Posted on 02.22.2013

Dire Prophecy of a Howling Wind

"There are ominous signs that the earth's weather patterns have begun to change dramatically and that these changes may portend a drastic reduction in food production with serious political implications for just about every nation on earth. The drop in food output could begin quite soon, perhaps only ten years from now.

The regions destined to feel its impact are the great wheat producing lands of Canada and the USSR in the North, along with a number of marginally self sufficient tropical areas, parts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indochina and Indonesia where the growing season is dependent upon the rains brought by the monsoons."

Present day, dire predictions of global warming gone amuck, the temperature rising to unacceptable levels decimating the world's food supply, melting icebergs, reducing the polar bear population, oceans rising, flooding major cities leaving death and devastation it their paths?

Not at all, it's an article from Newsweek magazine from April 28, 1975 and it's not about global warming; it's about a new Ice Age.

Time Magazine - September 10, 1923: "The discoveries of changes in the sun's heat and southward advance of glaciers in recent years have given rise to conjectures or the possible advent of a new ice age."

Times Magazine - January 2, 1939: "Gaffers who claim that winters were harder when they were boys are quite right, weather men have no doubt that the world, at least for the time being is growing warmer."

New York Times - March 27, 1933 "America is in the longest warm spell since 1776, temperature line records a 25 year rise."

New York Times - May 21, 1975, "Scientists ponder why world climate is changing, a major cooling widely considered to be inevitable."

New York Times - December 27, 2005 " Past hot times hold few reasons to relax about new warming."

These quotes are just the tip of the iceberg, pun intended, over the last century as the scientific community and a hapless media go back and forth between global warming and ice ages.

The difference is that now the issue is a political football that has become an obsession with outfits like the United Nations because it fits right in with the implementation of their Agenda 21, and for you folks who don't believe there is an Agenda 21 or don't know what it's about, if you care at all about the freedom and quality of life for your children and grandchildren, you'd best get on your computer and start researching the plentiful information available on the subject.

It will be presented as the benign sounding "common sense sustainable growth" but the results of it's implementation would erode freedoms, and change the face of life as we know it in unimaginable ways, and it will do absolutely nothing to change the temperature of our world.

I believe with all my heart and soul that the temperature of the earth fluctuates, and the times and temperatures are set by it's Creator, and that the global warming movement is nothing more than a global power grab, designed to scare human beings into believing they need to spend their lives in subservient austerity and their hard earned money buying carbon credits to make sure they live a "carbon neutral lifestyle", while the world goes on warming and cooling, just as it has since it's creation.

I sincerely believe that there are a lot of things mankind can do to make the planet a better place, but to try to impose the major blame for polluting the air on America and the rest of the Western World and to ignore China is the height of folly. China has a permanent gray fog hanging in the air, but Al Gore and his ilk know that China will only turn a deaf ear and brandish a threatening fist in their face so they harass the USA where the media is always ready to scare the heck out the population in a sure enough radical cause.

There are millions of dollars up for grabs in grants for scientists who toe the global warming line and precious little available for those who don't.

Follow the money.

Don't let these charlatans scare you folks, because after all the carbon credits have proven fruitless people like, Al Gore will still be living in their energy guzzling mansions and flying around in their big private jets and the temperature of the earth will not have changed a fraction of a degree.

Trying to control the climate is like trying to empty out Lake Pontchartrain with a thimble.

If you want to worry, worry about something man can control; like kicking 90% of the politicians out of Washington.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels