God blessvyou and God bless America
Posted by Michael
He reminds me of the old penguins in the movie Happy Feet complaining, lying to maintain power. It’s not about what’s best for the people, it’s about keeping a tax payer paid job. Sad reality
Posted by Kara
Open letter to Chuck Schumer
Mr. Daiiels your entire letter was spot on!!!! And we will echo your sentiment this November!!!!! Thank you, Albert Faivre
Posted by Albert
I loved what you said to Mr. Schumer. So insightful. This is how most of the Republican party feels about him. The Edgar Allen Poe part was good but he really looks like what I would imagine Satan to look like. He has a lot of trouble headed his way because we always real what we so.
Posted by Helen
A Big Thumbs Up!
You are da Man! Well said👍🏻
Posted by Dwight
open letter to schumer
Loved your letter. So well said. He is the great deceiver and and praying that his day of reckoning is finally here. He is the face of evil.
Posted by marie
Schumer rant
Amen to that! I'm a bit late, but glad I had the opportunity to read that. If you don't object, I'd like to share it on facebook. I see there's a few nay-sayers in the comments, but what are you gonna do...haters gonna hate. The fact of the matter is, there's a distinct smell of corruption coming from the DNC, and thanks for stepping up and saying so.
Posted by Dave
Charlie Daniels letter
Thank you for speaking up for what you believe in and for other Americans. I wish politicians would listen when the people speak.
Posted by Faye
You sir are a patriot
You could not say it any clearer. Mr Daniels I applaud you. You stand for all that want what is right. May god bless you and keep you.
Posted by Jim
Open letter to Sen. Schumer
Serious, Must read!
Posted by Velda
You got it “BROTHER”
Posted by Melvin
You don't have all the facts right
>If President Trump has actually colluded with the Russians... I definitely want to know about it The only person talking about Trump collusion is Trump. The Mueller investigation is into Russian interference in the U.S. election. I assume you want that investigation to be completed. No one is investigating collusion. >Did or did not Hillary Clinton allow Russia to purchase up to 20% of American uranium reserves? No she did not. That is a complete misunderstanding of the actual deal. >Did Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton's State department through incompetence, indifference or both allow four American citizens to die in Benghazi? No it did not. Multiple Congressional investigations have concluded the same thing. >Did or did not Hillary, by using an unsecured internet server and allowing Huma Abedin to email copies to her husband, Anthony Weiner, expose classified documents? No she did not. >Was there collusion between the Obama administration and the IRS to disallow tax free status to conservative organizations? No there was not. Congressional investigations have concluded that. Maybe you should read up on some of these things yourself instead of repeating Fox News talking points.
Posted by Bill
nancy and chuck
it is so sad that those two seem to live in a world of HATE and It is sad that they live in a world of HATE .IT is not good for the country . they get out of there hate bed drink there hate coffee get in there hate car go to there hate job and hate all day long what a SAD life god bless us Everett
Posted by Everett
Thank you, Charlie!
Well said! Thank you, Charlie.
Posted by Maureen
1-2-2019 ARROGANCE OF POLITICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congress has been an under-performer for many years which was led by one Party or the other!! It is a disgrace to our American way that Party Politics outweigh the will of the American people. Parties and Power of the individual overrule our system. The Immigration problem has been apparent for the last 20 years. Congress and previous Administrations have not abided by the rule of the laws that we now have. Having said that, a number of my generation relatives have come in under current laws and I have friends that have come to our Country under current law and have not complained and have done well after becoming American Citizens. THEY WANTED TO BECOME AMERICANS!! It seems those wanting in our Country now are here only for the benefits and not really interested in becoming Americans at heart. They wish to live in their own little world, not wanting to learn our language or the American traditions. Most of my encounters have not been very good, they move in but don’t wish to join the neighborhood. They do have some nice traditions and we have been to them, but they seem to bring a lot of violence in others. THE WALL: Having lived off and on in Arizona and New Mexico for 24 years, we are very aware of the problems. A physical Border wall is needed for all of the populated areas but others need a different electronic approach. We watched the HS Blimp off and on for a few days and it can be seen for miles and these people know that and just skirt around its observations by going through the draws and canyons. BUILD THE WALL WHERE NEEDED and with the Drone technology and electronic sensors we can cover the open deserts and mountainous areas. The American People can no longer afford having millions of illegal’s using our benefits and committing violent crimes against our Citizens. American Sovereignty is at risk. Cut out this crap in DC and get OUR Government operating again. W.G. Crager 15 Benton Drive Monroe City, Missouri 63456-1448 573-735-6139 1-2-2019
Posted by Bill
whining little shumer
Chuck YOU give men a bad name. Big mistake saying Trump had a tantrum and walked out, KARMA KARMA KARMA millions of Americans are wishing karma hits you like a ton of lead you pathetic little wimp.
Posted by steve
Update Letter to Schumer
I like this open letters' message. Please update it to include the total travesty of the Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings which were truly horrible and run by Schumer, and now the leftist Un-American views on illegal immigration. Schumer's obvious hate of President Trump is disgusting, and he will pay for his actions to trash people for the sake of the Democratic Party in the end. This man should be ashamed of himself. He is a blight on our Constitution and Country. Please go away and deal with your hatred alone.
Posted by CARL
Thank you
Thank you Mr. Daniels for standing up for your country and our for all the people who want to but can't may God bless you and your family !
Posted by Thomas
Reply to Charlie
Oh my God Charlie well stated I live in New York and I have never been more embarrassed of the people running our state. Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are a disgrace to the American people. They are both stubborn as a mule will not negotiate in their last Fiasco bringing those pictures down of people affected by the shutdown they refused to negotiate is a total embarrassment and a slap in the face to all the angel moms! They lost not paychecks but some their only son or daughter. OMG can you really compare the two? Sincerely your fan Angelo
Posted by Angelo
Soapbox schumer
Exactly right- I agree completely. He is one of the top reasons I can’t stand living in NY...and DeBlasio!
Posted by Mimi
Just read your post and love it, you have put in words what most level minded people think.
Posted by Tommy
Schumer and Pelosi
Thank you Charlie! These 2 Schumer and Pelosi are Pure Evil! Also, Bernie the Socialist Sanders, the Criminal Clinton's, The Obummer LBGQT promoters, and all Child Killer Planned Parenthood Monsters, plus The 5th Estate Lying Media and George the Commie Soros, are the ones that divided this country. They should all be hung as Traitors to our Great Country! USA USA USA!!!
Posted by Jeffrey
Charlie, while i agree with everything you have said, Schumer is just as much a low-life, Corrupted lying "Politician" who supports Hillary Clinton and All the other Corrupted Lying "Politicians" just Like her. Also, Schumer doesn't care for the True American People or America at all. Schumer is a Servant of Soros and Satan; as are the Clinton's & Barack Obama. And Nancy Pelosi.
Posted by Jerry
Charlie Daniels comments
iI agree totally with mr. Daniels and i two have questions, Mr. Schumer, if six or seven individuals can over stay their visa's go underground, destroy the two most iconic buildings in the world and murder over 3000 innocent men, women and children of all faiths and nationalities and accomplish it with "Boxcutters" please explain to me why you have no concern for uncontrolled and unprotected borders having virtually no clue who is coming nor why? Why are you more concerned with deportation of illegals but no concern what so ever with abortion? Just a couple of questions for you to ponder! Regards Richard Tinder
Posted by Richard
An open letter to senator shumer
This letter iz great thank you Charlie fir writing the truth..the demonrats are liars and obstructioners yes they kept all of us on slave llantations blacks and whites i want to share your letter thank you..
Posted by Claudia
An open letter to senator shumer
This letter is TRUE..thank you Charlie for SPEAKING AND WRITING the TRUTH..the demonrats are liars and obstructioners yes they kept all of us on slave llantations blacks and whites i want to share your letter thank you..
Posted by Claudia
Thank you
Thank you for this open letter to Mr. Schumer. Unfortunately, the hate, evilness and hatred is deep with shallow people. I can think of nothing to do, but to pray. President Trump has done nothing, but look out for me and the interest of this country that he loves.
Posted by Marien
Chuck just like Charlie l do not live in your district. So thanks for letting me post to you.l used to be a Democrat but never again.Chuck it is disgusting to turn on the television set. It is you or Nancy or some other Democrat spitting out vile for the President. l really get tired of this.The dems never talk about the high cost of prescription drug,healthcare or defending this country against the invasion at the southern border. The more you and your colleagues get in front of the camera and spew out against the President the more embolden the southern invaders become. I believe it is your constitutional duties to protect our borders. That is something the dems of this country have forgotten. When was the last time Charlie that you have actually read the constitution l will never vote for another Democrat. Thanks Charlie maybe you will get a bump on your noggin and bring you tu your senses.
Posted by Mike
Hillary lost because, after 8 years of tripling the debt with nothing but closed factories and joblessness that exceeds unemployment claims the people did not want to put another democrat OR a woman in the white house. We as a nation went away from the norm with a white guy honkey/donkey who died his skin black and got hair plugs. We needed to go back to what we were used to. I am disappointed with Trump too. What i don't understand is, how could Putin rig the election ?
Posted by kevin
Reaction to open letter!!
May God bless you sir, your instincts are right on!! You area real patriot. Schumer and his kind are the traitors!!!
Posted by Robert
Could not have said it better! Thank you, conservatives know whst is going on, pray that socialism does not win the 2020 election!
Posted by Janet
Registered Democrat NO MORE!
I also want to thank Charlie for a well written letter that I agree with! I want to thank you, Chuck Schumer for opening my eyes to the fact that you are committed to your political career and illegal immigrants NOT the American people or N.Y. residents like you were elected to do! I am a registered Democrat who has walked away and joined the the side that actually cares about the American people! And that is the conservative Republican party! Bye bye!!
Posted by Ann
Posted by Donna
Open letter
Thankyou mr Danielle’s God Bless You, And God Bless America.
Posted by David Paul
mega LIERS
NANCY PLOSI & HER TRAINED MONKEY CHUCKIE SCHUMER YOU BOTH ARE A LYING BAG OF SH--- --- retire......go away---- you are an embarrassment to our country god help us all....
Posted by JEAN
Well said mr.daniels
And the millions of illegal immigrant BECAUSE of unsecured border. In 70s san Diego taxpayers voted to raise property taxes to build border wall.did that built it ?No ! did thay raise the money yes. Just another lie by political trash:and that trash is alive and still destroying the usa. Down with the swamp ! Dam time to take out DC trash! God save USA REMOVE ALL THE POLISE AND SCHUMER GARBAGE. THE SELLOUTS OF THE USA FOR GREED GREED FOR GREED.MAGA
Posted by Tim
Chuck Shumer
Thank you and God bless you.
Posted by Diane
Charlie letter to schumer
I agree Charlie, that keep spending money by the millions to get trump when the now over 35 million could have helped many hungry kids in our country. So Nancy and Chuck pull your head out of your ads and do your job
Posted by Leigh
I agree with Charlie Daniels but I am strictly for President Trump he has done no wrong and he will get my vote Schumer your a disgrace and an embarrassment to the people of the United States of America you should be FIRED and take Pelosi with you what a disgrace you are
Posted by Tina
Response to open letter to Chuck Schumer
Mr. Daniels I agree 100% in ur letter to Schumer ! I personally feel that this whole democrat party has gone absolutely nuts and God help our great country if they ever get back in control of it. Again thank you for believing in our country and our wonderful President Trump!
Posted by Art
Mr. Schumer
I believe your words, Mr. Daniels are thoughtful, concise and neccesary. Mr. Schumer, Ms. Pelosi, and many in Washington D.C. are too long on the public teet, and simply push out smoke screen after smoke screen while spending More and MORE unnearned taxpayer money. Highest revenues ever!!! Unfortunately our percentage of respresentation is a fraction too small to be representative of the average hard working patriot. Here is an interesting set of figures, 12.3 Million in the U.S. will lose their homes due to sea level rise, YET 15 Million undocumented are here, UNDOCUMENTED. Please stop the invasion, stop the rhetoric, use our money wisely, and WORK FOR SOLUTIONS.
Posted by Marc
Chuck Schumer
I've never seen Chuck Schumer say anything that someone else wrote for him.
Posted by Don
Thank You Charlie, we need so many more to disclose this Socialist group from the Soviet era, this is not what America is, and I must stop, former Chicago Democrat.
Posted by Fredrick
President Trump
What can we do to stop this insanity I have written to Schumer no response
Posted by Cathy
Your open letter to Charlie Schumer
You sir are a true AMERICAN! Too bad there are so few of us. God bless you and all that you LOVE about our country, the GREATEST on this planet! Ric
Posted by Richard
Saving our country
GOD BLESS YOU ,CHARLIE , you are right on , now lets go get those treasonist
Posted by edwin
Charlie’s remarks ,
Thank you on point . People must be exposed and brought to justice . Long live the republic .keef your guns forever never give them up .
Posted by John
The Democrats are a bad dream for America
Prof. Carol Swain is a graduate of Vanderbilt University in Political Science/Law says in an article "THE TRUTH ABOUT THE DEMOCRATS" / THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. "The Democratic Party was founded in 1829 founded the Ku Klux Klan , voted in favor of slavery, Jn. Wilkes Booth (Dem.) murdered president Lincoln, The Dems apposed the 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution; which gave blacks the right to vote. The failed policies of the Dem"s have kept blacks poor. Dem's fought against Civil Rights. No blacks were elected to Congress until 1865 . . . Ref. "Dred Scott 1857 massive government welfare has decimated the blacks. "President Woodrow Willson (Dem) shared info. with the Ku Klux Klan. " President Linden B. Johnson also discriminated against the blacks. The bottom line is . . . The black population should know who really serves the American people and it certainly is not the Democrats.
Posted by Paul
MedicareForAll is very much needed now
Many musicians as well as other Americans are living without adequate health care coverage and many with none at all. #Bernie2020 is the only candidate that has the political courage to take on the for profit health insurance industry.
Posted by Al
Chuck schumer
One day the happy reunion between Elijah Cummings and Chuck Schumer will occur much to the betterment of the U S A and truly happy days will be there again.Yipeeeeeeeeeeee!
Posted by Hugo
Charlie Daniels open letter to chuck schumer
as I read this two and a half years later, after the May 22nd 2017 post, today, Dec 10th 2019 the U.S. House of Representatives have imposed two articles of impeachment against POTUS Donald Trump. After the Mueller report, the Ukraine phone call, with no solid wrong doing, Representatives of Congress, namely Pelosi, Nadler, and Schiff would rather not stay in their lane, but rather drive this great nation into the dirt. Two and one half years plus this has been there goal? We would have a saying in the military; "LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET OUT OF THE WAY"! Time for these and some others to take heed. Thank You Charlie for your words. Larry
Posted by larry
Charlie's comments
You're a true american Charlie. Thank you for well worded article and keep up the fight
Posted by Mike
Great read. If you ever decide to toss your hat into the Ring of Vipers, I will have your back. America needs more Patriots like yourself .
Posted by Ted
I'm a Vietnam veteran I love you music but you are a traitor!
Posted by Harlan
Charlie's lament
I don't believe for a second that Charlie wrote this. As a long time fan of his I have never heard or seen him write anything close to this statement. I might believe someone else wrote it for him because country boys don't talk like that much less write that way. *NOTE* You could not be more wrong. Charlie may be a country boy, but he is well-read and well-spoken. There are literally hundreds of soapboxes that he has written on this website, he even had a book of them published in 2003 called "Ain't No Rag: Freedom Family and the Flag." He also wrote his autobiography, "Never Look at the Empty Seats," and a daily devotional book of common sense words of wisdom called "Let's All Make the Day Count." Just because Charlie is a country boy, doesn't mean that he's some illiterate hick. Educate yourself before you attack, David.- TeamCDB/BW
Posted by David
Comment by don
Don, The devil went down to Georgia but there are a lot of souls in NY 27th who he did not get. of which I am one. So how about saying 55% of the NY souls.
Posted by Donald
You certainly said it well and stay classy!
Posted by Dawn
the Charlie Daniels letter
Now thats!! Hitting the nail head direct,with the hammer, and that letter speaks for the 63 million Americans who put Trump in office.
Posted by MichaelMichaeldanil
Charlie Daniel you are a false prophet
How can you profess to say you are a christian. While making your money off of rock and roll The devil; owns rock and roll the devil horns prove this.; Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Posted by Bill
mr schumer is an american. as an american i will defend his right of free speech even if he is screaming at the top of his lungs that which i would scream at the top of my lungs to disagree. however we are now consumed by a terrible pandemic . people are dying and we are being led by a group of people who are obsessed by their own ambitions of self grandure . these people clearly can't stand americans .they only pretend to tolerate us in their on interest. o holy mary ,o blessed virgin you who undo the knots that suffocate your children extend your merciful hands to us. i entrust you with this knot ( anything you need help with ) and all the negative consequences that it provoked in my life. i give you this knot that torments me and makes me unhappy and impede me from uniting myself to you and your son jesus christ my savior. mary undo these knots.
Posted by karen
Chucky Schumer
You are the man Charlie. And chucky schumer is a giant a** hat.
Posted by David
I googled why is Schumer such a so and so...
I see this was posted in '17, still relevant in '20. Well my friends, the mind numbing, things that this rep. from NY, keeps saying is a wonder as to those that believe anything he says. Schumer looks over his glasses, as though he is portraying a Ben Franklin like vision...Ha far from it. The guy is a poster boy for term limits. Charlie, thanks for delivering a letter that lays it out. ALL THE BEST. GOD BLESS AMERICA, Paul
Posted by Paul
Thank you for sharing many wonderful thoughts from your father and his music. GOD BLESS YOU ALL. STAY STRONG AND PRAY FOR OUR NATION AND OUR TROOPS.
Posted by Jean
Today, 1.23.2021, I found this through another post. Thank you for your letter. I don't remember seeing any sort of response from Sen. Schumer. However we now have another new president and even though I did not vote for him, I do hope he succeeds as I want AMERICA to succeed. I do worry that some of the administrations items will hurt AMERICA more than it will help. Only time will see. Thank you so much. Jeff
Posted by jeff
Charlie Daniels true stories
Everything the great Charlie Daniels said is true. Thanks
Posted by Becky
Letter to sen schumer
God bless you and yours for everything you brought to this great nation Mr Daniels.
Posted by Jeff
Schumer Letter
I did not have the good fortune to have know Charlie Daniels. But the man clearly spoke the truth. As a NewYorker who suffers under the arrogant and self serving Schumer Incan only hope and pray that Schumer gets his. I am sorry Charlie won’t be here to see it.
Posted by Meyer
Why does Country hate our Country?
CD: You are a master of your art. If I were to say to you, "Shut up and diddle your fiddle." would that be any different than the freakshow on Fox famously telling LeBron James tp, "Shut up and dribble." I disagree with 90% of what you are saying. The 10%? I grew up with a rifle in my hand so some how this lefty is pro 2A...and like more than 75% of Americans I want to see tougher background checks, more stringent safety requirements and a basic sanity test so that folks who are experiencing mental illnesses do not become threats that have to then become neutralized. You're talented. You're old school. You have a ton of fans who don't know the first thing about politics, yet they trumpet your words here. That is a serious responsibility my friend...I invite you to observe the megaphone you have created, and look at how it has amplified your have multiple people in your response lines suggesting lethal means for a US Senator...and I am willing to bet that 100% of those people do not understand how the US government and ideologies work. Further, if they did, they would likely be Democrats. While I am more Allman Brothers & Drive-By Truckers these days...I am pretty sure those fellers know who you are. They carry a very different ideological message and given that I have seen several of your shows, and dozens of the aforementioned. It is funny how the shows are more fun when you are not busy hating the person next to you because they are the wrong skin color, or because it's a dude loving on his husband. Or perhaps its a white woman with her black husband...who cares? Not caring and enjoying the good energy creates such a more fulfilling live music experience. Plus, you might leave with a friend, or knowing something that you did not previously know. I just reread what you wrote...and it still doesn't make one bit of sense...seriously, you have people who hang onto your every word. You need to fire whomever is briefing you on current events because, with all due respect Mr. Daniels, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. You have a responsibility to know your sh*t, and you clearly do not. You mention the IRS, where are the DJT returns? You mention Russia? DJT's relationship with Russian intelligence officers is well-documented, even during the cold war when our Nation's were on the brink, Trump was purporting to be an expert in nukes to get press coverage and the attention of the you think it worked? Benghazi is not a thing...that is what DJF'inT calls a "witch hunt". Nonetheless, she was deposed 13 times. How many times has DJT met with investigators? I thought so. My Grandfather spent a year in a camp after being shot out of the sky in Berlin. His captors were Nazis...and to think that the right wing of American politics is playing them lip service? My grandfather is literally throwing up in his mouth in his grave over this insanity. Public figures like yourself owe a duty to the Nation which provides you the platform to sing what you want to sign without having somebody telling you to "say good things about the State". America needs you to drop the conspiracy nonsense, and get back in the game. I am not saying abandon the GOP...I am saying unf*ck it. Times of crisis are tearing families apart all across this Nation...I just want to get back to the point where facts are facts, and people can debate them on their merits, as opposed to hanging onto this last administration like a rare ribeye wants out, you want it out, but there are other forces at work. This crowd that once enshrined the Constitution is now cheering for a guy who has literally eaten half of the original document. The damage done by Trump will take a reawakening of our Nationalistic tendencies to solve...and this is scary. Nationalism thrives where freedom does not. Working both into the equation does not have a strong historical track record. They should call it political arts instead of political science...ain't sh*t scientific about this. Wishing you well, Sir. Use your genius to do great things for our Nation... Best, PJB PS Schumer is Jewish...Old Testament or Torah, not a bible...and if you really want a thinker, check out how many atheists were among the Founding Fathers. Good luck on your Summer tour. *NOTE* Charlie won't be touring this summer, he passed away on July 6, 2020, and despite your obviously flawed premise, Charlie loved this country, it gave him opportunities that he would never have had anywhere else in the world. But given what I know of the man, if he was still around to challenge you on your assertation that he and country music hate our Country, a strong argument can be made that by pushing socialism, defunding our law enforcement officers, driving wedges between races with Critical Race Theory, that Schumer, AOC and others of their ilk are the ones who hate America.. - TeamCDB
Posted by PJ
Mr. Schumer
Unfortunately Mr. Daniels, the Democrats, or rather the socialist they have devolved into, no longer need worry about the pendulum. Schumer And fellow Dems gone socialist Nadler, Schiff, Pelosi etc are free to destroy our home. With the death of a fair media if Pandora’s box opens a crack and past sins fly out CNN MSNBC etc quickly catch it and put it back or call it a dove till it is one. We are in a very dangerous place sir. The DOJ, intelligence agencies academia and media, legacy and social, and military leadership have gone far left and woke. I fear it’s too late.
Posted by Ray
lyin chuck schumer
help is on its way chuck schumer is a weezil and many people want to know how he keeps getting re-elected and the story is far less voters in his district are voting for him tham being reported we been in contact with his constituants and getting straight from the horses mouth the real deal.also schumer has nerve complaining about other peoples bad deeds when he is one of the most corrupt polliticians out there he will be in a cage soon enough.
Posted by estaphon
Free thinkers in democratic party
Are there any free thinkers in democratic congress or must they vote lockstep with Jeffries and risk being pushed out by party
Posted by Warren