Soap Box

Forty Years and a Few Million Miles Ago - Soapbox Rewind

*NOTE* Charlie will be back with a new soapbox on Monday, in the meantime, enjoy this soapbox rewind on the 40th anniversary of the Volunteer Jam, and don't miss the broadcast premiere of VolJam XX on AXS TV Concerts Sunday night at 9C/10E. - TeamCDB

The Charlie Daniels Band had been nipping at the heels of major success for a while with a top ten single in 1973, "Uneasy Rider," and several albums that played on a lot of radio stations around the country and sold moderately well, but never crossed the threshold into the rarified air of gold or platinum.

Cast the First Stone

I was born in 1936 when many of the small towns in the South were controlled by two or three and in some cases one family. They owned many of the retail businesses, significant interest in banks and other entities that determined the ebb and flow of available credit in the area and exerted significant influence over local politics.

Charlie Daniels' Manifesto

*NOTE* Charlie will be back with a brand new soapbox on Monday, in the meantime, here's a soapbox rewind from 2007. - TeamCDB

As time goes by we pick up new readers of this column and for that, I am very grateful.

For you who have been with us for a while, I think you know how I stand on most issues concerning morality, politics and the good of the country. For those new readers, let me once again declare myself to give you a premise on my core convictions and beliefs so you’ll understand how my opinions are formed.

Something's Happening Here

While on the road recently, I got the news that a non-politician businessman won the Republican nomination in Tennessee’s gubernatorial primary elections.

Petite Thesis On the Dangers of Collectivism

*NOTE* Charlie will be back with a new soapbox on Monday, in the meantime, here’s a Soapbox Rewind on the dangers of socialism from 2009. - TeamCDB

In his formative days, Jack Nicklaus hit one thousand golf balls a day on the driving range perfecting his craft and, as we all know, his tenacity and devotion to his sport took him to the very pinnacle of his profession, setting records that have not been broken till this day.

Why Stand?

The refusal by some NFL players to stand up for the performance of the National Anthem at football games the past few seasons has had some far-reaching ramifications. It has ruffled the feathers of much of the population, resulting in less fans in the stands and a somewhat dwindling television audience, plus leaving deep scars in the veterans community.

One Day - Soapbox Rewind

*NOTE* Charlie will be back with a new soapbox on Monday, in the meantime, here's a soapbox rewind from 2010. - TeamCDB

We are constantly reminded about how short life is and how quickly time goes by.

Trust: A Disappearing Virtue

The dictionary defines trust as, assured reliance on the character, ability, strength or truth of someone or something in which confidence is placed.

The pollsters tell us that trust in Congress is close to an all-time low, as is trust in media.

From the Mountains to the Prairies - Soapbox Rewind

*NOTE* Charlie will be back with a new soapbox on Monday, in the meantime, we're running a soapbox rewind from 2009, just a few days before the 4th of July. - TeamCDB

Every year it is a God-given blessing of mine to travel the length and breadth of this, the greatest and most beautiful nation on Earth, the United States of America, and I never tire of it.