Charlie Daniels' Manifesto

*NOTE* Charlie will be back with a brand new soapbox on Monday, in the meantime, here's a soapbox rewind from 2007. - TeamCDB

As time goes by we pick up new readers of this column and for that, I am very grateful.

For you who have been with us for a while, I think you know how I stand on most issues concerning morality, politics and the good of the country. For those new readers, let me once again declare myself to give you a premise on my core convictions and beliefs so you’ll understand how my opinions are formed.

I believe that the universe and everything in it was created, not evolved, by an Almighty, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent God.

I believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. I believe that He walked this earth for thirty plus years performing fantastic miracles including raising the dead.

I believe He was nailed to a cross and that the blood that He shed was for the remission of sin that He was laid in a grave and rose on the third day and now sits at the right hand of The Father interceding for those who believe in Him and that one day sooner than later He will be coming back to earth to claim His rightful place as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

I believe that the salvation of Jesus Christ is available to all and that He is the way the truth and the life, the only path to God.

I believe the Bible literally, the Old Testament and the New Testament, when it says the whale swallowed Jonah I believe he actually ingested Jonah and regurgitated him.

I believe that true marriage exists only between a human man and woman.

I believe that abortion is murder except in cases that severely threaten the life of the mother. Abortion done for sexual convenience is homicide.

I believe that the United States of America has been blessed above all the nations on the face of the earth and that if we continue down the path of political correctness, appeasement and apostasy we are in dire danger of losing our freedom and our quality of life.

I believe that the United Nations was a great idea that just didn’t work out and has turned into an American-hating, debating society and I think America would be better served if the United Nations building in New York were turned into a hospice for the homeless.

I believe that much of national politics has degenerated into a dirty game played by power brokers on both sides of the aisle who do not necessarily have the best interests of America at heart.

I believe that our immigration problems are a pandemic and that future generations of Americans will be paying for the gutless reticence of our politicians to deal with it.

I believe there are powers in Washington who have no interest in solving the welfare morass in this nation as long as it translates into votes for their party.

I believe that some of our top congressional people do not understand the determination nor the nature of the terrorist enemies we are dealing with and that left to their own devices, in their politically correct naivety, will expose this country to irreparable damage.

I believe to own and bear arms is a right guaranteed by our federal papers and that even if every legal gun in the world were confiscated, it would only serve to strengthen the hand of the criminals who would be the only one with guns and they would use them to wreak havoc on a defenseless population.

I believe that the way out of poverty is education and hard work and that it’s harder for some people than others but with the right attitude and a lot of sweat equity almost anybody can make something out of themselves in America.

I believe that women are equal to men in the workplace as far as less physical jobs are concerned and deserve equal pay, promotion and responsibility.

I believe that a secular political agenda that could never pass either House of Congress is being sneaked through the back door by an ultraliberal judiciary.

I don’t believe in globalism. I believe in the sovereignty of nations. And don’t believe America should have to succumb to the whims of the rest of the world, nor they to our whims.

I believe in the death penalty when it is appropriate. The death penalty is not meant for a deterrent but a punishment. It is meant to remove one danger to society and it works every time.

I believe school vouchers would serve a multitude of good purposes. It would allow parents to choose the religious and academic programs they would want their children exposed to, take away the sectarian offenses to the handful of atheists, and lastly, but not leastly, take away the corrupting power of the teacher’s union.

I believe that the government wastes our money and that it is best left in the hands of citizens in the form of lower taxes to be invested, saved or released into the economy.

I believe that police officers should be paid for the dangerous job they do and that they deserve the respect of the people they defend and serve.

I believe in Freedom of the Press but I also believe in the responsibility of the press and that it is being grossly abused by some of the largest publications in the country.

I believe in strong defense and that our first line of defense, those men and women in uniform should be given the weapons and technology it takes to defend this nation and that they should be paid in accordance to the dangerous job they do.

I believe that the work ethic in America has been severely damaged by the reckless welfare programs which encourage people to seek social programs rather than jobs.

I believe in competition and that children should be taught from an early age that this is not a one size fits all world and to succeed you have to give a day’s work for a day’s pay.

I believe in prayer and sincerely hope that all praying Americans will join me in a prayer for the soul of our beloved United States of America.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America.

— Charlie Daniels


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