Posted on 05.08.2017

Light or Darkness

The Apostle John said that Jesus Christ brought light into the world but that the people didn't want the light because it exposed their sin and they'd rather hide and sin in the darkness.

If they could stay in the darkness where their sins were hidden they were able to blind themselves to the evil they were doing and keep on telling themselves they were righteous people.

Now before any of you cherry pickers, sitting there salivating, finger poised over the keyboard to initiate a poisonous response reaction, let me emphatically state that I am absolutely not making a comparison or conferring Christlike status on anybody.

I am simply drawing an analogy to more succinctly emphasize my point.

When Christ came to earth to fulfill a new covenant, a covenant of conscience and inborn sense of right and wrong the people living under the covenant of the law didn't want it because you couldn't game the system.

There's always a way of getting around a written law, you can always follow the letter of the law but ignore the spirit of the law and if it doesn't specifically forbid an act, in the darkness you can carry it out, but in the light, when it is left up to your own sense of right and wrong and you have to be completely honest with yourself and everybody else, it's a different issue all together.

Most of America has been living in the darkness for at least half a century. We have been whistling past the graveyard of massive debt, social unrest, moral decay, a train wreck of an immigration policy and a myriad of dangerous problems that will, and I emphasize will, if not dealt with quickly and effectively bring the greatest nation the world has ever known to its knees if not to its grave.

Our politicians keep telling us that everything will be alright if we'll just do it their way. Borrow another trillion, ignore another term of broken promises, accept filth and rot on our public airwaves, abort another half a generation, hide our eyes while they spend our money on their own re-election efforts, accept uncontrolled immigration without knowing who, what and how many communicable diseases cross our borders.

How long have the powers that be in Washington and the State Houses promised to clean up the inner cities if just given another term.

Shine the light on it, they never have and they never will deal with the inner-city problem because all you people in the inner city mean to them is a vote, and they don't really give a damn if you live in rat infested tenements and your children kill each other as long as you keep them in office.

How long have they promised to deal with the immigration mess only to have the problem grow under their watch?

Shine the light on it, they don't really want to deal with the immigration problem, they just want enough cheap workers to keep the labor force in line and to build a new and loyal voting base.

While I realize that there are a few bad cops out there who shouldn't be wearing a badge or carrying a gun, that number is infinitesimal when compared to the overwhelming majority of decent men and women who lay their lives on the line for us every day and when you shine a light on the enmity between citizens and law enforcement you'll find that disrespect for the law is the cause for the lion�s share of the problems.

When you boil it all down, we have, as a people, basically slept while our convictions, beliefs and morals have been seared, minimized and sucked into the cesspool of political correctness, diversity and a conglomeration of politics, media and international business interests who are determined to shape the world into the godless, poorly-educated, dependent breed of sheep who can be easily herded in one direction or another.

America and its preponderance of Judeo-Christian beliefs and morality is the last holdout and the powers that be are doing their best to shield America from the light of logic and righteousness.

I know that "A battle for the soul of America" has been used so much that it has basically become a clich� and that�s a shame because that is exactly what is going on, right now.

Who wins goes far beyond the voting booth. It involves the conscience of every American and what kind of world they want to leave their children and grandchildren and whether we'd rather continue to live in the darkness of denial or come out into the light of truth.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB


Some people are just not happy with the USA
When I was a kid, racism was rampant, not just some guy giving people dirty looks but a part of the law of the land. Women hardly showed up in the work force except in low paying clerical positions and the few that made it into the all male executive region were subjected to every kind of sexual harassment imaginable. There was no religion except some generic Protestantism. Jews and Catholics were barely acknowledged and other groups completely ignored. The only rights that mattered were those held by the white Protestant male majority. It is still that way in many places and you can still go to a job interview and, if you are the wrong age or color or sex, be told that you are over qualified, under qualified or just do not fit in. But things are better than they were in many ways. It would be nice if assault rifles were kept out of the hands of people incapable of taking care of themselves. It would be nice if people supported a free press rather than curse it. It would be nice if people did not long to return to a time and place that only exists in their imagination. The United States of America is a great place to live and we should thank the Good Lord that he put us here before we start complaining. We will survive Trump and his minions. They will leave their mark but we will survive.
Posted by dana
Light Or Darkness
Amen ! Mr. Daniels.
Posted by Roberta
You recorded the song, "Still In Saigon", many years ago. I am an Iraq War vet with PTSD, and I relate to your song 100%. My question for you, is how you obtained the issues combat vets deal with? This song is as relative to us today, as it was for the Vietnam vets then. Thank you Mr. Daniels for everything you do on behalf of is Veterans. ***NOTE*** The song was written by Dan Daley. From what I understand, he knew some Vietnam vets who struggled with PTSD and that was the inspiration for the song.. - TeamCDB
Posted by Kenneth
Shine on Brother
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie as Matthew 5:16 reads Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. We saw a little ray of light this week with the firing of Comey and I believe that we are fixin to see blinding rays of light as liberals continue to melt down after the election of an American patriot as President. President Trump is the only hope to stop the derailment of the USA, unfortunately we see RINO's vote against him, not because the are following the wishes of their constituents but they are following the plan laid out for The New World Order. When you get to where the rubber meets the road, most American s are law biding citizens that have hearts of gold, but unfortunately have fallen asleep as most watchmen on the wall have, as out education system has indoctrinated the lies of community organizers into the minds of many. nuff said God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
Light for a dark world
Yes sir....nailed it to the door. Well done God Bless
Posted by Jeff