Posted on 02.06.2017

Misdeeds and Misnomers

There are lots of people using the word fascism who evidently don't even know the meaning of it, interrupting public meetings and wreaking havoc, abusing their civil disobedience privileges by destroying property, causing bodily harm and intimidating others who have just as much right to demonstration and political opinion as they do.

They accuse the people who they abuse of being fascists when the shoe is actually on the other foot and they are the ones who practice fascism by silencing those with differing opinions.

It layman's terms the word actually means that dissenting opinions will not be tolerated and it manifests itself usually in strong arm tactics, shouting down speakers and disrupting other citizens engaged in expressing their own opinions in a peaceful public process.

They loudly proclaim their right of assembly, sometimes in voices and with countenance that seem to be approaching mania, screaming about their first amendment rights while doing their best to deny the first amendment rights of those who think differently.

The situation is rapidly getting out of hand and dangerous. I saw a piece on an internet news service that stated conservatives in the San Francisco Bay area kept the location of their meetings locations a secret for fear of their safety.

I heard a woman, a college professor, standing on a street corner manically screaming that the police were protecting people like Hitler by shielding peaceful protestors of another political persuasion, when her and the bunch she was with were much more Hitler like because they wanted to suppress free speech that didn't agree with them.

A lot of these people don't even know what they are demonstrating against and, if asked, cannot give a coherent answer, or actually no answer at all past spewing four letter words and slogans they've been given, they are unable to be analytical about what it is they're trying to disrupt and there is a very plausible opinion that many of them are being paid.

In my opinion, this situation will soon reach critical mass when radical demonstrators will run into an implacable pack of people who will respond in kind, a riot will ensue, heads will be busted, lawsuits filed and you can easily guess whose side of the melee the media will be on.

There are a lot of people in the heartland who are not going to stand by and watch some hyped up bunch of radicals set fire to his business or his car and will respond with superior force and very possibly superior numbers and some people will probably be badly injured.

Even with the media on your side, you cannot force your will on the majority of the population and you cannot quiet dissenting opinion and you cannot defy the law, destroying property and causing bodily harm for very long before you make the public mad enough to react and demand that it be controlled.

That could mean anything from the National Guard to vigilante groups who protect their neighborhoods with whatever force necessary and don't play around when confronted with a dangerous situation.

Nobody wants to see this kind of escalation, but unless the rabble-rousing contingent of the protesters are curtailed something is going to happen.

The people of this country have been patient but this is not a permanent attitude, there�s way too much water pushing against the dam and it's real close to bursting.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB


Bring it..
Bet we don't see many of those idiots at Talladega. Looking forward to seeing you in May.
Posted by Dusty
Violent Protesters
If protesters have a good idea, sadly, a propaganda machine can associate it with the violent protesters, getting people to ignore the peaceful protesters, logic, and common sense. Violent protesters are INDEED counter-productive to their own cause.
Posted by Tru
Violent Protesters
When the KKK holds its rallies, they hope to be attacked by violent hecklers. That way, the Klan can play the victim, associating their attackers with the racial harmony that they're against.
Posted by Tru
Misdeeds and Misnomers
Mr. Daniels, you're 100% correct. The radical element of our society are of a fascist nature. This has been brewing for a long time. When our Colleges and Universities allow radical leftist students, usually backed by some Professors, to shout out or force a visiting speaker with different viewpoints than the radical leftist students, that goes totally against what Colleges and Universities are supposed to be about. Debate different opinions, of course. Preventing different options to have a voice, no. That's fascist. And here is where the problem is rooted. Another problem area is some of the organizations that sponsor these protest that turn into riots or worse are well funded and organized for the very purpose of disruption of society and to cause as much mayhem as possible. I believe these types of organizations are a form of domestic terrorism, and should be dealt with accordingly, all the way up to the people that funds these types of organizations. As you wrote, I too believe that society will get tired of the violent disrespectful protesters/rioters and take matters into their own hands soon if law enforcement agencies fail to quiet the tide. Well, that's my opinion anyways. Good Soapbox Mr . Daniels. Keep up the good work.
Posted by Adrian
Misdeeds and Misnomers
The parallels between the rabid left and the NSDAP in the 1920's to the 1940's is startling. Every trick in their playbook is a carbon copy of Nazi socialism. Free speech is only tolerated if it's their brand of free speech.
Posted by Dan
Misdeeds and Misnomers
I couldn't have said it more eloquently than you. I wish some of the crazies would take a minute and read this.
Posted by Karen
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie, the dam is fixing to bust, and just like we saw a couple years ago in Colorado, it is always ugly, the EPA or other government agency understates the severity, and innocent people have yellow water to deal with. I have no doubt that these fascist,left leaning, brain dead liberals have no intention of backing down. The Clinton's, Soros's and Hollyweird stars will keep pushing until the dam busts, and once again they will have their cliches such as Hands up, don't shoot and Black Lives Matter. But we all know that their day of reckoning is coming, and the hound dogs have already got their scent. God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
You get what you pay for
I'd say that George Soros is getting bang for his bucks that he's paying his Night Riders...8^(
Posted by Terry
UnAmerican Protesters
Charlie: Brother you hit I right on the head. Spot on and accurate. As a Veteran and a dumb old tugboater, I applaud you for posting what so many feel. And you did it without resorting to name calling or other tactics that some think are acceptable. You ever get up to Tazewell, Tn. Stop by my VFW Post #8779. Your beverage is on me.
Posted by Steven
Children on the spectrum need your help
Hi Mr. Daniels, I am writing to invite you and your band to The Howard County Autism Society's annual Pieces of the Puzzle Gala. I know you are going to be in town because you are playing at Merriweather in Maryland that weekend. We are right up the street. This year our theme is a western theme. What says western more than The Devil Went Down to Georgia? And Good publicity is good publicity just you stopping by for a few minutes would surely help our donors reach deep into their pockets and give until it hurts to help those living with Autism. Our event is on 4-29-17 at the Turf Valley Resort in Ellicott city, Md. Please consider stopping by when you are in town. It could really make a difference for so many people. Best of luck on your show and May God Bless.
Posted by lisa
Well done Mr Daniels! These protesters are either part of a plot, ignorant, filled with hybris and ate( eye-Tay- moral blindness) . I personally think it's a mix of all those( depending on your rank in the protests). But all good things ( for them) will come to an end.
Posted by Michael
Stupid Political Misnomers
The "Illuminati" messed up the terms "positive" and "negative" so bad that electrical engineers curse them for calling electrons, which are solid "posited" objects, "negative", so that the "holes" ("negated" spaces) in solid state electronics are called "positive". It messed up some chemistry too. But, even today, when a physician reports that a test shows no cancer, he calls the results "negative", which is very good, not "bad". The terms "optimistic" and "pessimistic" could replace the imbecilic applications of "positive" and "negative".
Posted by Miguel