Posted on 09.09.2016

9/11: What Have We Learned?

There are a few days in a lifetime when a certain event is vividly and indelibly imprinted on your memory and you can recall even mundane things that happened before, during or after.

I remember the location and circumstances when I found out about the deaths of John F. Kennedy, Elvis Presley, Ronnie Van Zant and Toy Caldwell. And I remember well the morning my son, Charlie, called me and told me that a commercial airliner had crashed into one of the twin towers of the World Trade Center.

My first impression of a terrible aviation accident was short lived as soon the second plane would hit the second tower, then the Pentagon and the crash in the field in Pennsylvania quickly followed and it was obvious that the mainland of the United States of America was under attack.

I think the entire nation was in shock and trepidation, waiting for the other shoes to drop, having absolutely no idea how far it was going to go and how much destruction and carnage there would be at the end of the day.

Of course, the government quickly grounded all but military aircraft and I'm sure that below the public's radar protocols went into effect and our forces around the world were put on high alert status.

The country immediately had several things in common, fear, confusion and soon to follow, a white-hot anger, not to be assuaged by platitudes and political rhetoric, America wanted action, they wanted results, they wanted blood and no amount of presidential statements about Islam being a “peaceful religion” would cool or placate it.

Our lives changed forever that day, you can't catch an airplane, attend a major sporting event or even enter a building of any size without being exposed to the results of the terrorism that had its finest day on September 11, 2001.

Of course, 9/11 was not America's first experience with the dedication and deviousness of the Islamic radicals, but it was the first time we had had to face the fact that the attacks were not just on the streets of Tel Aviv or the backwaters of Africa anymore, they had arrived, full blown on our very doorstep and America was going to have to deal with it up close and personal with a gaggle of, although admittedly fine federal agencies, organizations splintered by budget battles, turf wars and bureaucratic bovine scatology and hindered by the scourge of political correctness so prevalent in much of our government.

We all know about the formation of Homeland Security and the myriad steps taken to pull our intelligence and security entities together to simplify and streamline the flow of information and resources.

Did it work?

Very well to a point, but any organization operating under the thumb of elected officials is only as effective and efficient as the powers that be will allow them to be and therein lies the problem.

When the agencies charged with the protection of the public and the rooting out of the terrorists who hide among us have their hands tied by politicians, forbidden to go here or there, not allowed to profile, even when we know what the enemy looks like and when the worst known terrorists in the world are set free to return to the battlefield and kill more Americans, you have to wonder if America has really learned its lesson.

Will America have to suffer an even more catastrophic attack, nuclear, chemical or biological before we finally batten down the hatches, pull out all the stops and do whatever it takes to truly keep this nation safe?

We know ISIS and the other radical Islamic crazies constantly attempt to insert operatives into America.

In spite of this our president and the Democratic Party candidate want to allow thousands of refugees which we have already been told by ISIS will contain terrorists, into America and our current president even refuses to properly identify our blood enemy.

Have we learned our lesson?

Some of us have.

But apparently, some of us still haven't.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

— Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. — TeamCDB


Check out "Mexico Again" from Beau Weevils - 'Songs in the Key of E'


Most Haven't

Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie, how could anybody even vote for a president with a Muslim name 7 years after 911 is mind boggling. Anybody that thinks we are out of the woods, is misguided, It is time to turn the heat the up on ISIS, hot enough to turn their sand to glass if necessary. God Bless Plowboy

Posted by Plowboy
The forgotten

One of my concerns is that a group of people, albeit teenagers, don't have the memories of those of us who lived through that terrible day and the days the followed. Further, they are being influenced by the inadequate POTUS that has denied the enemy's name for almost 8 years. May God give us strength to teach our children well, so that 9/11/2001 will not be just another date relegated to the history books--like 12/7/1941 seems to have been.

Posted by Maria
Your post re: 9/11 What have we learned

Thank you and God Bless for your article.

Posted by Brian B.
Your post re: 9/11 What have we learned

One other comment: Ronald Reagan once asked "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" Well, it has been eight years and am I better off? To be perfectly blunt: No Do I want a change? Yes

Posted by Brian B.

We have learned from 9-11. I say this but yet we have a lot more to learn. I write this on the day before 9-11. I lost a brother that day but I will not be goi g downtown tomorrow because of a bad ankle. I think that Charlie Daniels is right about alot of things he writes and sings about. I just want to say keep it up Charlie. I am also a survivor of the first attack on the wtc. GOD BLESS THE USA and may we never forget.

Posted by Mike
CDB Soapbox

Every word you said are so sad but true...

Posted by Marla
What have We Learned?

I agree 100% with you Charlie but, it seems a lot of us are fired up to change things but, how do we get this accomplished? No one seems to be able to organize. Obama needs to be tried in a court of law and put in jail until a fit sentence can be arrived at! Treason is a punishable offense!

Posted by Deb
God Bless America

Amen Charlie. God bless you and your stance for our country. Tammy

Posted by Tammy

As a veteran and patriot I whole heatedly agree with this and also suggest no matter who's party you pull for we as Americans need to stand together and be ready to make the sacrifices to preserve America thank you and God bless America

Posted by Randy

How well I remember - it so happened I was on my days off and I seen it all from the TV screen as it happened. Being a WWII vet it shocked me, that, anyone would be crazy enough to do this. I prayed to GOD as I still do, that we will destroy the evil that has befallen on our country. GOD BLESS AMERICA.

Posted by Billy
Whole-Hearted Support!

I agree with Mr. Daniels in most of all of his Soapboxes! Mr. Daniels really knows his stuff when it comes to subjects of our nation's affairs and religious points of view. I will continue to read his Soapboxes, and I will more than likely find myself in total approval of the content of his dialogue! Long Live Charlie Daniels!

Posted by James

Yes I will always remember that time. Amen Charlie. We need a change, to heal to think of our own and still help a neighbor. Have you look or study Gary Johnson and Bill Wald . What do you think of this two, they look like a really good choice. I would love to hear what you think. I know that they stand on immigration reform. Maybe their is still alot we could to. In a different way. We put to much into our enemies and not into our neighbors. Thanks and may God bless you.

Posted by Kelly

I truly agree with your thoughts. 911 is stamped in our minds and we do not need Obama to bring in more enemies of the US of A.

Posted by Gene

Well said, Charlie, well said. Thank you.

Posted by Judy
Well said sir

Very well said sir. Common sense dictates that the vetting process is far from prepared to properly secure the difference between true refugees and terrorists in disguise. When the people of a country get fed up enough, they fight for a better life. Unfortunately trying to assist these people in attaining that better life within their own country has failed. One might ask if they truly want it in their own country or do they just want to convert America? While I Feel sad for the innocent, we can't over run our country with people of different cultures that insist they should come here and keep those cultures and not respect American values and our very different culture. Many behaviors against women and children they find acceptable and would be forcefully pushed on our country in the Democratic Party's zest to give away the farm. Our polish immigrants came here legally, learned English and happily pledged allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. I wish you were a candidate for president Mr. Daniels.

Posted by Kimberly
Upcoming Election
We absolutely need this great man in office come November! Not only is he a God-fearing Christian, a down-home country boy, but he is intelligent, well versed, and kick-butt when necessary!! Can someone tell us what we would have to do on our ballots to write in Charlie Daniels? What other identifying information would we need to write him in? I know you can do a write-in, but I don't know what other info they need. There are enough of us out there that this would be a landslide!!!! Thank God for Charlie Daniels!!!!
Posted by S. Gale
You need to do a little research. Search for lucky Larry or Larry Silverstein. Larry bought the two towers cheap because they were fill of asbestos and there was no way they could clean them out. He insured them for a billions against a terrorist attack. The have him on TV saying that he was going to PULL the 3rd building. Now put that with the way the two towers went down, that there was molting metal at the bottom of the two crater, and they burnt for weeks. Think 9/11 wasn't setup?
Posted by Reid