Petite Thesis On the Dangers of Collectivism
*NOTE* Charlie will be back with a new soapbox on Monday, in the meantime, here’s a Soapbox Rewind on the dangers of socialism from 2009. - TeamCDB
In his formative days, Jack Nicklaus hit one thousand golf balls a day on the driving range perfecting his craft and, as we all know, his tenacity and devotion to his sport took him to the very pinnacle of his profession, setting records that have not been broken till this day.
Eugene Fodor, a classical violinist of my acquaintance, practiced his instrument six hours a day when he had a concert coming up, and it resulted in him winning a silver medal in the Tchaikovsky competitions in Moscow when he was only 17 years old.
Walter Payton ran alpines in the bleachers at Jackson State University where he attended college, up and down, up and down honing his body into the weapon that was so instrumental in winning a Super Bowl for the Chicago Bears.
If you were to look behind any extremely successful career you will find a life dedicated to learning and hard work. Learning about your chosen profession and putting in the work it takes to accomplish what you’re after.
These things didn’t just happen and they begin with a thought pattern early in life when an individual decides that he or she wants to rise above the situation they find themselves in and truly make something out of themselves.
There are a million excuses one could make that keeps them from trying to excel, but the one who breaks out of the crowd’s always somebody who refuses to let anything stand in their way.
They are willing to work twice as hard as anybody else, put in the extra time, go the extra mile and burn the midnight oil to reach their goals.
The successful person realizes that they are responsible for their own future and what it amounts to. They don’t sit back and make excuses, they get up in the morning and devote every day to becoming what their heart tells them they can be, obstacles be damned.
When you do just enough to get by, all you’re ever going to do in life is just get by.
When you resent working hard because you think that all the profits are going into the company’s pocket, you’ve got the wrong attitude and you’ll be stuck in the lower echelons for the rest of your life, even if you’re able to keep a job.
If you have a “Let somebody else do it” attitude you may as well plan on staying where you are for the rest of your life, because you’re really not worth very much to anybody including yourself.
If you notice I’ve drawn a contrast here, between people who want to make a success in life and are willing to work hard enough to do it and people who would like to make a success in life but want somebody to give it to them.
Herein lies the difference in the Democratic attitude and the socialistic attitude.
Socialism breeds sloth, laziness, irresponsibility, dependence and the willingness to be lead around by the nose like a dog as long as somebody keeps the monthly check coming in.
If for some reason you don’t believe that, take a little computer time and look up what all the iron curtain nations were like under the Soviet Union.
When McDonald’s first opened stores in some of the newly freed Eastern European countries, everybody wanted to draw Western wages and so finding people to fill the job slots was no problem.
But once they came to work they made terrible employees because after living for generations under communist rule, they had no work ethic, they wanted to work a couple of hours and sit back and read the newspaper or something.
The turnover rate was something like 300%.
Collectivism takes away personal initiative and creates the attitude, “Why should I work any more than I absolutely have to, I’m going to draw the same pay either way?”
The promise of personal reward for personal effort and the freedom to do it is what has made America unique and successful.
As this country inches toward collectivism under a socialist President and an irresponsible, inept, dishonest, corrupt, sneaky Congress, there will be more of the, “Let somebody else do it” attitude."
Let somebody else run the car companies.
Let somebody else run the banking industry.
Let somebody else run the healthcare system and bureaucrats decide who can live and who can die.
Let somebody else take over the responsibility for my life, just leave me alone in my ignorance and send my check every month and you won’t have any trouble out of me, that is until I reach the age of 70 and some government hack tells me I can’t have a pacemaker because it’s too expensive for a person my age and will be a drain on the system. Just take the pain medicine.
Or until you tell me I’ve got to wait eight months to see a doctor while my knee is killing me.
Or that I can’t have that life-saving prescription until I see a specialist and I can’t see him until my general practitioner refers me and that I can’t see him until some jaded bureaucrat says it’s my turn.
Until the system finally gets so top heavy that it can no longer sustain itself and the checks stop coming and I’m left to fend for my family on my own.
Until our money becomes so worthless and inflation becomes so bad that you have to take a wheelbarrow full of dollars to the grocery store.
Until the government makes you pay a fat tax because you’re overweight and a problem to the healthcare system.
Until there’s another terrorist attack and you can’t defend your family because the government has taken away your guns.
Until your factory closes down because they can’t meet the government cap and trade rules.
Until you’re forced to ride around in some cracker box that gets 50 miles to the gallon but affords the protection of a beer can.
Until the police come in and haul your minister out of the pulpit for violating the new hate crime laws for preaching against homosexuality.
Until even if you’re lucky enough to have a job you can’t drive to work because gasoline is ten dollars a gallon.
I know I’m describing a pretty dire set of circumstances but think about this.
Our government has already reached the point that they no longer care what we the people want; the Democrats have the votes to pass anything they want and what they want is control over your life.
It’s easy to see that these people seriously don’t know what they’re doing, but the real scary part is that I don’t think they really care.
Folks, if these people are not stopped immediately they are going to break America so badly that it simply cannot be fixed, except by Almighty God Himself.
The kind of debt they’re piling up is just insane, we can’t even afford to pay the yearly interest on what we already owe and this bunch of idiots wants to spend more, a whole lot more, so much you could run out of ink just adding the zeros.
America is in deep water in a leaky boat surrounded by sharks.
I only hope they eat the politicians first.
What do you think?
Pray for our troops, and for our country
God Bless America
— Charlie Daniels
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