God Bless America
The phrase “God Bless America” is the title of one of the most durable songs in our history and is a part of the lyrics in an unknown number of compositions by American composers in all genres of music.
It is used as the closing remarks by public speakers of all stripes including presidents and lesser politicians.
It is one of the most frequently used complementary closes on personal letters, spoken from pulpits, openings of sports events, and a part of the prayers of millions.
The point is, God has blessed America, and in my opinion, more so than any nation in modern times.
This land, bordered by the world’s two major oceans is a microcosm of practically every blessing God has granted to any other nation on earth.
We have the mountains, the rivers, lakes and forests, plains and deserts, metropolises and village, cold regions, hot regions, temperature regions, fertile agricultural areas, swamps, thousands of miles of seacoast and the most diverse population on earth.
Rich heritage and culture carried over from countries of origin, from the colorful French flavored language and freewheeling lifestyle of the South Louisiana Cajuns to the Midwestern enclaves of the Scandinavians who settled Minnesota and Wisconsin. Little Italy, China Town Cherokee, Hamtramck where the colorful culture of the ethnic groups who settled there is still observed with festivals and fairs and the food, drink and accents still reflect the flavor of the “old country”.
Beneath our soil and under our oceans there are vast deposits of gold, silver, copper, minerals and diverse chemicals with petroleum reserves to last a century.
America leads the world in so many technological and industrial categories, medicine, space exploration, food production and transportation, with a standing army that is second to none, the envy of the planet.
Land of the free, home of the brave, the American Dream, the American way, the land that has welcomed pilgrims from around the world for over two hundred years.
Yes, God has blessed America, but greed and lust for power threaten to do something the most formidable military powers and the most contagious political philosophies have not been able to do.
To take down the USA or to change it into a vast pasture full of sheep who have given over control of their lives to a godless, totalitarian, central government which makes cradle to grave decisions for every man woman and child. A “one size fits all” bureaucratic nightmare that would dictate every facet of life from who does and who does not get perks and benefits to the number of children each family is allowed to have.
You see, this is all about globalism, or one-world government and as long as there is a nation that claims to be exceptional, and refuses to surrender its sovereignty, values the rights of the individual and proclaims its independence to the point of fighting for it, there can never be a one-world government.
And since the USA is the most powerful nation on earth, as long as we cling to our God and our guns - pun intended - it just ain’t gonna happen.
So how do you handle an intractable conundrum like America?
Well, you do it in increments.
First and foremost, you find a way of proselytizing the most vulnerable among us, the children.
You form huge influential political organizations like the National Education Association, identify some powerful politicians who think their re-election is more important than what our children are being taught, make sure their campaign coffers are never empty and proceed to tailor the curriculum to nudge the students in the direction you want them to go.
Then you fill the institutions of higher learning with Marxist professors who subtly convince their young charges that America is not really what it claims to be, that it has stolen everything it has and has marginalized and depressed minorities and that it’s time for America to be cut down to size and the way to do that is to level the playing field, to take away from those who have accumulated some degree of wealth by stealing it from those poor unfortunate souls who never had a chance under this unfair form of governance.
It’s called “socialism” and it means that everybody, no matter your skills, education, race, creed or work ethic will have the same opportunities with free college, free healthcare, free childcare a shorter workweek, guaranteed lifetime salary and lucrative retirement benefits.
There will also be realignments in the climate change policy, we will eliminate fossil fuels and begin a program to convert to all renewable energy sources.
And it will all be paid for by the greedy rich.
Now let’s get back to reality
Well, first of all if every cent Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and all the other multi-billionaires was not only taxed, but confiscated, it would not keep this socialist Shangri-La afloat for six months.
So then after all the rich have been taxed, a VAT of 20% added and the government is in debt to the tune of four hundred trillion dollars or so, no more credit is available and the American dollar is worth a little less than a dried corn shuck, prices of food have gone through the roof and that nasty old gasoline the government promised to get rid of is selling for twenty-five dollars a gallon when you can find it.
And when you find out that tomorrow the government is sending people to put you and your family out in the street because you can’t pay the seven hundred thousand dollars you owe on your house and the factory you worked for moved to Guatemala two years ago and your unemployment check has shrunk to two hundred dollars a month and you can’t find another job what do you do.
And you think, “I’ll get my guns out and…”
No, you won’t because the government, which is moving to Brussels confiscated your guns five years ago.
Get the drift? the ship has sailed and you’re not on it, but don’t feel bad because nobody else is on it either, except for the people, who talked you into this mess to start with and they’re on top of the world, penthouses, private jets, the whole enchilada.
Okay, maybe there’s a tad of hyperbole and a grain of exaggeration in my prattle, but the rock-solid fact remains...
Not Karl Marx’s version, not Fidel Castro’s version, not Bernie Sanders version, not the insane version Alexandria “Cookie” Ocasio-Cortez is pushing, not Elizabeth Warren’s Pollyanna ramblings that will probably include free pedicures before it’s over, nobody, no how, no way has ever been successful at socialism.
Check the casualty list.
Start with Venezuela.
What do you think?
Pray for our troops our police and the peace of Jerusalem.
God Bless America
— Charlie Daniels
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