Posted on 03.03.2017

Uncommon Ground

I have had a feeling developing the last few weeks, a feeling that the left is approaching a tipping point, a time when the nation tires of the daily protests, the acid rhetoric and outhouse vocabularies, the scowling faces, the outrageous hyperbole, the unsubstantiated accusations, that the totally classless and out of touch remarks directed at the weeping widow of a war hero are starting to become empty and somewhat disgusting to Americans who want to see our nation begin the long journey back to stability and booming prosperity.

I probably wouldn't have watched the Academy Awards anyway, even if I hadn't known it would be such a partisan political affair. I hadn't seen any of the pictures and am not familiar with most of the nominated actors, but after seeing excerpts of Meryl Streep's rant on the Golden Globe Awards I wasn't about to expose myself to �Hollywood's Hillary Loss Hysteria.�

Some of the Democrats in Congress seem willing to throw the baby out with the bath water rather than work with the president who had the audacity to spoil the coronation of their rock star.

The stage was set, the Democrats were so sure Hillary was going to win and continue the Obama march toward one payer health care, more power for the teachers unions, the packing of the Supreme Court and all the other socialist bits and pieces of the Obama agenda, they had the fireworks in place and the champagne on ice.

The packing of the court would have insured that the Democrats had a safety valve for whatever legislation they couldn't get through Congress and when the blue wall started falling and they had to begin facing the cold hard fact that despite the support of the beautiful people, the fawning advocacy of the media, the polls, the pundits and even Oprah Winfrey, the ordinary people they had turned their backs on in the, take for granted, democrat strongholds were rebelling and voting for Donald Trump, outsider, rash, outspoken critics of everything they stood for, whose vision of America pointed some 180 degrees away from theirs, a man with the nerve to bash the media and use his twitter account to reach the American people directly.

They've never gotten over it, and some of them probably never will, but unless I'm reading the situation terribly wrong I believe some of the cooler heads in the party are starting to decipher the handwriting on the wall.

We all heard the president's speech the other night, and I must say that I was surprised at the degree with which he seemed to be reaching across the aisle, even conciliatory to a degree I had never heard, still rock solid on most of his campaign promises but seemingly open to finding common ground to attack America�s myriad problems.

Chuck Schumer, of course, heard it differently and in a diatribe reassembling a grandfather confused by the complexities of some new technology he refuses to try to understand, stuck to his hard line that there is no good, no sanity and no future in anything President Trump proposes.

America never heard Schumer and the rest of his cohorts questioning Obama's health care plan, a little piece of socialism that was obviously designed to fail and bring about a single payer plan putting a government that can't find it's posterior with both hands in charge of one sixth of the American economy not to mention red tape laden bureaucrats dispensing medical care.

Yes, Mr. Schumer picks his battles along party lines.

And I'm beginning to see a slight awakening of the American public who liked what they heard Donald Trump say to the Congress.

They want the infrastructure shored up, they want the military strong, they want to see American companies bring their offshore money back here and invest it in job producing businesses, they want tax relief, they want the criminals here illegally rounded up and deported, they truly want to see America great again.

And Nancy Pelosi and her prissy little white dress brigade of "thumbs downers" fly in the face of all that.

Bill Maher and Michael Moore and a few others stepped way over the line when they accused Carryn Owens of allowing herself to be used for political purposes or otherwise disrespected in a most poignant moment that touched the collective heart of America, further alienating and disgusting ordinary people and helping those straddling the fence decide which side they wanted to get off on.

Yea there's something happening here, something that, if President Trump is able to bring to fruition, the jobs, the stability, the strong military, the robust economy and inner city social changes he spoke about, is going to make Schumer's remarks seem inane and as out of touch as last year's newspaper.

It�s time for unity, time for both sides to put the knives away, stop playing �gotcha,� put America first for a change and find sensible common ground.

Think about it this way, if Trump is as inept and as off the wall as the Democrats say he will fall on his rump, if he is right and the things he wants to do works, America wins big.

Get with the program, Congress. America will forgive mistakes, but won't forgive not even trying, and the midterms are only 2 years away.

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

What do you think?

� Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB


Trump versus congress
In order for the Republicans to put their knives away, they have to take them out first. Spineless Jellyfish, all of them.
Posted by Pat
Don't dish it out if you can't take it. Very convenient that you forget the Republican's behavior when Obama was elected. The Democrats are simply taking a page from the Republican playbook.
Posted by Gus
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie, Schumer, Pelosi, Moore and Maher have one thing in common, pure evil. The thugs that said a word against Carryn Owens should have a special place in Hell, hotter than the rest. It is not only hateful to her and her late husband, but a slap in the face of every person who has served in the US military. President Trump worries these ignoramuses because they are scared to death that he will succeed in making America Great Again. God Bless you sir, President Trump and Israel, Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
Uncommon Ground
Excellent writing Mr. Daniels. You placed the axe on exact spot.
Posted by Michael
Uncommon Ground
Brother Daniels, you are absolutely right! God bless you!
Posted by Jo
Uncommon ground
If like Charlie you see and hear only what you want to, only what supports your views and ignore the rest, if unity is the rule of the autocrat then true unity is a long way off.
Posted by Dana
Uncommon ground
If the progressive liberal dumbacrats open their eyes and see the real world as it really is, maybe the future of America can be improved for all American citizens. The economy, jobs, safety of the American Citizen, strength of the Military , and ILLEGALS are the priorities of the common hard working people of this Great Nation. Put the United States first in all we do.
Posted by Richard
political props - Big and little
Only God can see into the darkness therein of man's heart. But God said gave man some good advice to determine the good from the evil: by their fruits ye shall know them. Obama's Patient Protection and Affordable Care, ObamaCare); the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP); The White House Task Force on Police illustrated that president Obama and key Democrat obstructionists had an agenda that praise God the voters put a speed bump in with the election of Donald Trump, the GOP wins all across the landscape and maintaining control of the Congress, despite the RINO faction that for 8 years aided Obama's globalism.
Posted by Lee
"Uncommon Ground" post
I so appreciate this well thought out article, Charlie. It's true that Americans are very tired of mainstream media, twisted and biased "news" and Democrats who are only concerned with their own agenda rather than what's best for America. Most of the dems showed themselves as low class and completely disrespectful of the office of the President, during and after his speech. Even my 12 year old son noticed it and was disgusted.
Posted by Marilyn
Uncommon Ground
I saw a few lefty Trolls have stop by to say their peace and just wanted to tell them that real American's don't run from the issue's that confront them , we meet them head on , never scared of confrontation . Our President is doing just this and we that know better are proud of the stand he's making and are behind him 100% . The lies are coming to fruition and I urge everyone to sees this to involve yourself in the mid term campaign , help unseat all Democrats . Remember this ...their greatest fear is Trump's success !
Posted by Billy
Right on is time for the crap to stop and move forward....
Posted by Deb
Think Big
God's in charge Charlie. If everybody will just pray for this country and for God to open the hearts of those who fight so hard, God will see us through this. Love the article Charlie. Thanks.
Posted by Margaret
God Bless America
Thank you Charlie, well stated. People need to wake up from their Smartphone and ipads abd pay attention to whats going on here.
Posted by Mary
I look forward to your soapboxes! They really hit the nail on the head. I think we need to drop titles like, African American, Hispanic American and all be what we are, 'AMERICANS'. Level the field, we are all the same. Come together Americans!
Posted by LuAnn
You got it right
Charlie You got it right it is time for the Democrats to quit whining and work with the Repulicans and get our Country back. You Lost the election and Trump is our President so wake up and heal our Country.
Posted by Tom
Uncommon ground
Mr Daniels, I agree whole heartedly with you. It's time to toss the R's and D's to the side, rally around the president, and work towards making America great again. The president see's where the problems lay and is working to solve the problems. I hope the American people are paying attention to their representatives and senators and vote out those who are not on board. God bless America again....
Posted by Zack
Well said uncle Charlie keep up the good work Trump all the way
Posted by Brenda
On the other side, but agree anyway
"They want the infrastructure shored up, they want the military strong, they want to see American companies bring their offshore money back here and invest it in job producing businesses, they want tax relief, they want the criminals here illegally rounded up and deported, they truly want to see America great again." I am a dwmocrat, I wanted Hillary, I love Obama. And, I agree with what you wrote (above). I am glad to see that a person on the "otherside" and I have a solid common ground. I didn't want Trump, because I think the way he talks, threatens and accuses creates divisions and scares people. I am not saying that both sides don't do that, but I don't like it in the leader, no matter who the leader is. I agree with the goal, i don't always agree with the process, and I don't agree the Trump is the guy to execute the plan. I hope I am wrong. p.s., from what I read, the military already is strong, glad to keep it that way. I love your music. I am relieved to see that we are not that far apart in our hopes for the Country.
Posted by Amy
Trump vs the US
Obama has divided this country. In his 8 years he has done more to set back segregation, it is the democrats against the republicans, the muslims against the Christians, the immigrants against the citizens of this country. Our military is at an all time low, both in the equipment they need but more so in the support they have to have to defend this country. Our debt is at an all time high, thanks to Obama. If all the republicans left this country to Hillary and the democrats, look at and live in third world countries and that is what you would have in 3 months. I have visited there and it is no life for their citizens. Thank God for Americans who stood up and said we have enough and for people like Mr. Daniels who has a voice that people listen to.
Posted by Barbara
Recent Soap Box
Dear Mr Daniels, WELL SAID!!!! God Bless You.
Posted by Miriam
You are dead on. I am a younger generation but am always amazed at how much the democrats have drifted from Ask not what your country can do for you, to what you can do for your country. To well this band of whatever
Posted by Mark
Thank you....
God bless america....
Posted by Jim
The Left's Antics
I think that the left WOULD be at a tipping point. But sadly, the left�s antics are countered by Trump�s snot-nosed attitude. Conservatives, especially Trump, can be so repulsive that the left actually looks appealing to a lot of folks. And of course, vice-versa. People don�t like one extreme, so they go to the opposite. This way, more and more of everything in America gets pigeonholed as either liberal or conservative. We need to realize that both sides of the fence are right about some things and wrong about others. It�s best to take each issue one at a time and not join either side. -- Tru Cola
Posted by Tru
Uncommon Ground
Simply put and well said, Mr. Daniels. Thank you.
Posted by Nancy