Soap Box

Socialism: A Means to an End

Never forget, socialism is not about compassion, it’s about control.

Swamp Stomping

I watched part of the Senate hearing with Attorney General William Barr yesterday and, instead of hearing the informed questions of supposedly public servants who are sworn to serve the interests and security of this nation and the people who put them in office, I was bombarded with useless, showboat inquiries that everybody in the room already knew the answers to.

Move On

Everybody in America is ready to “move on” from the Mueller Report.

The problem is that there is a dichotomy of thought on the subject.

Promises, Promises

As the rolls of those who are seeking the Democratic nomination for president continue to swell, it would seem that most of those who have thrown their hat in the ring have come to the conclusion that the candidate who promises the most free goods and entitlements will be the one to win and to win at all costs, the security, economy and welfare of the United States of America be damned.

Easter: A Servant and a Decision

The night Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot and arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, when the Temple guards advanced on Him and the disciples who were with Him, Peter pulled out a sword and slashed off the ear of a servant of the High Priest who was waiting in Jerusalem to try and condemn Him.

Green New Steal

I remember back when Haight-Ashbury was the mecca of the peace and love movement and much of the philosophy, vernacular and rhetoric that was endlessly repeated around the country had their origins amongst the long-haired, beaded and bearded flower children who hung out there and other counter culture hot spots in hippie-friendly San Francisco.

To Hug, or Not to Hug

To hug or not to hug, that is the question, 
Whether ‘
tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous television coverage
Or to take arms from around the offended
And fade into this good night. 

Apologies to William Shakespeare.

Catastrophic Ramifications of Abolishing the Electoral College

There was a time in my younger life, when I was more inclined to take things at face value, or superficial appearances, without actually delving into the reasons for or the aftermath of, the doing away, or at other times, the instituting of policies and programs.

The Big Lie

I come from a long line of farmers and timber people, folks who made their living from what grew out of the ground. Men who had a great and abiding respect for the soil and water, who harvested the timber with an eye on selective cutting, for leaving seed trees to replenish the woodlands, for never leaving the dead trimmings next to a standing tree to keep the bugs who attack dead wood from going into a live tree and killing it.

What Cookie Really Wants

The unadulterated darling of the media these days and the prototype of Democrat idealism is a slight, outspoken, would-be social engineer and international mover and shaker named Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a former barkeep from the Bronx in New York.

Folly and Foolishness

I remember World War II so well, the defeat of the Nazis and the belligerence of the Russians after they had invaded Eastern Europe and refused to move their occupation forces out, in essence, annexing East Berlin and eventually building the Berlin Wall, the line of demarcation between the Soviet powers and the Western Allies.

An Alarming Thing

There is a most alarming thing going on in America, a slimy, poisonous lie that must hide in the darkness of misconceptions, the fog of deceit and misrepresentation to exist. It can never be exposed to the light of full disclosure and total truth or it would be suffocated by the knowledge of its history and catastrophic ramifications.

Once Upon a Time in America

All it takes is a look at the U.S. Congress to see how seriously fractured our nation is.

Opportunity Knock, Knock Knocking on My Front Door - Excerpt from Charlie's Memoir

Charlie is still working on a new book and is limiting himself to one new soapbox a week, but for today’s 50th Anniversary of Charlie performing on Bob Dylan’s Nashville Skyline album, we thought we’d try something different instead of running a “rewind.” Here are three excerpts from Charlie’s memoir, “Never Look at the Empty Seats,” which highlight what was going on in Charlie’s career at the time, and his experiences recording with Dylan, touring with Leonard Cohen, and even jamming with Dylan and George Harrison, all thanks to Charlie’s friend and mentor, the late Bob Johnston. – TeamCDB/BW

The Green New Primrose Path to Oblivion

The world is going to end in twelve years.

Is there some dire ancient prophecy, some newly discovered writing predicting the future 12-year period in which Planet Earth would just give up the ghost, all human and animal life would die from the greenhouse gas effect?

The Final Solution

In the early stages of the Second World War, Hitler, intent on totally exterminating the Jews came up with a plan the Nazis codenamed the Final Solution.

The Fruits of Greed and Pretension

John Steinbeck’s classic novel, “The Grapes of Wrath,” depicts the plight of a people who were deceived and exploited, used to create an atmosphere favoring the rich and powerful and a credible analogy can be drawn between those times and a situation that exists today.

Freedom and Justice for All? Really?

I love words. Fashioning words into sentences, phrases and lyrics has been a major part of my professional life for over six decades, and I take great joy in telling a story in song or prose and spend many hours pursuing the many word-generated projects that my God-given talent leads me into.

American Politics and Socialism - Soapbox Rewind

*NOTE* Charlie will be back with a brand new soapbox on Monday, in the meantime, here's a timely rewind from 2017. - TeamCDB

One has only to do a little research to see the ravages of socialism. The latest notable example being Venezuela, and if you’ve paid any attention to the news the last couple of years, you’ve watched an oil-rich nation slide into an abyss of deprivation and near starvation.

Wall or Bedlam

The degree that the Schumer and Pelosi lead Democrats will go to prevent Donald Trump from having the promised wall is truly disgusting and appalling.

An Open Letter to Senator Charles Schumer - Soapbox Rewind

*NOTE* Charlie will be back with a brand new soapbox on Monday, in the meantime, here's a rewind from 2017 which is still fairly relevant. - TeamCDB

Sen. Schumer, I don't live in your constituency but in the larger picture, you live in mine and every other legal, taxpaying American citizen who is affected by the power you hold in your political party, your blind allegiance to it and the obstructionist posture to anything that doesn't directly benefit it.

All About Themselves

“And that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

We are all familiar with this excerpt from Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, powerful words that sum up the proper governing philosophy for America in one simple phrase.

Resolve and Remorse - Soapbox Rewind

*NOTE* Charlie will be back with a brand new soapbox on Monday, in the meantime, here's a rewind from 2014. - TeamCDB/BW

I have made one New Year's resolution and that is not to make any more New Year's resolutions. What is a New Year's resolution anyway except a promise to yourself and since you're the only person it involves you feel that you can break it with impunity.

The New Year Cometh

As I sit here looking out at the magnificent, sunlit, snow-covered Rocky Mountains, it’s Sunday morning and we arrived here late yesterday afternoon after a long and arduous 1500-mile drive across almost half the continent.

Christmas 2018 - A Carolina Christmas Carol

When I was a little boy it seemed that Christmas would never get here, now it seems to come about every six months.

Christmas Time's A-Comin'

One of my favorite Christmas songs is old Bill Monroe bluegrass classic called "Christmas Time’s A-Comin'", a song that paints a picture of a rural observance of the Christmas season, a down to earth way of celebrating with the emphasis on spending time with family and friends and the simple joy of going home at Christmas to be with loved ones in nostalgic, familiar surroundings.

Cardiac Ablation, and All That It Entails

Common Sense and Understanding vs. Obstinance and Politics

As one who I feel has at least a cursory knowledge of both sides of the gun control issue, I offer my humble opinion of the situation and the seemingly implacable positions that have been taken up by each.

The Day That Changed My World - Soapbox Rewind

*NOTE* Charlie will be back with a brand new soapbox on Monday, in the meantime, here's a rewind from 2016. - TeamCDB

As I write this, it is December 7, 2016; the 75th anniversary of the Japanese sneak air attack on the United States Naval Base at Pearl Harbor in what was then the U.S. territory of Hawaii, before it had become our 50th state.

Chalk Up Another One

Just got home this morning from playing our last show of the year in Kansas City, a tour that started nine months, one hundred and eight shows and seventy-some thousand miles ago.