An Open Letter to Those Who Would Do Away With the Second Amendment
The fallacy that by severely restricting the sale and ownership of firearms as a means of curbing violence in America is easy to discredit, in fact, we need look no further than across our southern border.
Did you know that there is only one gun store in Mexico, guarded by armed military personnel? And it takes months of paperwork to even have the chance to buy a gun.
If you are not law enforcement or military you are lucky to procure a .22. The common people in Mexico have about as much chance of being adequately armed, enough to protect themselves and their families, as they are of winning the lottery.
And even if they are able to jump through all the hoops, getting ammunition is another steep mountain to climb.
In other words, the rank and file citizens of Mexico - for the most part - are not armed and have no hope of being armed.
Now, that is not to say there are not plenty of guns in Mexico. The dope dealers and cartels have an abundance of guns of any and every caliber they want, in fact, the paramilitary security forces the cartels use to enforce their will are about as well-armed as a combat soldier in the field.
Now how were these guns obtained in a country with one gun store and such impossible requirements to buy firearms?
The black market, of course.
Unfortunately, many of them are purchased in the United States, a fact that is seldom - if ever -mentioned or maybe even known, by the gun control crowd and something strict border security and shutting down rogue gun dealers could help curtail.
So, in essence, we can say that with the exception of law enforcement, military and a handful of people who can either bribe or game the system, practically all the guns in Mexico are illegal.
Now, let’s look at what effect such ultra-restrictive gun laws have had on crime.
Between 2000 and 2012; 215,000 people were murdered. In 2012 Mexico had a murder rate of 21.5 per 100,000. In 2018 there were 33,341 murders and it is expected, when the 2019 statistics are complete the number will be even higher.
Violent incidents, armed robbery, etc... increased from 5.2 million in 2017 to 6 million in 2018.
One of every 10 women in Mexico has been a victim of sexual assault ranging from groping to rape and there are 120,000 rapes a year, one every four minutes making Mexico the number one nation for sexual violence.
Nearly 1,200 kidnappings happened in Mexico in 2018.
Mexico is among the most popular sources and destinations for international child abductions and has one of the least effective systems of protecting and returning internationally abducted children within its borders.
Politics in Mexico are, and basically always have been, as crooked as a barrel of fish hooks and as corrupt as a mafia horse race.
There is simply so much money generated by the drug trade that by means of buying off or intimidation the drug cartels do practically anything they want to without fear of official intervention.
Some of the most gruesome murders of the century have been committed in Mexico, mass graves, grisly, hideous show murders as warnings to informers, politicians and law enforcement officials who refuse to cooperate.
So now we arrive at the crux of my article.
What have all these super stringent gun laws done to protect life in Mexico?
If you will be honest, you’ll have to admit that it has done the opposite.
It has armed the criminals who have no regard for any law and will obtain weapons by whatever illegal source available to them while leaving the law-abiding citizen without the means to protect themselves.
This policy has created and encouraged the rise of the powerful cartels, who, for all practical purposes, control the country.
Now, the most important question of all.
Do you not understand what happened in Mexico and do you not believe that the same thing, or something very similar, could happen in America?
Can you not see that when you take away the means of protection from law-abiding people, it is not going to reduce the gun population among the criminal element one half of one percent.
In fact, it emboldens them.
It has been proven over and over that about the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, and no matter how vehemently self-serving politicians may contest this, the fact, and it is a fact, remains irrefutable.
In fact, the next time you see Bernie, Uncle Joe, Elizabeth or any of the other anti-gun candidates, ask them “If good guys having guns is bad, why do you always have armed security with you?
What do you think?
Pray for our troops our police and the peace of Jerusalem.
God Bless America
Did you know that there is only one gun store in Mexico, guarded by armed military personnel? And it takes months of paperwork to even have the chance to buy a gun.
If you are not law enforcement or military you are lucky to procure a .22. The common people in Mexico have about as much chance of being adequately armed, enough to protect themselves and their families, as they are of winning the lottery.
And even if they are able to jump through all the hoops, getting ammunition is another steep mountain to climb.
In other words, the rank and file citizens of Mexico - for the most part - are not armed and have no hope of being armed.
Now, that is not to say there are not plenty of guns in Mexico. The dope dealers and cartels have an abundance of guns of any and every caliber they want, in fact, the paramilitary security forces the cartels use to enforce their will are about as well-armed as a combat soldier in the field.
Now how were these guns obtained in a country with one gun store and such impossible requirements to buy firearms?
The black market, of course.
Unfortunately, many of them are purchased in the United States, a fact that is seldom - if ever -mentioned or maybe even known, by the gun control crowd and something strict border security and shutting down rogue gun dealers could help curtail.
So, in essence, we can say that with the exception of law enforcement, military and a handful of people who can either bribe or game the system, practically all the guns in Mexico are illegal.
Now, let’s look at what effect such ultra-restrictive gun laws have had on crime.
Between 2000 and 2012; 215,000 people were murdered. In 2012 Mexico had a murder rate of 21.5 per 100,000. In 2018 there were 33,341 murders and it is expected, when the 2019 statistics are complete the number will be even higher.
Violent incidents, armed robbery, etc... increased from 5.2 million in 2017 to 6 million in 2018.
One of every 10 women in Mexico has been a victim of sexual assault ranging from groping to rape and there are 120,000 rapes a year, one every four minutes making Mexico the number one nation for sexual violence.
Nearly 1,200 kidnappings happened in Mexico in 2018.
Mexico is among the most popular sources and destinations for international child abductions and has one of the least effective systems of protecting and returning internationally abducted children within its borders.
Politics in Mexico are, and basically always have been, as crooked as a barrel of fish hooks and as corrupt as a mafia horse race.
There is simply so much money generated by the drug trade that by means of buying off or intimidation the drug cartels do practically anything they want to without fear of official intervention.
Some of the most gruesome murders of the century have been committed in Mexico, mass graves, grisly, hideous show murders as warnings to informers, politicians and law enforcement officials who refuse to cooperate.
So now we arrive at the crux of my article.
What have all these super stringent gun laws done to protect life in Mexico?
If you will be honest, you’ll have to admit that it has done the opposite.
It has armed the criminals who have no regard for any law and will obtain weapons by whatever illegal source available to them while leaving the law-abiding citizen without the means to protect themselves.
This policy has created and encouraged the rise of the powerful cartels, who, for all practical purposes, control the country.
Now, the most important question of all.
Do you not understand what happened in Mexico and do you not believe that the same thing, or something very similar, could happen in America?
Can you not see that when you take away the means of protection from law-abiding people, it is not going to reduce the gun population among the criminal element one half of one percent.
In fact, it emboldens them.
It has been proven over and over that about the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, and no matter how vehemently self-serving politicians may contest this, the fact, and it is a fact, remains irrefutable.
In fact, the next time you see Bernie, Uncle Joe, Elizabeth or any of the other anti-gun candidates, ask them “If good guys having guns is bad, why do you always have armed security with you?
What do you think?
Pray for our troops our police and the peace of Jerusalem.
God Bless America
— Charlie Daniels
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