Posted on 11.29.2013

International Politics From a Redneck's Point of View

"Blessed are the peacemakers they will be called the children of God" - Matthew 5:9

The search for peace is not only a noble mission, but also a sacred undertaking.

When someone strives to bring about a situation that is beneficial to all people, the cessation of armed conflict, the senseless slaughter of innocent people, of hopefully creating an atmosphere where cooler heads prevail and old grudges and vendettas are laid aside and a war weary people can have at least a semblance of a normal productive existence without having to fear for their lives and those of their loved ones.

The United States of America has had a long and successful record of achieving a real and lasting peace with former enemies. The Germans, the Japanese, the Italians, even our staunch allies, the British were at one time engaged in bloody wars with America, and due to wise diplomacy and the American people's willingness to forgive and forget, lasting peace has prevailed between us and our former enemies.

But the last half-century has not gone well for America in the foreign policy realm. We've littered the international land scape with unwise military intervention, unfinished wars, propping up dictators and betraying those who fought beside us as we did the Montagnards in Vietnam, violating trust, eroding confidence and leaving the credible impression that America is no longer as good as its word.

Now, at least in my humble opinion, America - or those who speak for America - are just about to make another, and perhaps the most catastrophic blunder since Neville Chamberlain returned to Britain with the firm conviction that Adolph Hitler was the kind of leader who would end his aggression and honor his word.

I am, of course, speaking about the Obama administration's overtures to Iran, that on nothing but their promise of giving up their nuclear weapons program we would lift many of the effective sanctions that has crippled their economy.

This is a one-sided deal, Iran gives up nothing, only delays their nuclear research for a few months, gets their economy rolling again by being able to put their oil on the world market and after getting on their feet, they could very well politely thumb their noses at the Western World and take up where they left off.

President Obama's willingness to make concessions to the biggest exporter of terror on the planet, to take the word of Mullahs whose religion allows dishonesty and deception when dealing with infidels, his eagerness to take America's mind off the dismal failure the roll out of Obamacare and his many other shortcomings, wreaks of naivety and back room politics and accomplishes nothing more than the delay of the inevitable.

The inevitable being that Iran is not, I repeat, not going to abandon their determination to build weapons of mass destruction and obtain delivery systems to deploy them to any country they deem to be their enemy.

Anybody who believes otherwise is in for a very nasty surprise. Giving Iran breathing space at this very crucial time in the last inning phase of their nuclear development is like letting a boxer out of the corner of the ring without delivering a knockout punch, the pressure should be turned up, not down on Iran.

No matter what glowing terms the media describes Obama's appeasement of one of our deadliest enemies in, remember this, Iran's desire to make the world an Islamic planet has not slackened and all Obama is doing is throwing fuel on a fire that would like nothing better than to turn the Western World into a sheet of glass.

The only friend we have in that part of the world is Israel and what Obama's deal would do to them is tantamount to another betrayal of an American ally, leaving them in an untenable position at odds with the rest of the world if they are forced, which I believe they will be, into attacking Iran's nuclear facilities to protect their homeland.

Already the other oil rich nations in the region are saying that if Iran is going to have a nuclear weapon they will have to have one too and I can't think of a more nightmarish scenario than a nuclear armed Middle East and the terrorist implications that go along with it.

And people, if you think president Obama is being perceived as being a knight in shining armor by Iran and the other nations in the neighborhood, you'd best think again. In that part of the world his actions are viewed as weakness by our enemies, betrayal by the Israelis and downright foolishness by realistic people who are looking at the long run.

The pursuit of peace is a noble calling; the acceptance of appeasement is a fool's errand.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels​