Posted on 07.17.2020

The Best There’s Ever Been Part 2 - Soapbox, Jr.

Once again, I want to say thank you for all the love poured out for my dad, my mom and me. It’s going to be hard to adjust to life without him, and thank you for all the prayers. We need each and every one of them.

I wanted to pick up the story at the hospital after dad took his last breath.

Most of the CDB family, business office staff, the band, crew and dear friends joined us at Summit Medical Center’s ER.

Everyone said tearful goodbyes to the man who kept most of the people there employed for many decades, some of them as many as 45-47 years.

Then some of the hospital staff and the hospital chaplain talked to us about doing a Patriots Honor Walk for dad when they were ready to take him to the hearse and then to the funeral home.

The Patriots Honor Walk is military-themed, and it is the civilian equivalent to the military Honor Walk as the hospital staff lines the hallways as the recently deceased is taken out of the doors. I wanted to stress to the hospital staff, that although dad loved our military, he did not serve.

I asked dad about that a number of years ago when some online trolls had called him a draft dodger. The truth of the matter is that he failed his physical due to his poor eyesight when he got his number called. Dad wore thick glasses when I was a child – which he attributed to a high fever when he had at an early age - and contact lenses on stage when he performed until Dr. Ming Wang was able to perform LASIK and corneal implants in 2013. He wasn’t able to have the operation sooner because he also had astigmatism, and Dr. Wang kept advising him to wait until the procedure was perfected.

So, that being said, I wanted to let the staff know that information, and they said the Patriots Honor Walk is similar, but for people who were passionate supporters of our country, and our military. One of the nurses on staff who served in the Navy brought an American flag and she draped it over my dad’s body, and the hospital chaplain handed out cards with a beautiful prayer he had written for us.

While I was letting friends of mine know what had happened, the honor walk was being organized, along with something else.

This is going to be difficult for me to put into words, and I’m already tearing up as I write it.

While the hospital was in Hermitage, TN in Davidson County, members of the Mt. Juliet Police Department and the Wilson County Sheriff’s Department were organizing a procession from the hospital to the funeral home in Mt. Juliet.

When it was time, we walked with dad’s body on the gurney as it made its way to the hearse. All the ER staff who tended to dad, friends, employees, friends of ours in law enforcement and many others lined the hallway and outdoors as we got ready to leave for the funeral home.

Since I had driven myself that morning, I got in line behind the car that mom had been brought to the hospital in. Not only were there friends, and the CDB family in the motorcade, several of MJPD & Wilson County’s finest led the way, and at least two dozen Patriot Guard Riders bringing up the rear on their machines.

When we turned off I-40 onto Mt. Juliet Road, we started to see people gathered along the street. With just 45 minutes notice, people stepped out of their places of work, left their homes and in the middle of a pandemic, lined the streets of Mt. Juliet to pay their respects to my father who, despite having moved to Lebanon in 1979, still called Mt. Juliet home. A good friend of ours who had a lot of pull got the land “honorarily annexed” into Mt. Juliet.

But seeing the outpouring of love the American flags waving, the people holding signs saying “We Love You, Charlie!” made me realize I had made a huge mistake.

I should’ve had someone else drive me.

The same tears that are flowing now were flowing even harder as I saw the town I grew up in and went to elementary school, junior high and high school come out to say goodbye to my father, and I was a wreck.

Those feelings continued right up to when we pulled into the funeral home as the Mt. Juliet Fire Department had the ladder extended on one of their trucks and an American flag hanging from it.

It was an overwhelming display of love, honor and respect. And it made me extremely proud to be his son.

My mom and I are still struggling, and we’ve got a lot to work through, but we want to say thank you for all the flowers, the donations to The Journey Home Project and mostly the prayers for us. They are much needed, and much appreciated.

I also wanted to say thank you to the ER staff at Summit Medical Center. The staff was kind, understanding and went out of the way to take care of dad, and my mom and me. You have no idea how much that meant to us.

I think I’ve got at least one other soapbox in me about the events of last week, and possibly more. Nobody wants to hear my opinion like they did dad’s, but I may try to find a few topics to at least get a few more “Charlie Daniels” soapboxes out there for the world, even if it’s from the newer model.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police, our country and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America.

- Charlie Daniels Jr.


Feel free to comment on soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. — TeamCDB



Check Out The Charlie Daniels Podcast!

Check out "Geechi Geechi Ya Ya Blues" from Beau Weevils - 'Songs in the Key of E'




You're Daddy Is Proud
Amen,Amen & Amen Charlie Jr. I'm sure Charlie is up in heaven smiling upon you as you keep his legacy alive. We will continue to pray for you and Hazel as you struggle to heal from this great loss....nuff said God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
Thanks for sharing these moving and very personal moments. I cannot imagine how difficult this is for you all. How wonderful to know that he was given such a great honor from the hospital and the community. I am certain he heard “well done” from our Heavenly Father the minute he stepped into Heaven. You all are in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you all. ❤️
Posted by Sherri
Best thats ever been
Charlie,jr this is for you. I have always felt a kinship with your Daddy. My family of Daniels is from Beaufort county, NC (little Washington. My Dad’s name was William as was his. My Great Grandaddy was Edward Daniels. I Love his Love of the Lord, Love his Patriotism and of Course his music. I Lost my Daddy in 2009, I feel your pain cuz. Love and Prayers for your Mama Miss Hazel and You. We are Consoled by The Knowing where They are. God Bless. JD
Posted by James
The best there's ever been part 2
I went to a Mennonite Church gathering for a good friend's mother's passing. I was very surprised at the lack of sad emotion. I came to understand they knew where their Mom was and were overjoyed she was no longer of this earth. Not only was she with her previously deceased husband, she was with the Lord in heaven. There's a lot to be said for that realization. Faith in our Lord will pull us through difficult times. I have no doubt Charlie, Hazel and Charlie Jr. have that faith and realization. While their loss is catastrophic their pain will diminish as time goes forward. God bless the Daniels family, their friends and crew and the many fans.
Posted by Owen
Your Dad
I evidently wrote too much last week and got bounced off so I’ll keep it short and sweet. I have loved CDB music all of my life and got to meet your dad when we sponsored the band for P-nut Fest in Suffolk, Va. His words have helped me and I’m sure many others during this pandemic. When I read that the Lord had called him home, I cried but knew it wasn’t up to me. I’m glad y’all are keeping his legacy alive. God bless you! Kathy Pond *NOTE* Most likely you did not get bumped, I'm the one who allows or rejects comments to the soapboxes, and to be honest, since Charlie's passing, there have been hundreds and hundreds of comments, but between Charlie's passing, visitation, memorial, funeral and trying to chart a new direction for CDB, Inc., the soapbox comments have accumulated. We will try to get to them this weekend.- TeamCDB/BW
Posted by Kathryn
Keep writing...
I have always been a fan and have seen CDB in concert more times than I can count. But reading Charlie's books and following his messages on social media and this website have given me a huge appreciation for who he really was and what he really believed in. But for his family, I have no idea what you are going through. I pray God continues to use Charlie's influence to do great things for the world. But even more I pray that God gives his family peace about all of this. If writing on this site helps... then keep doing it.
Posted by Eric
Sincerest Condolences
To Mr. Daniels' family and loved ones - we, as fans, feel loss but know it pales in comparison to yours. Sadly, I know what it is to lose a parent and no matter how many years with them, the walk without them is a hard one. As a Christian I too believe and know in my heart that Mr. Daniels is now living in glory with our Father. Peace be with you.
Posted by Kimberly
God Bless Charlie Daniels
Praying daily for you and your mom, and for everyone else who was close to Charlie. Much love from Texas!
Posted by Brooke
Soap box
To Charlie Jr. Beautiful tribute Charlie. I'm so incredibly sorry for your devastating loss. Take care of yourself and your mother. Your father would be proud for you to continue the soapbox comments and stories. Being your father's son I think people will be very interested in your thoughts. God bless..
Posted by Sharon
You doing soapbox
Absolutely, love hearing from you , give us a different angle and I really enjoy your thoughts and stories!! Keep them coming, after all you are Charlie Daniels jr. next best person to him!! Big hugs to you and your mom❤️❤️❤️
Posted by Darla
Your recent post
Your mom & dad did a great job raising you and Charlie Senior has to be smiling from heaven reading what you wrote for us. His is greatly missed.
Posted by Robert
Thank you
...for allowing us to share in your dads final day on this earth. I rejoice knowing we will all greet him again someday in the place we were made to dwell. Your writing is smart and genuine and I agree with others..keep writing! You have your dads dna and you have his gifts. I tell myself these days “Lord be the end of all our ‘things’”. When I joined Twitter your dad was my first follow. I confess the night of your dads death my heart hurt knowing he isn’t tweeting anymore. Then I saw it, “Guess I’ll hang it up for the evening...“ and I cried and I smiled and I praised God. Thank you for keeping your dads legacy alive for us here.
Posted by Julie
Carry on sir.
Having been a fan of your father since a early age I see no reason that you wouldn't pick up where he left off. Just be yourself and everything will come to you. God bless your mom and yourself and the CDB family.
Posted by William
Keep Posting
Charlie Jr. Please keep posting. I loved following your dad's posts in the morning, before and after shows, and that evening goodnight. I miss that. I look forward to reading your posts. I know he's proud of you. May you and your Mom have peace knowing you'll see him again one day. Bob
Posted by Bob
God Bless you and your Mother May the Lord always keep a hand on you and your Family. By letting the public know what happened gives the media no where to go so they can add there own ideas to make a buck. Your doing right by telling in your own words, with the way the world is now and anti Christians would love to harm his legacy. Never let that happen!! God Bless You and prayers always 🙏🙏
Posted by Kevin
Their are a small few that never will be replaced in the hearts and minds And of course he is in this small group thank you charlie god and country
Posted by danny
Thank you
Thru Prayers an your Dads wisdom, you can do it.
Posted by Carolyn
To Hazel and Charlie Jr
Hugs and prayers to you both and all of the CDB staff.
Posted by Myrna
Bless you
Thank you Charlie Jr. Me and my family are enjoying your posts. Your Dad would be so proud. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. Please keep writing. Love from South Carolina.
Posted by Stephanie
Once again you have made us feel like we are part of your family! Believe me our hearts are going to be broken for along time! But also we love to hear your words too, your daddy would be proud!
Posted by Sandy
soapbox part 2
I think it is wonderful that you want to carry on your dads Soap Box issues and opinions. I'm looking forward to reading each one of them. I am an older lady and it warms my heart to see younger folks that have such love and respect for their parents especially with the way kids are these days. Keep up the good work you are doing. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family. Pat Ragan
Posted by Patricia
Tour father
Was truly a great man I was not fortune enough to see him but I love is music. Sure are going miss seeing is post on facebook or hear any new music.
Posted by Reba
Thank you
Thank you, Charlie,Jr for sharing your thoughts and feelings from the past weeks. My prayer for you is that you are willing to keep sharing on the Soapbox just like your Dad did. Thank you for sharing your Dad with us. Thank you, Mrs. Hazel Daniels for loving and caring for Mr. Charlie Daniels and also for sharing Him with his fans and followers. Thank you to the CDB family and friends for always being there for. GOD BLESS YOU ALL
Posted by Lynn
Soap box part 2
Charlie, your dad would be proud to have you continue Soapbox!
Posted by Rita
Prayers for the family
Prayers for you .your mother and the CDB family
Posted by Dale
your dad is definetly proud of you
Prayers to you and your mom in this tough time,im so glad you are keeping the soapbox going,i loved seeing your dads post daily..I met your dad everytime he came to pennsylvania. My husband and i would go back stage, he was the kindest musician i have met..He signed some crazy stuff from socks to fishbowls ,he would laugh and smile..I lost my dad when he was only 60 i was 31 im still not over it and its been 25 years...your dad lives through you keep his memory alive...Just in your writings in the last few days i can see your dad in you god bless and prayers for the pain your heart fills we will all meet again some day
Posted by tammy
your father
He was a husband to your mom and he was your father and dear friend to others and most importantly a child of God. God gave us tears and he knows the emptiness in your heart and he will be you always. I know that for a fact because even after 37 years of my Father being gone I still have my moments and times I cry cause I still miss him so much and I think God sometimes let's me hear my dad telling me I love you and will always be there even when I go to sleep and dream it seems so real. Thank you for sharing your life and your feelings with us all❤❤🙏🙏
Posted by Karen
God Bless you CD jr
Thank you for posting the story of the outpouring of love for your Dad. Your Dad deserves every honor and accolade given to him..He has served the American people well. He may not have carried a rifle,but he carried a fiddle and guitar. He spoke truth and honored God. I'm blessed to have saw him in concert. Please continue to "get on the soapbox ". I look forward to reading it. Somehow reading what happened medically has made it a bit easier to except your Dad's leaving. I know our earthly bodies fail eventually and I know your Dad wanted to stay as long as he could. Our country still needs to read your Dad's truths. Please keep on writing them.
Posted by Deb
You have big shoes to follow but you seem to be able to step up and continue the work your dad did. You and your mom are in our prayers and we are sending love and hugs to all Know that your dad is always near you. You will feel him near at the strangest times. Let the many many good memories and love you shared lift you both up and make you smile or laugh. Keep doing what you are doing, keeping your dad's memories, music and talent alive.
Posted by Barbara
Best theres ever been part 2
You say your not as good as your dad. I alway felt the same way about my dad as well. But, Jr. I certainly see your dad in you, in the way you write. Your dad I knew, you I never met, but never sell yourself short. I bet your the spitin image of you dad, keep up the good work.
Posted by Elvin
You are making him proud
please don't stop the soap boxes. I think you need them as much as we do.
Posted by Kaye
Soapbox CD Jr.
Charlie Jr. I would love to see you carry on the soapbox in your version. I was upstairs at Summitt Monday when the news broke. I couldn’t even talk. We sat on the 4th floor elevator area and watched the procession leave for the funeral home. Your father was a huge influence on me and millions of others. I pray you and Mrs. Hazel find peace. The cloud photo was proof he’s watching over us! Some day I’ll share a funny story with you that your father and I chatted about, while visiting at OLH.
Posted by James
Soap box and your father
as I think stated grew up on your father's music one of my most favorites is simple man that he was for sure be no one who can hold candle next to your father had pleasure to meet him twice last year one as a fan club member and other at July 4th my fiance has been battling brest and brain cancer thank God she's still with me he never asked anything about her haveing no hair and remember I asked him was he haveing fun he said always was kinda turning point for me after all struggles in my life in tn I knew had to make a change in my life and listen to my music is one of my escapes your father was and always will be a great man his music will never die may he be at peice knowing he has such great son and loving family we all can say he touched our life's in someway and he loved everyone no matter what color your skin was may he rip.
Posted by Joseph
Just wanted to let all the Daniel's family know we are praying for all of you, growing up and still currently living in Cleveland TN, the Charle Daniel's family has always been a common household name for me, and no doubt a iconic legend of a singer! To the author, please continue writing and posting the soapbox stories, it has inspired and encouraged me greatly! Thank you
Posted by Chuck
The day I met your father
I just wanted to take a moment to say what a great man your father was, and share a brief story. I was visiting my father in Chicago over the summer back in 1976 or 77. I was 11 or 12 at the time and my father drove a cab. It was fairly typical for me to spend the day in the cab with my father while he was working whenever I would go back their to visit (my parents being divorced). On one particular occasion we were waiting in one of the hotel cab lines (I think it was the Hyatt over in Des Plaines, but I could be wrong). Anyways your father's tour bus pulls up. He gets off the bus and sees me standing there (just a random 11 or 12 year old kid). Most people would just go on about their business and pay no mind, but not your father. He comes over and greets me with such warmth and genuineness that you would think he new me. Then he invites myself and my father on to the bus where he signs an autograph picture and introduces me the guys. I thanked him, and he went his way and I went mine. It was a small thing, but it displayed such warmth, generosity, and kindness that it has always had a tremendous impact on me I am sorry for your loss. The world has lost a great man.
Posted by Tim
I will read and enjoy all the soapboxes you want to post ! Many prayers for you and your family !
Posted by Bradley
Seems you might be wrong Charlie . . .
Everyone of these posts says the same thing, we want to hear what you have to say. I have to thank you for sharing with all of us you are like family. My heart goes out to you and your mother. A true American icon. He will never be forgotten, never. DeploraBill the Northwoods Drifter
Posted by Bill
thank's for all Charlie
one of the greatests , perhaps the greatest , certainly my favorite , is passed . I'm very very sad ; He is one of my best musician like Toy , Tommy and Geoerges and Gregg to ; french fan from the early years , I want to to salute his memmory . Thank you Charlie to give me enjoy with your music . God bless your family . je suis triste , très triste . ride in pêace my friend , go on and ride in peace . Gilles .
Posted by gilles
I loved your dad. I loved his music, his ability to tell a story in a song (that’s not a common ability). But I believe with all my heart your dad’s mission the past 10 years has been to spread the word of truth about the greatness of America. To love on our troops, to preach (and practice) peace. I think he’d be proud for you to carry it on. I need that...America needs that, I think. God Bless you and your mom and family.
Posted by Greg
Best That Ever Been - FOR SURE
You are no longer little Charlie but Charlie Jr. and with your dad's love for you Ii am sure you can be the next 'Best That's Ever Been' PLEASE DO NOT STOP THESE BLOGS. They bring hope, love and kindness AND with the world today we need it more than ever. Love to you and your mom! I watched the memorial service again last night because your Dad was the man that provided sound wisdom, guidance for the love of Country but most of all the love of God. Thank you and God Bless
Posted by Greg
Gone but Never Forgotten
RIP Mr. Daniels, thanks for all those years of concerts, the first in 1976 at Golden Hall in San Diego to the last one I saw in Parker, Co in 2016 and all those times in between. Had tickets to see you August 1, 2020. You will be sorely missed.
Posted by Bruce
response to Charlie Jr.
Hello Sir, I know you don't know me but I had the pleasure of meeting your father after meeting David Corlew while at American Airlines. Sir, please don't ever stop speaking in your fathers place. I can't imagine how hard it is for you, but I do know you are made of the greatest, strongest, and sincere genes and if you just stop and think about the past times with your father, there are still a lot of Soap Box speeches yet to come. There are a lot of young people out there that need to hear from you. God Bless you and your mother and the CDB members.
Posted by Linda
You are your fathers son
I was moved by your words, As you know your father was a legend but you have a way with words that put me there. I found myself crying as if I was there. Please continue to write.
Posted by Mary
A family member that I truly love. He is in Heaven with Jesus now...
I'm so glad he is in our family...we will see him again. He was an inspiration to me in so many ways. He is truly a wonderful man. Charlie j.r., Hazel, the band, road crew, working staff, we love you all. Thanks for all the beautiful memories we all had together. We will continue the message . I love you family. A lot of people know me as Biff. Charlie taught me so many things in life that i will cherish forever. I've been a Minister now for 21 years. He led me to become a Minister. His love will always be with us. Thank you for the music that pulled us through so many situations. My heart is heavy right now, Jesus will be with us all to ease the pain. It hurts when you lose someone. I became a Minister in Nashville, thanks to Charlie. I moved to Nashville and Cleveland Tenn. really because of Charlie and God. I lived in Tenn. for 16 years. God bless Tenn. forever, what a beautiful State. Faith, love and hope will lead us into the promised land. Eternal life is the prize we are seeking. Let's keep singing, it's so good for the heart and soul. Please pray for all of us. God be with you and bless you always, love Harry j.r.
Posted by Harry
God Bless
Dear Charlie Jr., your dad made it very clear that he was a regular down to earth man who loved his family and was for the ordinary working class folks. This world could sure use more people like him and it appears that he's one of the few celebrities that kept his head on straight and always took the common sense approach to any issue he was asked about. Anyhow, I'm from the Spartanburg SC area and would've loved to have met your dad, unfortunately I never did, but he was that rare kind of person who made me feel like he was my friend even though I never got a chance to meet him. I pray that the Lord will provide strength and comfort to you and your mom and extended family and friends. Thanks and God Bless.
Posted by Rodney
Charlie i feel ur and ur mamas loss God bless yall 💗 God loves yall Your daddy was a GREAT KIND man He believed in our nation the Great America USA and fought for our troops He was a brave and very honorable man and well respected and religious and you dont find that much anymore i know yall are proud of him He will forever b in yalls hearts souls and lives for i know he touched so many even those of us he that never knew him but he made u heel clese to him by listeninig to his music because there was truth in it Charlie rest in Heaven with the Anges because u are surely one of them God loves You and ur mama and ur son Charlir Jr. Thank yall suzy
Posted by Suzy
Please, continue writing.
I have loved reading these and seeing a glimpse of your father through your eyes. What an amazing way to honor him by continuing The Soapbox.
Posted by Catrice