Posted on 05.01.2017

Our All But Inclusive Media

There was a time when we worried more about what the media printed and broadcast but now the problem is just as serious about what they do not print or broadcast.

Large swaths of meaningful news are short shifted, colorized or completely omitted, so much that if the mainstream media is your only source of information, significant events come and go and you'll never hear about it, or if you do, the view you were presented with is so one sided you never get a clear picture of the story.

I saw a piece on ABC Evening News the other night that was basically a commercial for Obamacare. They had found a man whose only source of insurance was obtained under the Obamacare system and it was touted almost as if it was the savior of the common folks, they even showed a picture of Obama doing one of his benevolent smiles.

Even though the man said that he had voted for Trump and would do it again, the ABC folks were determined to make it a story about how wonderful the Obama administration had been for the country.

Of course, there are going to be cases where Obamacare benefited some people, but flip the coin over and also tell about the millions who have lost all of their medical coverage because the insurance companies are pulling out of the plan.

There happens to be two of those people in my employ who this happened to, they lost their Obamacare plan and had to come back on to our company policy.

The first ten minutes of the network evening news is usually spent nitpicking Trump and his administration's day trying to make the trivial sound significant and the significant sound trivial.

One of the biggest travesties of the Obama administration was when four Americans, including an ambassador were murdered in Benghazi.

Although the exact words "stand down" may not have been used, there were orders given that day for troops who were in the air, well equipped, who and were not allowed to land and rescue the people at the embassy.

If the media had dug nearly as hard to find out the facts in Benghazi as they have on their feckless search for some supposed Trump-Putin connection they would have found that out and by now the whole sordid mess would have been exposed.

But there again, this could have far reaching and high up implications, there are very possibly some media darlings involved and does the media really want to dig up anything this devastating on them?

One of the most horrendous crimes I have ever heard about happened less than two hundred miles from where I live in Tennessee.

It was the rape and murder of two young people, involving mutilation the pouring of cleaning fluid into bodily orifices to remove DNA and inhuman torture that took place over a couple of days.

I found out about this from a source outside the state.

Why had the media downplayed this story to this extent?

It was black on white crime that didn�t fit the media's model for social justice.

This is neither fair to the white community or the black community, human beings are human beings and when they act like depraved monsters they should be exposed as such, race notwithstanding.

Only the truth can set us free.

How much of it are we really getting?

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB


The Affordable Care Act
People need medical insurance. Medical costs in this country can destroy a person's life savings in an instant. The Affordable Care Act was not set up to impose socialism or bring about a one-world government. It was created to meet a vital need. People have blinded themselves to its importance by referring to it as Obamacare and focusing their irrational hatred of Obama on something they really need. In the end, many supporters of Trump ended up voting against their own best interest. Too bad.
Posted by dana
Amen Charlie, the media has become so politically correct that I for one wonder how these people can even sleep at night, except they have no conscience. God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
Benghazi truly will be recorded in history as a low point of the US government. Obama and Hillary blatantly failed to respond to an act of war against the USA. God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
Dana's interjections
Dana, people do not need medical insurance as much as they need medical care. Medical costs bankrupt about .03% of us annually and most of them could afford insurance and didn't think they needed it. True, the ACA was not set up to impose socialism or bring about a one-world government, it was set up to fail and bring a single payer system that has failed everywhere it has been implemented. The only vital need it was created for was to bring about bigger government and more power for the government. I do not hate Obama, and if he were to happen to find me in my South Park campsite at Talladega in the next 4 days, I would offer him a beer just I would anyone else who happened along my camp and wanted to talk. As far as people being blinded, the 3rd leading cause of blindness is cataracts, politics and religion remain the leading causes. What you fail to realize is that many supporters of Trump only voted for him after the guy they wanted to have a shot, including me, fell by the way. Then Trump was the only option to stop Clinton. I am going out on a limb here and guessing that you voted for Hillary, regardless of the baggage she carried and the terrible campaign she ran. Too bad.
Posted by Dusty
Our All But Inclusive Media
Ah yes, the channon newsom murders that went completely unreported by the lamestram media. If the colors of the people involved were reversed this would have been headline news on every TV channel and in every newspaper across the country for weeks, but because it was the victims were an innocent young white couple and the attacks were perpetrator by black thugs it went completely unreported. I have told and shared this story more times than I care to count, because it is so completely vile and disgusting that people need to know what the media chooses to sweep under the carpet. God rest the souls of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.
Posted by Mark
A recent confirmation of this was when North Korea launched the 4 missles and all the main media outlets wanted to cover was Trumps latest tweet. What REALLY scares me is what international event are they NOT covering that will make the world that much more dangerous and instead cover the latest rumor of Russia involvement in the last election. Bottom line, I agree 100%
Posted by Jack