Posted on 08.22.2016

A Question of Identity

I have often wondered why, in his speech at an all-faith prayer meeting shortly after 9/11, President George W. Bush would make the statement more than one time that "Islam is a peaceful religion."

I don't know if he was already in possession of early intelligence that Islamic Radicals were responsible for murdering nearly 3,000 Americans and was trying to protect the Muslim population who are American citizens or if it was done for international diplomatic reasons, or some other purpose known only to the upper echelons of government.

There must have been some practical and ultra-important reason for his saying it though, because it was pretty clear, even to ordinary citizens, where the attack had come from, in fact Osama bin Laden himself had warned the world in a CNN interview that his future plans would be seen and heard in the media.

Because President Bush's statement, in the broad sense in which he made it, meant to be innocuous and healing was anomalous in the context of coming American justice and retribution the country was feeling at that time and I don't believe that it convinced anybody in the country that Islam truly is a peaceful religion.

Once again, we have to make the obvious statement that not all Muslims are terrorists, or even radical. But the truth is, one only has to look at the history of Mohammed and his followers to know that even in its infancy, Islam has never been a peaceful religion. It's been bloody since its inception and its followers have continued to wage war amongst themselves for centuries. The Sunni-Shia conflict goes down to the core of the faith with age old animosities and tribal vendettas and the Wahhabism practiced by the followers of radicals like Osama bin Laden takes no pity on Sunni or Shia who don't submit to their strict code of Sharia law.

The beheading, burning alive, tossing off the tops of buildings and the other cruel methods the radicals use to execute their enemies, certainly doesn't bespeak anything resembling a peaceful or even humane religion.

A note for the cherry pickers out there, yes, I know that atrocities have been committed in the name of Christianity and certainly did not represent anything even resembling what true Christianity is all about and we hear Muslims in America claiming that these few don't represent the true face of Islam.

Which I�m willing to accept at face value, but I feel that this is a big part of the battle that is going on amongst Muslims now, the struggle to identify the true Islam.

Like the President, shortly after 9/11 many Muslims in America keep telling us that their religion had been hijacked by a radical faction that misrepresented the tenants of the faith, but does Islam�s holy writings, the Quran and the Hadiths, bear this out?

Are there not suras in the Quran which the fighting and subjugation of Christians and Jews and Hadiths which specifically speak of the killing of Jews? Is not the belief among the Wahhabi sect that universal chaos will cause the return of the Mahdi - or the 12th Imam if you�re a Shia - who will come to earth and set up the final Caliphate, which will turn the whole world to Islam and behead those who refuse to convert?

A wedding in Turkey was recently attacked by a suicide bomber who was said to be between 12 and 14 years old. What kind of "peaceful religion" straps a suicide vest on a child and sends him into a group of innocent people he doesn't even know?

If this kind of behavior does not reflect Islam, then every Muslim in the free world should be loudly condemning it, CAIR and the other glorified Islamic public relations outfits, instead of trying to force America to accept Muslim culture should be sponsoring full page adds in major newspapers decrying the actions of those they claim have hijacked their faith.

The mosques of the free world should be resounding with the denouncement of those who are said to be perverting Islam.

But what happens instead?

If Muslims truly believe their religion has been hijacked by a radical element who defile it, they're just going to have to take it back because the face of Islam the world sees on their television screens every day is anything but peaceful.

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

What do you think?

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website adminstrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether postive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB


posting or the lack thereof

what gives? why do I keep getting blocked?

Posted by R
Peaceful, no way

Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie, when I heard Bush make that statement 15 years ago, he lost his credibility with me, for anybody that knows anything about the Quran knows that there is no peace in it period, and by this time in our history political correctness has gone too far. I won't say there are not Muslims that are not peace lovers, however they are like Christians that think abortion & homosexuality are OK. The Bible tells us what happens to murders and sodomites on Judgement Day, and it ain't good,,,,,,nuff said God Bless Plowboy

Posted by Plowboy
Peaceful islam?

Peaceful? No, never has been and never will be. The so called "peaceful" muslims cannot or will not stand up to the radicals.

Posted by Anita G
A Question of Identity

I couldn't agree more. Our country is in a sad state. We have a president that has made America the laughingstock of the world. We have allowed our government to take over complete control of this great country. It is my belief that all elected officials should be limited to two terms of no more than four years. Professional politicians are bought and paid for and above the law.

Posted by Ken

When will Americans take a stand? Government works for us not against us.

Posted by Donna
Saudi arabia

Saudi Arabia started the fire in the Middle East by the bombing on 9/11. The bombers were from Saudi Arabia. It was all about money and oil, why are we still friendly with Saudi Arabia? Because of oil and money. The national debt is 19 trillion dollars, how many billionaires were made in the last 16 years? That's the conspiracy, war equals oil and money while American soldiers die. How corrupt is that?

Posted by John

I feel its like the Hilter days until we show that we are up to the task of defeating our enemy. Most will not speak up nor take action against them.

Posted by Phillip

Totally agree Charlie! They should stand up for their religion and be a voice. But they can't because it is ingrained into them to fight since the beginning of time. Charlie, your a true American hero to our country,you have given so much of yourself to others. Thanks!

Posted by Dan
Hillary Clinton must not be elected.

Islam is a political ideology of a violent world domination, while masquerading as a religion. And fooling the masses who refuse to think for themselves. It would continue to flourish in the USA and move towards an American Sharia if Hillary Clinton is elected. We are in the midst of one of the most crucial, and potentially most violent, elections in our nation's history. Hillary Clinton must not be allowed to win the election. Even if you don't think Trump is worthy of your vote, vote for him anyway. It's the only way to keep Hillary Clinton out of The White House. It's the only way to avoid a worldwide caliphate and Sharia in the USA.

Posted by Randy
Exactly Mr Daniels!

Excellent point! True Muslims & Mosque Leaders will Not publicly denounce the Radical Islamic Terrorists in the name of their religion, as they Believe their actions follow the teachings of the Quran...Just like True Christians & Pastors/ Preachers/ Priests (Christian Church Leaders) will not publicly defend abortion, etc, as they Do Not Believe those actions follow the teachings of the Bible!

Posted by Snowbird
Variations of Islam
Personally, I'd rather judge each variation of Islam as violent or not, instead of Islam as a whole. Every major religion is going to vary, and Islam is no exception. Wahhabism, which Charlie mentioned, is an example of a violent version.
Posted by Tru