Posted on 07.11.2008

Okie Rose - Soapbox Rewind

My little Oklahoma Rose, my precious wife, Hazel, turned sixty-five the eighth of July and she's just as lovely and vibrant as ever.

She's the same girl who I told I loved her for the first time at the top of a ferris wheel at Mohawk Park in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

She's the same girl who came to Nashville in 1967 with a husband who had a twenty-dollar bill and the clutch out of his car.

She's the same girl who has stood by me in sickness and in health, through years and years of chasing my dreams, through repossessed cars, mountainous debts, through cancer and cantankerousness.

She has been a wonderful mother and deserves most of the credit for raising a fine son, honest and loving.

She has been ready to try anything I have thrown her way, from golf to horseback riding, from motorcycles to shot gunning down clay targets, to hauling huge King Salmon out of cold Alaskan waters.

She has seen me at my best and my worst, at my highest point and my lowest point, she's seen me win and lose, she's seen me when I've lost my way and had to start over again. She's seen me up, down and sideways and through it all she has been my shelter, my anchor, my tether to the reality of what's really important in life.

She is the centerpiece of my life on this earth and after more than four decades together, she still excites me, comforts me and sometimes carries me over a rough patch.

Never let anybody tell you that love has to change when you grow older. Youth is fleeting but true love never cools, never becomes commonplace and never ends.

Hazel is the best friend I have in this world and I'd rather spend time with her than anybody on this planet. We can sit for hours talking, reading or just listening to the birds sing and admiring the beautiful flowers in her yard.

We don't go out a lot, we'd rather stay at home and besides, the best eating place in Tennessee is at Hazel's table.

The Bible says that when two people are married they should become as one and my wife is as much a part of me as my heart. I can't and don't want to imagine my life without her, and in reality, there is no sense in thinking about such things.

I believe that somehow, some way, real true love transcends the grave and I know my little finite mind cannot begin to perceive the wonder and joy of Heaven, but I am hoping to spend eternity there with my little Okie Rose.

Happy Birthday, Darlin'.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops.

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB


Gracious memory.
I met your wife a few years ago, at American Home Furnishings, in Farmington, New Mexico. She was so gracious as beautiful. You also were very nice, and waited patiently for her to do her shopping. Although I was not your sales person, I was so excited to share with my family, that I had met you, and your beautiful wife. God bless you and Happy birthday to your wife...I pray many more years. Shirley Arellano
Posted by Shirley
Ain't God Great
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie, I'm glad to hear that I ain't the only guy with a wife that God made especially for me and has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams. Wish you both many more years of happiness. God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
Reply to soapbox.
What a beautiful and loving tribute to a mans wife. Charlie you set a great example of what a man should say to his wife on a regular bases. I really enjoy your soapboxes and you are an inspiration to me, not only by what you say but by your playing music. Makes me want to play my guitar. God Bless You and your family.
Posted by Dale
okie rose
beautiful article.Wife and I of 54 years are on our way to a surprise family dinner for her 90th birthday which is Monday July 10th.
Posted by Robert
Charlie, a few years ago, I met you for the first time. I was in awe, and I will never forget the way you made time to meet with a long time fan who happened to show up late for the meet and greet. I still speak fondly of that night in Salamanca new York. Last year just before the volunteer Jam I managed to get to meet you during the project dinner. And much to my surprise, you introduced me to Miss Hazel. I felt honored and again in awe. So two of my lifetime memories are a direct result of your kindness and I will be forever grateful. Thanks
Posted by Jack
Happy Birthday Hazel
Happy Birthday Hazel! Hope to see you and Charlie in Hutchinson Kansas in September. Already have our tickets. Kevin Henderson Non-Hyphenated American!
Posted by Kevin