Posted on 04.02.2018


Jesus related a parable about a man who built his house on the sand and a man who built his house on a rock, and when the storms came the house whose foundation was sand collapsed while the house on the rock stood solidly against the raging of the wind and water.

This simple parable reinforces the absolute and eternal truth that anything built on a faulty foundation will be shaken and fall when the inevitable storms come along, whether it’s a one-sided relationship, a skyscraper or nation.

The United States of America was founded on the existence of Almighty God, man’s unquenchable thirst for liberty and the blood of patriots, a strong foundation of like-minded people who committed their future, their fortunes and their very lives to the prospect that living life the way they chose was a God-given right.

The American Dream was born.

America has committed her share of sins, most notably the scourge of slavery, which would eventually divide the country, bone and marrow, and cost the lives of thousands, the curse of segregation, the misguided support of dictators, the heartless slaughter of millions of the unborn and many other iniquities, some we’ve learned from, some we haven’t

But through it all, there has remained a nucleus of righteous people who kept the faith, who stood against the creeping tide of ungodliness, socialism and downright evil that constantly threatens to turn our American Dream into a nightmare.

Never in the 242-year history of our nation have the battle lines been more clearly defined or the struggle for the kind of country America is going to be more vital

No matter how you feel about immigration, the states and cities that declare themselves sanctuaries for those who are here illegally are guilty of anarchy, no entity is allowed to choose the laws they want to obey and ignore the others, otherwise, we don’t have a United States but a loose confederation of independent enclaves.

It’s ironic how the very same people who so adamantly stood against Arizona’s immigration laws just a few years ago, now defend the illegal actions of states guilty of breaking the most basic of America’s federal laws.

The progressive argument defending the rampant mass murder of the unborn has been couched in terms of, a woman’s right to choose, a blob of flesh, not really a baby. Semantics to hide the fact that. once conceived, what is growing inside a woman’s womb is the beginnings precious human life and just because it hasn’t fully formed yet, it does not negate the fact that a life is being snuffed out.

The Creator of the universe and everything in it said that He knew us in our mother’s womb and planned out the days of our lives before we were born.

So, what is the difference in taking the life of an unborn baby and taking the life of a full-grown person?

Our nation is aborting its population out of existence, another piece of our foundation that is rapidly washing away in the tide of secular humanism.

Supposed “minority leaders” constantly fan the flames of racial division because it’s what keeps them in business. No division, no sound bites, no lavish lifestyle, no power. Their stock in trade is not reconciliation, but envy, distrust and hate between the races and unfortunately there’s a faction of the minorities who embrace that and the media loves it.

And another stone falls out of the dike.

Our nation is in the kind of debt that, if not addressed immediately and seriously will one day devalue our currency, drain away a major part of our national wealth and cause a depression that will reduce America’s ability to sustain services or even defend ourselves.

Parents have children for no other reason than increasing the amount of their entitlement check.

And of course, what I have listed is only a very small part of what’s eating away at the foundation of our nation.

Where do we go from here?

I honestly don’t know, but what I do know is that the sand beneath our feet is shifting fast.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

— Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. — TeamCDB


As Usual
Why is it ok for states to violate federal law when it comes to abortion but anarchy when it comes to illegal immigration? Are we allowed to pick and chose the laws we are going to obey. Numerous states have done their best to shut down clinics providing abortions in flagrant and contemptuous violation of federal law. Why is that not anarchy as well? We can create and change federal law but we cannot pretend that it exists in one case but not in another. It is even worse to talk about anarchy when that is what is being preached. One thing is clear, we are not as a people obligated to follow religious laws whether they be Islamic or Christian, whether it be Sharia or Blue laws. The federal government protects us from that kind of obscenity.
Posted by dana
Look Up
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie it as as you state on all of these subjects, I truly hope that Trump can turn tide on the erosion of America. The immigration and abortion going on in our land is 100% contrary to what Jesus proclaimed. If the tide does not turn and we become a Muslim nation as the Obamites dream of I am sure we will be in the tribulation period and the 1,000 year of Jesus will be upon us. Till then I will stand beside you and other Americans, locked and loaded. God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
No matter how you feel about abortion, the states and cities that create their own regulations women must follow to obtain one are guilty of anarchy, no entity is allowed to choose the laws they want to obey and ignore the others, otherwise, we don’t have a United States but a loose confederation of independent enclaves.
Posted by Nick
Waa Waa Waaa
Dana. the Hyde amendment is a FEDERAL Law dealing with limiting abortion. In 2007 the US Supreme Court started seeing their error in Roe vs Wade and upheld FEDERAL Law banning second trimester abortion. And anybody who truly believes that they do not have to follow religious laws will be in serious trouble when they stand before Jesus Christ on Judgement Day including some Justices who will find out who the true Supreme Court of the world is.......I AM. nuff said God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
Yes. Agree. You make incredible sense. It really is the in-fighting that keeps far too many of these groups, foundations and organizations in business. It is the hate they teach that they feel turns the tide in their favor but in reality it only serves to stir up the waters more than any can manage. Stay up on the soap box Charlie, enjoy reading them. Thanks. God Bless.
Posted by Lisa
No Theocracy for the US
Plowboy, I am happy to take my chances in the afterlife as long as I know that I have done right by my family and my country in this life. You are welcome to your religious views. You are not welcome to march into my house and demand that I follow them. 'States cannot place legal restrictions posing an undue burden for "the purpose or effect of placing a substantial obstacle in the path of a woman seeking an abortion of a nonviable fetus."' You cannot say that it is anarchy for states to interfere with federal enforcement of immigration law and then look the other way when states attempt to circumvent federal law on abortion.
Posted by Dana
Dear Mr. Daniels, As with most of your writing (teaching), you have hit the nail on the head and for those with an open mind, something to think about and hopefully a ositive movement picks up some steam. My reason for writing though wasn't to praise your writing; it was to point out that for some reason the website that is carrying your article (CNS) continually directed me away from the article. Not sure why that was happening, but thought I'd point that out to you as your message is worth sharing. On the bright side, I did find your website and "SOAPBOX" so I could finish your article. Cheers and God Bless You and God Bless America, Boyd
Posted by Boyd
You have always been the most rooted, down to earth man I've known. A Simple Man, and your support video for the NRA should be your platform for running for President in 6 years. And Uncle Ted should be your running mate. Thank you for all you do. And your music. Jim Weber
Posted by Jim
Pro-Life Strategy
Nick, the comment that you posted here, titled "Inconsistencies", is why the pro-life vote should prioritize candidates running for office in FEDERAL government. ESPECIALLY candidates running for U.S. Congress, because they, not the president, are involved with new constitutional amendments.
Posted by Tru
Responding to Plowboy
Plowboy, America never was a TRULY Christian nation, because it’s individuals who are loyal to God, not nations. So-called “Christian nations” are dominated by Christian-in-name-only hypocrites. Muslims in this country, most of whom are not radical, are really no different than the Christian-in-name-only hypocrites who have always been dominant in America. -- Tru Cola
Posted by Tru
Liberals and Conservatives
Charlie, you said “Never in the 242-year history of our nation have the battle lines been more clearly defined”. I disagree. I think that both liberals and conservatives are right about some things and wrong about others. But, I will admit, when conservatives are right, it can be VERY obvious. -- Tru Cola
Posted by Tru
Pro-Life vs. Conservative
Charlie, if we want to make abortion illegal here in America, we NEED to make our pro-life stand more of a priority than conservative ideology. We need to support pro-life democrats (if there are any) as much as possible, EVEN IF THEY’RE LIBERAL ON EVERYTHING ELSE. Choosing a pro-life republican over a pro-life democrat in the general election is understandable (I’d probably do that, myself.). But with the primaries and campaign donations and such, we need to support pro-life democrats. -- Tru Cola
Posted by Tru
Practicality vs. Politicians
Charlie, one of America’s biggest problems is a lack of ingenuity in the private sector. I think it would be wonderful if people held fundraisers to help those who want to buy things that are made in America by an American company. That’s MUCH better than singing praises for a candidate in hopes that he’s our knight in shining armor. Yes, it would be nice to have tariffs to support American jobs. But candidates who say that they’re in support of these tariffs can’t be trusted to keep their word. And if we do have these tariffs, they can always be taken away, just like how Bill Clinton took away many of our tariffs when he supported things like NAFTA. -- Tru Cola
Posted by Tru
How People Become Socialists
Charlie, since you mentioned socialism, I’d like to point out some of the mechanics of how people get lured into it. Remember what Benjamin Franklin said about death and taxes? And a tax, in and of itself, is an act of socialism. The government takes money from individuals and spends it to serve society collectively. So technically, America has always been a little bit socialist. Our military, for example, defends all Americans equally regardless of who paid how much in taxes. No American citizen earns more military protection than others. This is how our most basic government services function. People see these basic government services and start to think that we should have more. And then more. And then more. There’s a very thin line between capitalism and socialism. -- Tru Cola
Posted by Tru