Posted on 05.05.2017


There are a lot of things about politics and politicians that make me want to drop a brick on somebody's toe, scratch that, make it a cinderblock, and I am very bipartisan in these less than noble feelings.

There is a situation going on in Washington right now that perfectly exhibits the nature of my anger and if I hear one more Democrat, pay attention Chuck Schumer, say that Republicans don't want poor people to have health care or some other bit of other worldly hyperbolic crap, I'm apt to throw said brick or cinderblock at a television screen.

In the first place, and I speak as one whose overall opinion of both political parties is a couple of cuts below my opinion of carpenter bees, even I, would never accuse any congressperson of not wanting poor people to have health coverage.

But I do want to flip this coin over and, hyperbole totally excluded, I'm beginning to think that Mr. Schumer and his ilk had rather that the whole nation go without health care if the plan is created and instigated by the opposition party.

In case you haven't noticed, Obamacare is disintegrating right before our eyes and if something stable and sane is not put into place soon the whole program is going to do what it was designed to do and totally implode.

In the first place, Mr. Schumer, if your party hadn't put this monstrosity together and threatened, courted and bribed members of Congress to pass it we wouldn't have this two ton albatross around our collective necks to begin with.

I know, I know Sir, Hillary was supposed to be president and I'm sure that the one payer system she would have introduced to save the day when Obamacare finally went belly up is in a locked desk drawer somewhere on Capitol Hill gathering dust, and I know it must be hard to swallow but it ain't gonna happen, at least for the next four years.

So why don't you and your disgruntled colleagues do what the rest of the people in this nation have to do and learn to work together. If you're a truck driver and don't like the guy who runs the fork lift that loads your trailer, you can't refuse to haul the load, you can�t stick your petulant thumb in your mouth, take your ball and go home.

The rest of us working stiffs don�t have that privilege, Mr.Schumer, we have to hook up the trailer and take it to the destination, and Sir, you shouldn't have it either.

Refusing to try to help win the game just because somebody else made the touchdowns is the attitude of a spoiled junior high, jock wannabe.

How �bout you folks on both sides of the aisle cowboy up and start moving in the same direction for a while, instead of putting your accursed party first, remember who sent you to office.

This is not the United States of the Democratic or Republican Party, and We The People still hold the reins to this buggy and, unfortunately, right now we're just about as divided as you folks are and the shame of the situation is that you people are supposed to be leaders, setting an example, encouraging us to come together as one people, and to your shame you do the very opposite.

And for what?

So you can spend a few more years on Capitol Hill?

Time to go home, you're ruining the neighborhood. 

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem 

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB


Tractor and wagon
Right on Charlie, it's hard to get hay out of the field without a tractor and a wagon
Posted by Tom
You Are Not Alone Charlie let's get rid of them all and start over
Posted by Brian
The good thing about Trump's presidency is that the same lack of understanding that motivates him to foist dozens of poor choices on the American people also prevents him from carrying through on most of what he has proposed. It is no wonder then that even his executive orders turn into fiascos. I can truly say that I have never seen any President controlling both houses have such a difficult time repealing legislation they all claim is a major disaster. Their failures give me hope that this country will survive the partisan conservative agenda.
Posted by Dana
I just wanted to say I not only agree wholeheartedly, I applaud your ability to say it so well! Thank you Mr. Daniels.
Posted by Deborah
Fake Politicians
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie, Chuck Schumer is a fake and counterfeit. When stood he stood before cameras decrying President Trump mean spirited and un-American, I thought I was watching a B rated movie that could not even afford an acting coach. For those not paying attention President Trump is the most American President in recent memory. Unfortunately all the Hollywood elitists did not make good on their promises and move out of the greatest country ever created by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God Bless, President Trump, the CDB, every God fearing Redneck and Israel, Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
You're not very smart charley. ****NOTE**** His name is, "Charlie," Mr. Einstein. - TeamCDB
Posted by robert
Excellent portrayal of the mess that lives in the swamp. It's ego and the lust for control that fuels Washington, DC.
Posted by Marylou
So true, we need to be AMERICAN first!
Posted by Barb
Capital hill
Term limits to do away with the good ole boy politics we refer to here in the south. Quid pro quo. You vote for my bill now and I will owe you a favor that may include voting on a legislation that individual may not agree with. It is reprehensible! you
Posted by Janice
hat's off to you charlie
I like the way you expressed yourself here. Thank you for posting this!
Posted by deb
Golda Meir
To paraphrase Prime Golda Meir, - when politicians love their country more then they hate the opposing party, then our country will return to greatness.
Posted by Jack