No Time For Apathy
If this piece is going to have any impact, it cannot be viewed through partisan eyes, conservative, liberal, Republican, Democrat. Preconceived political prejudice and implacable attitudes must be cast aside. For the moment we must view the political system, as just that, a political system without the personalities and policies we loath or the blind loyalty we show for one side and the blind hatred that we feel for the other.
What I will attempt to say in the next few paragraphs are the very deep and profound feelings of my heart, fostered by my abiding love for this country and is not written for the purpose of casting aspersions on any political party, but on individuals who, regardless of their party affiliation, are engaged in a power grab, the likes of which has never taken place in this nation.
Our founders, by virtue of the Constitution, the Bill Of Rights and other federal papers tried to set up our government to include checks and balances to prevent any one person or group from accumulating enough power to become a dictatorial entity, free elections, limits on presidential terms of office, and so on.
They gave us three branches of government, the legislative branch to create and pass legislation and limit the powers of the president and the Supreme Court to interpret the meaning and intent of their writings and have the final word on how the legislation affirmed or disaffirmed the constitution.
Government agencies were to serve all the people equally, to give preferential treatment to none and were never meant to be politicized for the use of the executive, or any other branch to further political agendas or personal vendettas.
I’m firmly convinced in my heart that America has been and still is in the throes of a bloodless revolution, an attempt to subvert government agencies and resources to take away individual privacy, to create an unbeatable voting base, to regulate medical care, education, media coverage, gun control and authority over every aspect of life in America.
When it was brought to light a couple of years ago that the Internal Revenue Service had been subverted and used against right-wing political activist groups, Congress was all a titter. Lois Lerner took the Fifth, and for all intents and purposes, that was the end of it.
Although the Republicans control both houses of Congress, neither body has undertaken the task of digging out the rot amongst the rank and file and identifying the upper echelon who ordered it.
It is obvious that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has been politicized, and the awesome power of this feared organization has been subverted. They have supported lies, used false documents to initiate a special counsel, interrupted the lives of American Patriots who gave up defending themselves because it is impossible to outlast a government agency who can use taxpayer money to keep you in court for as long as they want to.
The Justice Department, which has basically been leaderless under the tenure of Jeff Sessions has, under the feckless interim directorship of Rod Rosenstein definitely listed to port and been complicit in obtaining FISA Court warrants under false pretenses.
Had everything gone according to plan, Hillary Clinton would have been elected, all the corruption would have been buried way down deep, two more ultraliberal rubber stamp Supreme Court Justices would have been appointed, the borders completely opened up, a method developed for giving citizenship, and therefore voting rights to undocumented immigrants and our government would have turned into a one-party monopoly, without any way to defeat it.
Guns would have eventually been confiscated, tax cuts never passed, the military gutted, coal mining banned, domestic fracking and petroleum exploration abandoned and business killing
federal restrictions put in force, entitlements would balloon, the national debt would double. Triple and eventually cause the kind of inflation we can’t even imagine.
The American dollar would have ceased to be the official trading currency around the world and America would have to buy whatever the preferred currency would be to pay for imports, environmental groups would have finagled legislation that would make farming unprofitable, abortion mills would have become as common as fast food restaurants and religious rights would have been severely curtailed.
Socialized medicine would have crippled the finest medical care in the world and there would have been a federal bureaucracy to regulate every facet of life and education would have been tailored to raise a generation of sheep who were taught that America is the cause of all the world’s problems and carbon credits would have driven fuel prices out of sight.
Do you think this couldn’t happen?
Best think again.
Part of what I have written is theoretical, but imagine a one-party government with a lock on every foreseeable election, the aims and declarations of the parties involved and follow it to its logical conclusion.
Scary thoughts.
What do you think?
Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.
God Bless America
— Charlie Daniels
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