Posted on 04.22.2013

Cautious Pessimism

When you consider the amount of countries that have been rocked by terrorism in the last several decades and how little has been done about it on a bilateral basis, it really brings home the pitiful amount of cohesion that exists among the nations of the world, even on a problem as serious and destructive as terrorism.

By any rational standard, the nations of the world should define terrorism, acknowledge where it comes from and band together to destroy it, giving the terrorists no place to run and no place to hide. But politics and demographics come into play any time an effort is made for any kind of international solution, basically leaving the responsibility to the individual nations.

England, Spain, Germany, Russia, France, America have all suffered terrorist attacks and of course the nation that has suffered the most is Israel.

Israel resides in the very shadow of the terrorist neighborhood and has to live in constant vigilance and split second readiness to defend a vulnerable population against every Islamic terrorist organization known to man. Of course they are not shy when it comes to eye for eye, tooth for tooth and their very existence depends on it.

Recent events have made me ponder the question, could America become like Israel, a regular target for terrorist attacks? How many small sleeper cells have come to our shores, crossed our borders illegally, been granted student visas and even citizenship, melting into society and biding their time until they wreak their deadly violence on some unsuspecting community?

America should have learned that a terrorist does not necessarily wear a head covering and speak Farsi or Arabic. Terrorists come in all colors and nationalities, some even born in this nation and every day the threat grows exponentially stronger as America's obsession with political correctness and diversity inhibit open and vigorous pursuit of this hidden danger.

I believe the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was written for such a time as this and does not pertain to hunters and target shooters, but to an armed population able and ready to defend their homes and families against any threat our collective police agencies are not able to respond to in a timely fashion.

I think this was demonstrated in Massachusetts last week when a terrorist crawled into a boat in the yard of a private home. Thank God the police were able to respond in time but suppose he had decided to come inside the house, should you meet him at the door with a salad fork?

It was almost inevitable that there would be another terrorist attack on American soil.

Since 9/11 we have been lulled asleep, the present administration indicating that al-Qaeda had been basically decimated to the point of not being capable of international terrorist acts and a Homeland Security Department that is concerned with politics and platitudes, deathly afraid of being accused of profiling and a president who uses terms like "enemy combatant", "man caused disaster" and "violence in the workplace" and has yet to mention the fact that the two men who killed and maimed American citizens in Boston were radical Muslims bent on jihad as if it had no bearing on the situation.

If drastic changes are not implemented and a complete attitude adjustment is not made in the halls of power in this country, we can expect more of what happened in Boston.

They're out there, they're waiting and they're deadly.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels​