Posted on 06.28.2004

Look in the Mirror - Soapbox Rewind

It�s bad enough when Hollywood stars and other people get on their pulpit and start preaching about gun control when there�s an armed personal bodyguard waiting in the wings for them.

But when they start on the evils of the SUV it just about gets my goat.

I drive an SUV, have been driving an SUV and intend to keep on driving an SUV. I paid for it and buy the gas it uses, which I figure makes it nobody�s business but mine.  And since you people are so determined to blame us �good ole boys� for all the excess, let me make a few suggestions of my own.

I�ll give my SUV up under one circumstance.  The celebrities will have to give up their private jets and limousines.

One round trip from Los Angeles to New York on a Gulf Stream Five burns more fuel than my SUV burns in a year.

Why can�t they fly commercial?  Most everybody else does.  If they�re as environmentally concerned as they claim to be they could see the advantage of deleting all those extra jet trails out of an already crowded sky.

And how about those big stretch limos? How much gas do they burn on a round trip to the Academy Awards?  Since they�re so concerned about fuel consumption why can�t they arrive at the red carpet in a Yugo?

And here�s another idea.  Why can�t the stars who are worried about world hunger go to the awards in a tee shirt, blue jeans and an old pair of tennis shoes wearing just a Timex and a scarf on their heads to hide the lack of a five hundred dollar hairdo.

Then they could give the money they save to alleviate hunger, and it would most likely be a considerable sum.

Heck the designer dresses, hair arrangements and jewelry for one night must amount to the total GNP for some small third world countries.

I mean does paying thousands of dollars for a dress you�re only going to wear one time make good sense?  And you want to get on us for throwing away aluminum cans?

And another huge savings would be if instead of stopping off at Spago they could go by McDonald�s.

And they could turn those expensive champagne and caviar parties into weenie roasts, but remember no open fires, got to take of the environment.

And now about the guns. I don�t begrudge you folks the protection of an armed bodyguard. I wish everybody had one, it�s a mean old world, but the plain truth is that most folks just can�t afford one, so they guard their own body and the bodies of their families.

They have a constitutionally mandated right to own a gun.  So that puts them on a kind of level playing field with you all.

But let�s face it, they just can�t afford a jet.

Pray for our troops.

What do you think?

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB


Our rights
They have a constitutionally mandated right to own a gun. So that puts them on a kind of level playing field with you all. says Charlie. Not quite, Charlie. No one has a constitutional right to carry an atomic bomb strapped to the back and take a stroll through Central Park. No one has a right to put a 88mm anti-aircraft gun in their front yard. No one has a right to leave a loaded gun where a kid can get his hands on it. A lot of people have died and are going to die before laws get changed. How many? I think the 20 kids in Connecticut should be enough for anyone. The right wing folks tell me it was all fake then ran out to stock up on the gun that was used. Celebrities have armed bodyguards because they live in a country overrun with people who think the right way to express themselves is with a loaded gun in their hand so next time you wonder why they have armed guards, look in a mirror.
Posted by dana
God Guns & Guts
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie, God, Guns & Guts made America and it is the only thing that will keep America the land of the free. Contrary to what Dana believes, we should be in possession of fully automatics, and mounted atop our Chevy 4 X 4 if that is our desire. We need protection from our government just as well as foreign enemies. Anybody that does not realize that now after 8 years of Obama, has been sleeping for eight years. Al Gore is a sewer rat just like Obama, neither one practices what they preach. About the only truth Obama said was that if he had a son he would be like Trevon Martin, a drug using banger just like his daddy Obama. This is why the Second Amendment is so important.The nut never falls far from the tree. nuff said God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
I do not mind nuts falling out of a tree. I just prefer they not be heavily armed.
Posted by Dana
Dana is correct as usual. Freedom of press, not guns, protect us from an abusive government - and anyone who does not realize that after 6 months of Trump as been sleeping forever !
Posted by Paul