Soap Box

Looking for the Light

Faux Leaders, Faux Justice


Memorial Day - Soapbox Rewind
Charlie will be back with a new soapbox on Tuesday. In honor of Memorial Day, here's a Soapbox Rewind from 2014. - TeamCDB/BW
My first memories of war were on a cold gray Sunday afternoon in December in 1941. Our family was gathered at my Grandfather's house on the Carolina Beach Road in Wilmington, North Carolina enjoying the closeness of our family ties.

Judicial, Media and Agency Activism, the Scourge of the 21st Century
Activism in the cause of something you deeply believe in, when carried out by a private citizen is a noble thing and a precious right of our Republic.
But when institutions, put in place to serve the public in a fair and impartial fashion step over the bias line, it harms the very foundation of liberty and justice for all our nation was founded on.

To say these last few weeks have been trying, nerve-wracking, confusing and uncertain is the grossest of understatements.
Even watching the president’s daily coronavirus briefings did little to glean enough information to form any solid opinions, the negative and abrasive questions of a totally biased media, the sometimes stilted science-speak of some of the officials and guests left you wondering what they actually said.

The Opening of America

Thoughts From a Proud Son on In America’s 40th Anniversary - Soapbox, Jr.
“We’ll all stick together, and you can take that to the bank.
That’s the cowboys and the hippies and the rebels and the yanks!” - Charlie Daniels 1980
It’s hard to believe it’s been 40 years since one of the most impactful CDB songs was first introduced to the public, “In America.”

No News - Good News?
I just perused the headlines at a major online news source and if that was all the information I could obtain, I would have an extremely depressing day. I’ll admit there is enough bad stuff to dominate the front page or lead story of any news organization right now, but what really irritates me is the total omission of, or relegating to boilerplate status, anything uplifting or hopeful.

The World is Watching
The coronavirus did not suddenly pop up on the city streets of the world, it didn’t get there by itself, it was carried in the body of a human being.
There may be controversy about the exact location at which it originated but it is a proven fact that its origins are somewhere in the city of Wuhan, China.

Put Some Skin in the Game
I am going to do my level best to aim this column straight down the middle, glancing neither left nor right, in what the politicians in DC call a bipartisan fashion.
It is an attempt to circumvent personal political preferences, step around the hyperbolic, the rhetorical and the prejudiced vendettas so firmly ingrained into our minds by media on the left and on the right.

New Hope, New Life

The Best and the Worst

America On Hold

How We Roll
Since the advent of coronavirus, America has had little time, energy or interest in anything else.
Trying to keep up with the latest mortality rates, the number of infected, the spread and all the other moving parts associated with the virus, and I do mean moving parts because the situation changes so rapidly, sometimes on an hourly basis.


Apostate Nation
“I want to tell you, Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Gorsuch, you have unleashed a whirlwind, and you will pay the price.”
Is this the statement of a rational man, a political leader who is charged with leading his party in the US Senate?

The Dumbing Up of America

The Fallacy of Campaign Financing

Empty Words

God Bless America

The Dream
The scene is the chamber of the House of Representatives, the occasion, a specially called joint meeting of both houses, at the podium, the Senate Majority Leader and the Speaker of the House - Obviously not the two currently in office.

The Frivolous Foibles of Those Who Consider Themselves Wiser Than Us

Benghazi Ain’t Going Away
Almost every day for the last several years, I have tweeted “Benghazi ain’t going away” on my Twitter page.
There are a couple of reasons. First of all, I have met the three men who were fighting the mob from the roof of the embassy annex, getting shot all to hell in the process.

An Open Letter to Those Who Would Do Away With the Second Amendment

One-Trick Pony

Another Year Already? - Soapbox Rewind
Charlie will be back with his first soapbox of 2020 on Friday, but in the meantime, here's a New Year's Soapbox Rewind from 2014. Happy New Year from everyone at the CDB and Twin Pines Ranch. - TeamCDB/BW
Well, for somebody born in 1936, the very numerals themselves sound like the title to some B-grade black and white science fiction movie, some cheesy tale about how in 2015 the two-headed minotaurs from Uranus came to earth and ate everybody's brain and turned the human race into mindless robots.

A Carolina Christmas Carol - Merry Christmas From the CDB 2019
When I was a little boy, it seemed that Christmas would never get here, now it seems to come about every six months.
No matter, I love Christmas time, and at our house we celebrate heartily. Hazel decorates five Christmas trees, keeps us all well fed and every Christmas Eve we go to church and when we come home we are joined by a bunch of family and friends and we spend the evening enjoying each other’s company.