Posted on 09.05.2016

Hillary's Lifelong Persecution

Hillary Clinton has been in the public eye for over a quarter century, and she arrived with heavy baggage, some public knowledge, some hidden in the maze of smoke and mirrors the Clintons always seem to be partially obscured by.

Basically, Whitewater was just a name America saw floated in the media, few even took the time to research it enough to understand what it was about and to what degree Hillary was involved, so it pretty much fell by the wayside, retired to what was to become the voluminous volume of Clinton scandals that would arise and be consigned to the growing pile of �vast right-wing conspiracies� that became a stable of Clinton lexicon.

Then there was Travelgate, Hillary's miserably failed healthcare proposal, rumors about the mysterious and never quite fully resolved death of Vince Foster, she never took the initiative to fully answer questions, never once stood and took a �The buck stops here� attitude, instead placing the onus on supposed lies told and vast conspiracies undertook by the Republicans and other right-wing political enemies.

Now the examples of her arrogance, indifference, ineptness and outright lies are coming thick and fast and even with a fawning media's attempt to bury the latest damage by burying it on Labor Day Weekend, this one ain't gonna go away.

I have talked with too many military people I know and trust and the math has been done over and over. The verdict came in a long time ago.

There were plenty of assets available from several different sources to have gotten help to the American heroes who fought and died in Benghazi.

Though the media claims that Benghazi is a dead subject, that it's been resolved to everybody who counts satisfaction and we should put it behind us, as a man who has daily contact with the blue collar contingent of this nation, I am here to tell you that it is not over, and will never be over until whoever gave the stand down order, and by just deciding not to do anything to help was tantamount to a stand down order is held accountable, it will not be laid to rest.

If Hillary Clinton was so dense that she couldn't tell when information was too sensitive to be sent over an unsecured internet server, what does this say about the judgment of a woman who wants to handle the most sensible information on the planet and has the power to dispatch troops and access to the nuclear codes?

Something like 40 times, Hillary said that she didn't remember incidents and details concerning her mishandling of material that could, and very possibly did, cost the life of covert intelligence agents in the field.

Should a person with a that �bad� of a memory trusted with the task of protecting and prospering the lives of three hundred and fifty million people.

And perhaps most seriously of all, Hillary's voracity is and has been in serious question.

She has been caught in several lies in recent times and the world witnessed her stand with the grieving parents of sons killed in Benghazi and allegedly told them it all happened because of some obscure anti-Muslim video.

She says she didn't, the parents said she did and I don't know about you, but I know who I believe.

Having a president you can't trust to tell the truth is almost too much to contemplate, never quite knowing if the economic numbers are on the up and up, the assessment of our foreign policy is accurate, the condition of America's well being is being reported candidly and accurately.

If you were hiring someone to take care of your children, would you hire Hillary?

Well folks, if she is elected president, she'll be doing just that.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website adminstrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether postive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB


Hillary's Lifelong Pers

Keep speaking Truth shining Light on darkness

Posted by Kathy
Politicians in general.

Nixon said it was routine, that he just got caught. Hillary has been caught to, as did Slick Willy{her husband). Anyway this is simply evidence of the political lifestyle in America today. If you can get away with it, fine. It you get caught, do your best to cover it up. The lying, cheating and stealing going on in America today makes me sick.

Posted by Roy
Hillary Clinton and people in this government

In my lifetime I've never seen such corruption and people getting away with such things you know you and I would never get away with. I still hope and pray there some justice in this world and Hillary Clinton will have to face all her lies and corruption along with all those that are going around the law to try to get her elected.

Posted by Penny
Lips Lying

Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie, just like Obama if her lips are moving she is more than likely lying. Benghazi was her 3:00 AM phone call, she and her sodomite boss both failed miserably, just like, he has more times than anybody can count.....nuff said, keep your powder dry, God Bless Plowboy

Posted by Plowboy

I think you are right on. Keep posting the truth.

Posted by Donald

Well said Charlie. People need to know the truth about all candidates. But like you said the Clinton machine will try to bury the truth as much as possible.

Posted by Bruce

I stand by you Charlie! I would never want a person like her to take care of my children or grandchildren. Thank you standing by the military. My husband served twenty years in the Air Force, but was killed by a hit and run driver 2/27/2015 on I-40 in our home of Wilson County TN. My husband loved you. Keep posting!!

Posted by Jennifer Leanne
Just to say hi

Just stop by to say Hi Jack Lameier would be right there with you on this Hillary thing Thank you for your kind words about him I still think about Him and the stores he told me about you keep up the great work .

Posted by Brian
i saw this on the news tonight... i will buy this person a ticket to your arlington concert...i was wondering if charlie could d

i saw this on the news tonight... i will buy this person a ticket to your arlington concert...i was wondering if charlie could do anything special for him..

Posted by joe

Charlie Daniels is a true American..

Posted by Steve
America has risen.
I thank all my fellow Americans for standing up and shouting (with your vote) to be heard all accross this planet.Please don't ever think your voice is not heard.Let people know that Americans make America great.Great job Mr.Charlie Daniels.Great job my fellow Americans.Love it or leave it be.Godbless.Amerca...Captain of the red,white and blue.
Posted by george