Posted on 01.01.2000

Star Wars

It is my understanding that when President Bush left office, the plan for the strategic defense initiative was already in place and ready to implement SDI, popularly know as "Star Wars." It is a shield which would protect the United States from nuclear attack. 

Now any sane person would want the U.S. protected from atomic missiles. So why doesn�t Bill Clinton? Could it be that the Russians don�t want us to have it? Could it be that the Chinese are against it? 

Of course, they don�t want us to have a nuclear shield. We would be the only country in the world to have one and would not be vulnerable to their threats, and believe me we will be receiving threats from both of these countries in the years to come. I know Clinton is a globalist and but why would he resist protecting his own country from the threat of nuclear war? It�s beyond me. But a lot of things Bill Clinton does is beyond me. 

Why would he have his Secretary of Energy go to OPEC and ask them to raise the price of crude oil so that Russia could get more for their crude and improve their economy? Why would he allow an obviously inept energy department to be so lax with our sensitive nuclear secrets? Why would he continue to treat China as a favored nation when their record in human rights is so atrocious? Why would he condone murder by vetoing ban on partial birth abortion over and over again? 

Why would he look into the television cameras and tell a bald faced lie to the American people? Why would he use supposedly confidential FBI files to blackmail his enemies? If he is so in charge of the �economy stupid� why can�t he do anything about the very first threat to the economy that has happened on his watch, the rising interest rates and skyrocketing gas prices? But even more mystifying to me is why the American people put up with it. Why do so many people stand behind a draft dodging, lying, race baiter, who disrespects women and sends their sons and daughters off to serve under the United Nations in senseless attempts to bolster his political capital? 

Who has raised their taxes and who�s only answer to school violence is to pass more laws, when he doesn�t even enforce the ones on the books now? Is Bill Clinton simply a symptom of a country who�s morals have gone the way of the of the horse and buggy? Is he simply a reflection of a nation who stands idly by why the ACLU and the people for the American way attempt to remove the last vestiges of God�s name from out society. 

Is he just the result of a society who claims that a woman has the right to murder an unborn child while the boy scouts don�t have the right to deny an avowed homosexual the role of scoutmaster, who values political correctness above common sense, who worries more about the rights of criminals than those of their victims, who dismiss the inflammatory words of a so called civil rights leader like Al Sharpeton while castigating a mere baseball player for a few careless remarks? 

Is this the America that brave men have given their lives for? Is this truly the land of free and the home of the brave or is it becoming the land of the meek and the home of the cowardly? 

I pray for the one thing which will put America back on course. Revival. 

Will you join me?

Pray for our troops.

What do you think?

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels