Posted on 10.19.2020

Charlie Daniels Honoring Our Heroes Day Speech - Soapbox, Jr.

*NOTE* I had hoped to write something personal today, but the day got away from me, so instead, I'm sharing a speech I gave on Saturday at the Charlie Daniels Honoring Hour Heroes Day in Mt. Juliet. It was an honor to be there representing my family, and to see all the folks who showed up to pay tribute to dad, and to our veterans, law enforcement and first responders. - CD, Jr.

Thank you.

To quote a certain long haired country boy and Simple Man, “Ain’t it good to be alive, and be in Tennessee!”

First of all, I want to thank everyone in the City of Mt. Juliet and everyone who has been praying for my mom and I. We have needed and still need every single prayer.

Mom, dad and I moved to Mt. Juliet in 1972. I went to Mt. Juliet schools from 1st grade, all the way to high school, so I love this town.

Dad always said he was from Mt. Juliet, TN, even when we moved out to Gladeville, so our ties in this area run deep.

It goes without saying that this year has been rough for my mom and I, along with everybody else in the CDB family.

I saw an amazing outpouring of love from this town from the day he “changed addresses” as my friend, Bill Wolfenbarger has called it, to the day of his funeral, and even in the weeks and months after.

This is a wonderful town which has grown at an astounding rate in the last few years. Dad used to say that if you brought Homer Tomlinson back to life and dropped him in the middle of Providence today, he would have no idea where he was.

Dad had strong opinions, and if you followed him on Twitter, you knew where he stood.

I used to jokingly say that if dad would stop holding back and say how he really feels, he could really go places.

Several things were obvious about my dad.

He loved our military.

Dad grew up in North Carolina, all over the place, but was born in Wilmington, North Carolina, and lived there off and on over the years.

Wilmington was also a main port for shipping, and from time to time, he said you could see lights from burning ships that had been targeted by German U-Boats off in the distance

He told the story of how when he was seven years old, my grandparents took him to church to pray for our troops one morning, but it wasn’t a Sunday, it was a Tuesday,

June 6, 1944.


He said that it was then that he realized that only two things protect America, “the Grace of Almighty God, and the United States military.”

That always stuck with him.

He also loved our men and women in law enforcement.

Every day for many years, dad tweeted “Pray for the blue!”

He also had a tremendous amount of respect for our first responders, EMTs and firefighters.

He would have loved that so many of these brave heroes were being honored today.

On behalf of the Daniels, and extended CDB families, I want to thank each and every one of you for what you do.


We may... we may...

have some good news about something to honor dad right here in Mt. Juliet.

How does a possible Charlie Daniels museum sound?

Hopefully, we’ll be able to make something official soon, but everybody seems to want to do it, so we’ll see.

Thank you, everybody!

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police, our country and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America!

— Charlie Daniels, Jr.


Feel free to comment on soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. — TeamCDB/BW


Check out "Geechi Geechi Ya Ya Blues" from Beau Weevils - 'Songs in the Key of E'




Charlie Daniel Museum
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie Jr, it would be a fitting tribute to one of the Greatest Americans ever to live to have a museum in their hometown. I have no doubt the your dad could have been President of the USA and as good as Trump in many areas and better in some because of his southern manners. Keep your powder dry for Trump is in like Flynn but the power hungry demon rats are more crooked than a barrel of snakes and have more tricks in their bag than Houdini and Copperfield put together......nuff said God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
As a Tennessee Veteran it humbles me to say your father was a true Patriot. They should make a U.S. stamp in honor of your Dad. I mean that with all my being.
Posted by Hank
Heroes Day Speech
Being an Air Force veteran and a big CDB fan, I've known of Charlie's love and support for the troops for many years. I remember when I was in Germany back about 1979 or 1980, the band was touring Europe around Thanksgiving. They stopped at an Army base in Germany and had dinner with the troops. The Stars and Stripes newspaper covered the event with pictures and an article, I think I still have it somewhere here. Anyway, it was good to see our Tennessee guys over there when this ole Tennessee boy was missing home also. Brought a little bit of Tennessee to Europe! Great memories! God Bless America Mark from Shelbyville
Posted by Mark
Better Than Trump
Senior would have made a MUCH better president than Trump because of his Southern manners. Trump's rudeness gave the liberals more motivation. If someone else won the 2016 republican primary, this person would have defeated Hillary by a wider margin, in the popular vote as well as the Electoral College, and without any impeachment attempt.
Posted by Glen