The Blue Smokescreen
The last few weeks have been chaotic, to say the least, high faux drama wrapped in betrayal, theater, hyperbole and downright comedic antics complete with a heroine, who possessed the unparalleled courage, to witness multiple gang rapes at parties, and keep coming back to these parties, until she herself was the victim.
A high-profile lawyer, best known for representing a porn star and a possible Democrat presidential candidate who - and this is funny - probably cost the Democrats all the pity and empathy Christine Blasey Ford inspired by going a ridiculous bridge too far with a story so far-fetched, so unbelievable and asinine as to be an insult to anybody with enough gray matter to open a package of chewing gum.
As rich as Diane Feinstein is, she still cannot afford enough soap to wash the guilt of betrayal off her hands, and regardless of whatever she says about not being responsible for leaking Ms. Ford’s identity, is responsible and guilty of exposing the identity of an obviously disturbed woman, who was not even informed by her so-called, “defenders” that Senator Grassley had offered to conduct her interview in private, in her area, away from the carnivorous media wolves and the circus atmosphere of Washington.
It seems that even though Ms. Ford could not remember the time, the place or even the date or exact year of such a traumatic event in her life, even after thirty-six years she knew without a shadow of a doubt it was a teenage Brett Kavanaugh who had held her down and tried to take her clothes off and rape her.
So, on the word of a woman with apparent memory problems, and whose story couldn’t be backed up by those she says were there, and the accusations of a another who, by her own admission, must have enjoyed hanging out where gang rapes were going on, coached by a lawyer who must be an embarrassment to every decent attorney on the planet, the Democrats set out to, by any means, whether honorable or dishonorable, with this flimsy "evidence" to completely destroy the reputation, the credibility and the family of a man who has devoted his life to public service.
And herein lies the crux of this column, all I have seen out of the Democratic Party for the past two years is heated words, accusation, innuendo, hyperbole, and from its more scatterbrained members, encouragement to harass Republican politicians in public places, which is downright dumb, to the point that you wonder what these people would do if real power was ever placed in their whimsical hands.
The Democrats, who are offended by the president calling a bloodthirsty international gang of unbelievably cruel murderers "animals" toss around racist, misogynist, homophobic, Islamophobic until the words have no real meaning in a political setting anymore, so cheapened by overuse and pointless accusation that I doubt if some young people even know the rational meaning of the words anymore.
While the present administration has made vast advancements in unemployment, revitalizing industry, strengthening the military, consumer confidence, redone NAFTA and is working to level the playing field with all our major trading partners, the Democrats have done nothing but stand apart, criticize and try to give credit for the upturn to a president who told us that manufacturing jobs had gone away forever, low GDP numbers were the new norm and left the country ten trillion dollars further in debt than when he came into office.
Obama also ridiculed Trump’s claims bringing manufacturing jobs back, famously asking what magic wand Trump had to be able to achieve that. Looks like he had one after all.
Prominent members of the Democratic Party have strongly indicated that if they win a majority in the midterms they intend to impeach Justice Kavanaugh and President Trump.
Impeach them for what?
But in the latest incarnation of the Democratic Party the evidence is not important, it’s the accusation that counts, an accusation that they could easily parlay into the closing days of the Trump administration and, in their dreams, cast enough harmful aspersions on the president, and thereby, the Republicans they could regain the White House.
So, what do the Democrats have to offer?
When was the last time you heard a Democrat talk about the actual issues?
They basically don’t, they have not based their hopes on issues and the solving of problems, but have built their entire case for winning control of the White House and the Congress on inciting hate, harassment and disunity, with all their eggs in one basket, that of proving that the Trump administration has colluded with the Russians, obstructed justice or whatever crime du jour they can come up with and point the Mueller investigation toward, in an everchanging and fruitless attempt to remove Trump from office.
Now the furor of the Democrats has turned toward Kanye West for having the audacity to wander off the plantation and consort with the enemy in the Oval Office.
Whether they have enough wool to pull over the collective eyes of America or can generate enough hate to bring about a “blue wave” I honestly don’t know, but this I do know, the blue smoke screen is alive and well and living in the swamp on the shores of the Potomac.
What do you think?
Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.
God Bless America
— Charlie Daniels
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