Posted on 04.05.2013

The Bible

The miniseries "The Bible" has broken some new ground for the cable television outlets racking up heretofore unheard of ratings for almost anything other than the major networks.

I dare say it also partially opened the eyes of some powerful media people who probably thought that the American public's interest in biblical history and the things of God had waned to an ebb too low to make such an undertaking so wildly successful.

It also brought about a lot of discussion about authenticity, fact or myth, actual or allegory. The problem being that more than likely the people who were doing most of the questioning probably know about as much about the Bible as a mule knows about the theory of relativity and only got involved to try and discredit the Bible in any way they can.

What a futile undertaking, people have been trying to do that for thousands of years, and that blessed old book just keeps on keeping on, it's prophecies being fulfilled and it's timeless message of salvation continuously being accepted by millions around the world.

One of the things that seems to bother people is some of the fantastic things God did.
They wonder if He really did it or is it only an allegorical description to illustrate a point or a happening.

Well, speaking just for me, I have absolutely no problem with that premise, I believe that a big fish actually swallowed Jonah, that the waters of the Red Sea were parted, that the sun did go backward as a sign to Hezekiah, that Moses struck a rock in the desert and water flowed out, that manna did fall from the sky to feed the Children of Israel on their journey to the Promised Land.

I also believe the prophecies that have and will be fulfilled, the coming of the Antichrist, the one world government, the mark of the beast and the Battle of Armageddon when an army numbering in the millions gather in the Jezreel Valley near Megiddo with the intention of completely destroying Israel, roughly 85% of them will be destroyed by the Hand of Israel's Protector, Jehovah, The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose name God changed to "Israel".

I believe in the New Covenant the virgin birth, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, that He was seen by over 500 people between the time He rose from the dead and ascended to heaven.

I believe that He is the way the truth and the life, God in the flesh and I believe that He will return to earth one day to claim His rightful place as King of Kings and Lords of Lords when He will rule over a thousand years of peace known as the Millennium.

Some people will tell you there are contradictions in The Bible but are unable to point them out.

The four Gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are written by four different men, two were Jesus' disciples and two weren't and their accounts differ, not in substance, but in point of reference and observation.

One may feature a more insightful and elaborate description of the nativity and another a more detailed account of the trial, crucifixion and resurrection of Christ or site different incidents that happened in the every day life of Jesus.

But they all come to the same conclusion, Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, came to His earthly ministry when he was about 30 years old. He healed the sick, raised the dead, gave sight to the blind and made the lame walk.

The really incredible part is that His ministry only lasted around three years after which he was condemned by the religious leaders of His day who coerced the Romans into crucifying Him.

Why did the religious leaders, or Sanhedrin do this?

My personal belief, He was stealing their thunder.

The Sanhedrin (comprised of Pharisees and Sadducees) were righteous men who lived to the letter of the law, who tithed down to the herbs in their gardens, but it was an intellectual religion, not a spiritual one. The law didn't specifically say, "Thou shalt not take away the property of widows and orphans" they felt it was in their purview to do it.

Jesus called them a "brood of vipers", "whitewashed tombs" "full of the bones of the dead"" and soundly condemned them for their perversion of The Law of Moses and they didn't like it.

They were among the most honored and respected men in Israel, many of them rich and powerful with the influence to excommunicate people from the Synagogues.

As my pastor puts it, "Jesus was messing up their thing" the crowds were going to Him to hear about living by conscience the real meaning of The Law, the New Covenant of love, compassion and forgiveness.

Jesus was know in Jerusalem as a Nazarene, coming from the town of Nazareth close to the Sea of Galilee in the Judean hills where He had lived since his boyhood days.

One of the Sanhedrin's main cases against Jesus being the Messiah, or Promised One foretold about in the Holy Scriptures, was that He was from Galilee. One famous quote from one of the Sanhedrin was, "Search the scriptures, no prophet comes from Galilee"

The truth of the matter is that though Jesus lived in Nazareth, He was born in Bethlehem, the City of David, right where the scripture said he would be.

But they didn't even dig deep enough to discover this and had him crucified between two criminals on a cross in Jerusalem where the first convert under the New Covenant was the thief being crucified on the cross next to him who asked Jesus to remember him when He came into His Kingdom.

Jesus told him that day he would be with Him in Paradise.

I believe the Holy Bible from front cover to back, I believe it literally not figuratively, I believe it all, Old and New Testaments.

I believe it is The Word of Almighty God.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels​