Posted on 07.24.2020

The Best There’s Ever Been Part 3 - Soapbox Jr.

I have to say I’m floored over the reaction to the past two soapboxes chronicling the passing of my father. It seems that Part 2 touched a lot of people as many have said they cried as they read it, which sounds about right, I cried as I wrote it. I’ll have one more soapbox chronicling the week of dad’s passing, and then I’ll see what else might be rolling around in my head that can be put into print.

Back to that terrible week of July 6th…

The day following dad’s death was tough, as you could imagine. Mom and I were both still in shock and numb, but we had things that had to be done.

We met with the funeral director to make arrangements, thankfully some of the core CDB staff was there to help with the logistics because mom and I were both still in shock. We got a plan, together, and it was decided that Wednesday would be a CDB family and friends visitation, but the City of Mt. Juliet was also planning something the same night, but more on that shortly. Thursday would be an all-day public viewing at the funeral home and the funeral would be on Friday at World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, where mom and dad often went when they were not on the road.

The Wednesday visitation would be even harder for my mom as it was also the day of her birthday, but there was no way that she was going to feel like celebrating anyway, but I hated that she might forever associate her birthday with dad’s passing, but not much that could be done about that.

While mom and I were getting ready to go to the funeral home for our visitation, the City of Mt. Juliet was putting together a celebration of dad’s life outside the funeral home with some guest speakers and performances. I was a little concerned at first because we weren’t sure how things outside might spill into the funeral home, because I wanted her to be able to grieve and visit with friends and CDB family.

We saw lots of people we had not seen in months, or years, which is understandable after everyone was in lockdown for several months, and there were tears… LOTS of tears.

There was an American flag draped over dad’s casket and at the end of the visitation, two United States Marines from the Honor Guard stepped to each end of dad’s casket, one of them pulled the flag over the top of the which had previously been open for viewing, then in true military fashion, the Marines lifted the flag, and began to fold it until it was in the shape of a triangle. Then one of them escorted mom to a chair outside of the funeral home where the crowd was gathered, and I followed along behind them, and was seated next to my mom.

The military salute to my father was just beginning.

Two Black Hawk helicopters flew overhead as the crowd watched, followed by a 21 Gun Salute.

The flag that had just been folded was reverently passed between different members of the military Honor Guard, and retired Lt. Gen. Keith M. Huber, who is the Senior Advisor for Veterans and Leadership Initiatives at Middle Tennessee State University, including the Charlie and Hazel Daniels Veterans and Military Families Center on the MTSU campus, presented my mom with the flag that had been folded inside the funeral home, then I was presented with a flag as well, but sadly I don’t remember his name, but I can’t even remember my own name half the time the past couple of weeks. It was all surreal.

Then Maj. Gen. Max Haston, the Adjutant General for the Tennessee National Guard, presented mom with a Tennessee State Flag, folded and already in a glass case.

Then a bugler played “Taps” and a bagpiper played the sweet sounds of “Amazing Grace,” as mom and I held hands trying our best to hold back tears, but not doing a very good job.

I know dad would have been moved by tears, as we were, at the gratitude that our armed forces showed him for years of support. As my dad has said on many occasions, that from an early age he realized that only two things protected America, “The Grace of Almighty God, and the United States Military.”

There were many more festivities, but my mom was exhausted so I wanted to get her home as soon as possible, so we left before Gov. Mike Huckabee and others spoke, along with performances by Daryl Worley, Tracy Lawrence and Trace Adkins, among others. Sadly, we also missed a recorded voice message from President Trump expressing his condolences on the loss of my father to my mom and I. I’m hoping to get a copy of that at some point.

We also missed one other amazing thing by leaving early.

All over social media, I saw pictures posted of a rainbow over the funeral home, and then a couple of days later, I saw a photo that someone had taken of what appeared to be a cowboy hat in the clouds somewhere near Crossville, TN.

Those are just a few of the “God winks” that have been happening recently, and after my soapbox next week on the day of the funeral, I will probably share some of those “winks” with you.

Until next time.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police, our county and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

- Charlie Daniels Jr.


Feel free to comment on soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. — TeamCDB



Check Out The Charlie Daniels Podcast!

Check out "Geechi Geechi Ya Ya Blues" from Beau Weevils - 'Songs in the Key of E'




Blog 3
I appears you have the great voice like your dad. You also are a man of character because these have to be so hard on you and yet you do them. Your honesty is refreshing as was your dad's. God bless you, your mom and the whole CDB family. Prayers and gratitude
Posted by Kathy
Charlie Jr and mom. Again my condolences to you and the family on the passing of Charlie. He was one of my favorite musicians, I loved hearing him play. I always wanted to get to see him and met him in person. Thank you Charlie Jr for sharing about your dad on his passing etc. It brought tears 😢 to my eyes. You all will always be in my thoughts and prayers. And being I also had served in the Army. What they did with the flag was honorable since he cared so much about us that served. Charlie Jr keep up the soapboxes. God bless you and mom. Love in Christ Matthew
Posted by Matthew
Bless you and your Mom
I have enjoyed reading your Father's soapbox over 10 yrs. I am sure he is as proud of you for continuing the tradition. My all time favorite is the one about Christmas.
Posted by Brian
soap box part 3
I know losing a loved one is so hard on any family, but especially one who is so well known and loved. The day of your dad's passing I was sitting in my living room and all of a sudden I heard my husband just sobbing loudly, I ran into the bedroom where our computer was and he was just crying his heart out. So I ask; whats wrong and he answered Charlie Daniels has passed away. he really loved Mr. Charlie and his music and was a member of the CDB fan club. He said it was like losing a member of his own family. Needless to say it was a very sad day in our household that day. We are praying for y'all along with many others. God is surely going to give you strength and comfort in the days ahead. God Bless Pat Ragan
Posted by Patricia
Never forgotten
I cry each time I read your postings and know how difficult it must be. Thank you for sharing these details just as you shared your dad with us so generosity. I had the pleasure of seeing him before and anyone would walk away feeling they " knew" him. He set a high standard for all Americans, a man of faith who loved God, his country, and his family. Continued prayers for you and Hazel from NC.
Posted by Holly
American Hero
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie Jr. your father got the hero's funeral he so deserved and I'm sure he was welcomed into heaven in such a way he is still smiling from ear to ear in his new body. Trust me when I tell you that only time will heal the pain that you and your dear mother are feeling, but knowing that he is with Jesus makes it bearable.....nuff said God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
Thank you charlie
I’ve been listening to the CDB since I was 12 years old.I’m 55 now.I remember when Elvis had died and how devestated I was but Charlie’s passing was so much more meaningful .I must have seen him live in concert here on Long Island well over 50 times. Charlie loved playing here and we loved him From the west bury music fair to the Nassau coliseum or the Calderone or surprises appearances at my fathers place I dropped everything when the CDB came to town He was an amazing storyteller and songwriter and musician but most of all he was always a humble down to earth person A true gentleman Thank you for the boundless memories and music I was so blessed to to be a part of Your music shaped my very young life and I’m still listening and enjoying all your music May you always Rest In Peace and I’m sure there will be a jam session every night in rock and roll heaven
Posted by Tommy
Praying for Comfort
Charlie Jr., I just wanted to express my sincere condolences to you, Hazel, and the entire CDB family. I was so excited to have tickets to the Macon, GA show this September as I have always wanted to see him live in concert. However, the good Lord had other plans for your dad instead. I wanted you to know that, after watching the live stream of the funeral, I have renewed my relationship with Christ after being backslid for a long while now. As a fellow Patriot and in these turbulent times, it is of the utmost importance to seek Him to guide us and lead us to the ultimate victory that your dad is now enjoying. Through the stories and the tributes, I credit Charlie for helping me remember that we are nothing apart from God. May God bless you and comfort you and the family in the days and weeks to come, and thank you for helping to keep Charlie's legacy alive. 🙏
Posted by Jackie
We Love Y'all
Thank you CD, Jr for your words. You are a treasure that me & my family love. Mr. Charlie would be so proud. We love you and Mrs. Hazel & look forward to reading more from you.
Posted by Stephanie
The apple didn’t fall far from the tree!!
First, my condolences to you and your mom. Your dad & I shared the same birthday. He had a way with leaving the reader as tho they were right there every step of the way as he paints what ever depiction was being relayed. In reading your post of that dreadful tragic day, I felt that sense of being right there just as when your dad would make a post. You have those same qualities and characteristics in your writing as he. I was not able to make the visitation at the funeral home until I think it was Thursday around 6:30PM. Pure honor and respect to your dad & what he represented. I would encourage you to do more of your writings, as you’re in the vein as your dad when he wrote. People connected with him thru his writings and I have no doubt they will with you as well. Keep watch over your precious mom. Continued prayers and support for you both. From a local Gladeville/Mt Juliet resident. God Bless you and Ms Hazel. ~Wayne Smith
Posted by John
I was led to salvation back in 77 when I was 19 listening to your Fathers album Honey In The Rock. Years later I met him, but was so star struck I forgot to tell him. I build guitars out of Cigar Boxes and sent one to a friend in the Marines who was in Iraq. Asked him to allow all his guys to play it , have fun, sign it and rub it in the Iraqi dirt and send it back because I was going to send it to Charlie as a way to say thank you for the years of supporting our military. It was red, white and blue and said Freedom isn’t free omit. Wonder if your Dad ever received it. Thank God for your Dad and his songs. Changed my life.
Posted by Mark
Thank You
Thank you so much for sharing so much of your private world with us. I know it can’t be easy, it’s heartbreaking to read but it still somehow keeps us close to Charlie. I hope maybe one day, when the pain is lessened and healing has begun, your Mom could share some of her fondest memories with us too. If you keep the Soapbox going.
Posted by Diane
Charlies blow
I'm just heart broken at the loss of Charlie Daniels. I loved him for his music and his incredible heart. It makes me very sad that I will not be seeing him in concert again. I've attempted to see him each time he's been in the twin cities and I will never get another opportunity to be the lucky person in the audience to receive one of his bows. :( I would be so proud to play with one with which he used in a performance. God bless you Charlie and your family. Lots of love, Dani
Posted by Danette