Games That Grownups Play
Unfortunately - and I am including Republicans, Democrats, conservatives, liberals, independents and whatever Al Franken is - political dialogue in America has deteriorated to the point of resembling a playground argument among second graders.
He said, she said,
�You jumped in line in front of me!�
�Oh yeah? What about last week when you jumped in line in front of me?�
�You called me a pouty baby!�
�Well, what about the time you called me a cry baby?�
�You told the teacher on me!�
�Well, you told the teacher on me yesterday!�
And on it goes, grown men and women, charged with running the business of this nation acting like a gaggle of elementary school children engaged in a game of one upsmanship and gotcha.
You didn't vote for our guy so I'm not gonna vote for your guy, you defeated our bill, we're going to defeat your bill.
It would be so great to see the body of men and women who hold a large percentage of ours and our children's future in their hands actually act like adults, forget about their blind party loyalty and do something because it�s good for the country for a change.
The Supreme Court - at least in my view - should be made up of four conservatives, four liberals and one totally fair-minded, independent thinking constitutionalist who would land on whichever side of the argument he or she truly felt was best for the present and future of America.
Of course, everybody tries to pack the court, it's the source of last resort and if one side or the other can achieve a lopsided court, a panel of ideologues and rubber stamps like Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagen who are predictable and can be taken for granted, what you fail to achieve by legislation can be accomplished by a court decision.
And of course, it could work the other way, too many conservative justices could swing the pendulum too far to the right and, in fairness, results could be just as disastrous.
But do the folks in the Senate ever take that into consideration? No, it basically depends on whether there's an �R� or a �D� behind their names and the result is that sometimes in the process, bad people are exalted and good people are destroyed, the welfare of the nation be damned.
Most of President Trump's cabinet will most likely be confirmed and the Democrats know it but for some reason, political I'm sure, Chuck Schumer seems to think it would be beneficial, not to the country, but to the Democratic Party, to hold up confirmation as long as possible, in the process holding up the business, security and efficiency of the country.
Now if the roles were reversed I think the Republicans would do the same thing, the result being that the kids in Congress are willing to inhibit the efficient operation of the executive branch of government just to inconvenience the opposition party, in the process inconveniencing the citizens of the United States of America they are sworn to serve.
And no, I am not naive enough to think that this will change any time soon, but one thing that could change.
It takes years to put together the influential groups in DC who wield the purse and the power who can keep congressmen and senators in line with threats of denying reelection support and nixing any legislation they initiate.
It takes time to put together these alliances and a rotating membership would go a long way in tearing them apart.
I know I sound like a broken record on this subject, but it�s just because of the passion with which I believe it.
Two four year terms for president.
Two four year terms for Senate.
Four two year terms for House of Representatives.
We now have a president with the audacity to actually attempt implementing term limits.
I, for one, sincerely hope he does.
What do you think?
Pray for our troops our police and the peace of Jerusalem.
God Bless America
� Charlie Daniels
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