Posted on 02.24.2017

The Responsibility of Citizenship

There is a reason that there is an educational process and a waiting period for one to become a naturalized citizen of the United States.

There is more to becoming an American than crossing a geographical line, there are oaths and responsibilities, a degree of comprehension, and understanding of what America is and what is expected of one who applies for citizenship.

It is a process that lasts eight years and involves a measured indoctrination into the laws, customs and social responsibilities expected of one who would want to be a member of our society and citizen of our nation.

Although their customs and ethnicity are welcome, they are expected to leave their old loyalties and laws in the old country and assimilate into our society, accepting all the law-abiding responsibilities of their new home land.

After all, didn't they leave the land of their birth, in many cases, to escape a repressive government, archaic law, religious persecution and a myriad of other reasons, to pledge their allegiance to a land of freedom and opportunity.

No immigrant or group of immigrants should come to America or any other country and try to change it, or at least their part of it, into the country they just left. If they want to live under those laws and according to those traditions they should just stay where they are.

The illegals flooding across our southern borders go through no educational process, they take no oaths of loyalty, they obtain no green cards or even temporary visas, we don't know who they are, what diseases they carry or even how many of them there are.

Granted, most of them are simple people seeking a better life but there is no denying that there are violent criminals in the mix, gang members, drug dealers, murderers, thieves and they did not come to be a part of America but to prey on it.

By the same token, I'm sure that most of the refugees from the war torn middle east who seek asylum in America are simple, terrified people trying to get their families to safety and who can blame them.

But salted in amongst them are ISIS operatives and lone wolf terrorists, suicide bombers and those who would like nothing better than walking into a crowded shopping mall or elementary school and slaughtering hundreds of innocent Americans.

Apologists will tell you that these refugees have been painstakingly vetted and cleared from any terrorist affiliations but how can these people be adequately vetted in a country where clerical infrastructure has been destroyed and the records simply don't exist and countries like Venezuela, and no telling who else, are selling valid passports to anybody with the money to pay for them.

Plus, the rogue refugees' reputation proceeds them. One has to look no farther than a few nights ago when a Muslim neighborhood in Sweden, a nation that had been in denial about the amount of rapes and sexual harassment committed by Muslims, exploded with violence.

We keep hearing that we need a comprehensive immigration policy and I agree, although my idea of comprehensive immigration would differ greatly from those to whom it means open borders, amnesty for all the illegals who are here now and an open-door policy for every refugee who wants to come here.

Comprehensive-which basically means to understand and cover all bases, at least to me, would mean to first of all deport all the people who have overstayed their visas and put them at the very back of the line for applying for citizenship.

Secondly, as President Trump is presently doing, round up all criminals, gang members, drug dealers, those who have been notified to leave the country and have not done so, those who have come into the country illegally multiple times, all those with outstanding warrants.

Institute a stiff mandatory prison sentence for those who have been deported once and have returned, deport all felons and those running from crimes committed in their country of origin.

Rid the nation of all criminal element and halt the flow of refugees from terrorist nations until an efficient method of fool proof vetting can be developed.

Then lock both houses of congress in their chambers until they write a truly comprehensive immigration policy, first taking into consideration the conduct of those illegals who are already here who have been hard working and law abiding, deporting any who have defrauded the system under false pretenses and providing a pathway, the same pathway to citizenship that has served this country well for over two centuries for those who want to be productive, loyal American citizens.

One of the most brilliant surgeons I know is from a foreign country and applied for citizenship many years ago and was well on the path when 9/11 happened, which meant he had to start all over again.

Another eight years of waiting, but without complaint nor bitterness he stayed the course and I'm happy to report that he is now a United States citizen, a shining example of how it should be done and one who loves and respects his new country.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB


The Way it Should Be
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie, I could not agree more. The immigration problem needs handled now and I believe that President Trump is working diligently on it. The Mexicans need to fix a lot of problems in their own country and then they would be happy to stay there. We need to wipe out a couple of regimes in the Middle East, exterminating every breathing ISIS and Taliban, then set up a good government over there, so that those people can prosper in their homeland. God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
Taking responsibility for anti-immigrant rhetoric
Kansas reeled on Friday as a shooting at a bar, which left one Indian engineer dead and another injured, escalated into an international incident amid fears that the attack was motivated by bias and hate. At least one witness said that the gunman, identified by the authorities as Adam W. Purinton, 51, yelled �get out of my country� before opening fire, The Kansas City Star reported. A bartender at a Clinton, Mo., restaurant where Mr. Purinton was later captured said he had heard him say that he had killed two Middle Eastern men. A 24-year-old American man who tried to intervene after he reportedly heard the gunman utter racist slurs was shot and hospitalized.
Posted by dana
Your article on immigration
Best statement I have ever read!!! I love that you covered having Congress locked in their chambers until they can agree on a new system I respect and admire your friend for doing it the right way. There are thousands of good people just trying to have better lives, but they should still go through legal channels. In this area there are gangs full of illegal immigrants that are dangerous criminals and thugs. Good job on the article. I'd like to post it on facebook.
Posted by Parelee
"The illegals flooding across our southern borders" Flooding???? How many are we talking about? "But salted in amongst them are ISIS operatives and lone wolf terrorists, suicide bombers and those who would like nothing better than walking into a crowded shopping mall or elementary school and slaughtering hundreds of innocent Americans." How many attacks are we talking about? Good grief, it's like we have millions of Mexicans invading our country along with millions of ISIS operatives.
Posted by Jeff
Charlie, I once wrote and gave a Speech to the Optimist Club International, When I was a young fatherless Boy. It was Entitled Law and Order, the Cornerstone of Citizenship. Optimist Club, and Big Brothers Changed My Life!...Just saying!
Posted by Daniel
need to get a handle on the problem
You're right again, Charlie. I think the whole system needs to be revamped, and that 1965 immigration law should be repealed, or at least chain migration should be eliminated. Legal immigration is more my personal problem, namely those H1B visas - they are undercutting American wages in IT, I think the illegals are doing in more in other professions. H1B is unfair to everyone, and only benefits big business. But the illegal problem is tougher to tackle, because most of the ones that actually are working are doing it either under the table or using false identities, so they're already committing another crime. Mexico is still the worst offender, they have much tougher laws down there yet criticize our policies all the tax for being "unfair". Their ruling class encourages their less-educated, poorer citizens to come here and send money back there. Total chaos.
Posted by Dianna
Thank You
I just wanted to say Thank You for your "The Responsibility of Citizenship" article. It states my exact thoughts on this matter. I only wish that I could express them as well as you. I will share this with everyone I know and pray that it will help others to better understand. Thank You again.
Posted by Mark
we all need to ask what the greatest generation would have done, or did do. They did not get the title because they just rolled over. Mr Presdent Trump has not forgotten, he remembers, who, what, and why. This is what he is doing to make us safe. Thank You.
Posted by kent
Your patriotic post
Charlie Daniels you are a true patriot, love your music , & GOD bless you. I am a retired Lieutenant from Chicago fire department, had to leave that craziness of that sanctuary city, could tell you lots of stories. I love police the good ones but the phony politicians that don't back their police departments and police that release ILLEGALS back into society should also be held accountable, and should give up their badges if they're not going to enforce the laws. Katie's law should be passed , when illegals cause harm to our own citizens and we give illegals more rights than legal citizens something is wrong.......seems like we give more rights to criminal illegals than we give to our vets's shameful. It's also criminal how some people destroy our country with protests, my opinion is you have all the rights in the world up until you infringe on someone else's rights !!! I wasn't happy with Obamas administration but didn't act inappropriately for the 8 year old crap sandwich I had to eat !!!! GOD bless you Charlie you love our country all the best to you !!! We should stop funding sanctuary cities !
Posted by Rich
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Pleas put me on your mailing list......Thanks Here is the link for the Mailing list. - TeamCDB
Posted by R
Jeff and Floods
Jeff flooding means arriving in overwhelming amount, do you not think that this country has been overwhelmed with illegal immigrants? As far as how many attacks we are talking, I personally believe that one is to many. You must not support Kate's Law, I however have buried the son of one of my closest friends that was murdered by an illegal while stealing his truck. Let me guess, you think that the law which makes children born in the US to illegals American citizens? Let me tell you sir, one illegal begets another illegal, the people who think otherwise are hell bent on destroying this great country. God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
Thank You
Thank You Charlie for stating just how I feel. You covered it all and I'm in agreement with what you said. I love America and I know you do too !
Posted by Carla