Soap Box

Danger Zone

Of, By and For?
The gold standard of a democracy or republic is wrapped up in a simple phrase that most people attribute to Abraham Lincoln, although it goes much farther back in history.
“Of the people, by the people, for the people”

A Personal Observation on Adam Schiff

The Great American Roadie

Conundrums, Enigmas, Cul de Sacs and Riddles

Reflections on Turning 83-Years-Old
1936 was not the most prestigious year in American history, although a few noteworthy things did happen.
It was a leap year, Franklin Roosevelt was President, the New York Yankees beat the then New York Giants in six games of the World Series and the Statue of Liberty celebrated 50 years of standing in the New York Harbor.

We The People - Not Anymore

Incremental Fissures in the Quality of Life

Changing of the Guard

Obsession and Insanity

Fifty-Five and Counting

Forget? I Don't Think So

Where Does it End?

America, The Thriving

The Indispensable Thin Blue Line

Who's on First?

More Common Sense on Gun Control

And In This Corner...
Politics in the nation’s capital these days is like a dirty prize fight.
In this corner, the Democrats, in this corner, the Republicans, hitting below the belt, eye-gouging, rabbit punches, biting, scratching and hitting after the bell will all be allowed, there is no round limit and the result- nobody wins.

Unfortunate Miscalculation

History's Habits

And the Road Goes on Forever

My Beautiful America - Independence Day 2019
As America celebrates her 243rd birthday, it's hard not to become fixated on the numerous and critical challenges we face.
But just for today, lets concentrate on the challenges we have faced, the social and fiscal mountains we've conquered, the wars we've won, the diseases we've eradicated, the technological wonders we've created, the people we've freed, space exploration, wonder drugs, subsonic flight and the list goes on and on.

Tears in the Fabric

Subterfuge and Candor

Future Shock and Awe

D-Day in Retrospect

Mueller in the Dock
Robert Mueller’s summation of his investigation of President Trump has - at least in my opinion - actually created more questions than it has answered.

Decoration Day
In my youth, the holiday we celebrate this weekend was known as Decoration Day, which started in 1861 when a bouquet was placed on a Civil War veteran’s grave and continued as America paid homage and tribute to the men and women who paid the ultimate price in defense of America by “decorating” or placing flowers on the graves of fallen heroes.

Forty and Forward: The Devil Went Down to Georgia
Forty years ago, the band and myself were engaged in intense writing and rehearsal mode, creating and preparing material for the first project we would be doing with our new producer John Boylan.