Posted on 05.13.2013


It's a disgraceful shame when a nation is so embroiled in lies and deception that half the time they don't even know the truth when they hear it.

Truth has become secondary to perception, "If we can just make you believe this product will do what we say it does long enough for you to buy it", "If we can just hide the facts until the election is over, if we can just skew the statistics to make them favor us", "If I can just close the deal before he realizes what he's buying", "If I can just make her believe I love her until I can take advantage of her."

Pretty sorry state of affairs.

The ever present television sets in our homes glorify the seamier side of life where lying to a spouse or a significant other is as common as putting on a pair of socks and people actually have the nerve to go on the trashy shows and admit it to the world.

We've seen a duly elected American president look clear-eyed into a television camera and lie to America.

We've seen a distinguished television anchor, in his fervor to destroy a president he didn't agree with, perpetrate lies that cost him his career and the respect of the American public.

We've seen advertisements for products that are nothing more than bald faces lies, making claims that the makers know to be untrue but just figure if they can sell enough of it before the truth is known it's worth it.

What a false and ill-fated life, and I know of which I speak, because in my younger life many was the time that I took refuge in a lie. Nothing that would cause bodily harm or bankruptcy, but lies of convenience.

The more you do it and get away with it the easier it is to do until that day when all those birds come home to roost.

I once told my dad that I had watered a hog when I hadn't. He went down to the hog pen and discovered my untruth and the results weren't pleasant.

The problem with lying, besides making your conscience feel as if it has been fed into a wood chipper, is that once you start you can't stop, you have to tell another lie to cover for the one you told yesterday and tomorrow it happens all over again until you can't even remember what it was you said in the first place.

The ole adage about "oh what a crooked web we weave" is an absolute fact. Just ask Richard Nixon.

So I found out that lying just isn't the way to go it only puts off and magnifies the inevitable, it goes around the size of a marble and comes around the size of a medicine ball.

I have grown to admire honesty above almost all virtues. It is the basis for true friendship and essential to peace of mind. Anything built on a lie be it religion, business, ideology or affairs of the heart will eventually come apart and blow away like a fall dandelion.

There are a few people in this world who I would put my life into their hands and know beyond a shadow of a doubt they'd never do anything to harm it and value and esteem them highly and they know they can trust me to do the same. It's a wonderful relationship.

Trust, integrity and honor all require a foundation of honesty.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels​