Posted on 03.06.2017

The Dangerous Part

The list of things that I don't like and don't trust about politicians would be long and ponderous and if written out, could probably cover a goodly portion of the south wall of the Grand Canyon.

I'm speaking of both sides of the aisle, the White House, the state houses, city hall, Democrats, Republicans and Independents.

But the most annoying and destructive thing is, when they disagree on an issue they absolutely refuse to sit down, like grownups, and by the process of give and take, advise and consent, reason and common sense, work out a decision that everybody can live with.

They spend more time and energy on trying to destroy each other than they do taking care of the nation's business.

For instance, I don't believe there is a congressman or senator who believes in their hearts that Jeff Sessions or anybody else in the Trump administration actually colluded with Russia to influence the presidential election.

I don't believe it, I wouldn't believe it of the Obama administration or even the Nixon administration and I don't think they believe it either.

Yet they spend valuable time beating dead horses of innuendo, hyperbole and downright lies in an attempt to delegitimize the Trump presidency, and I'm not saying that if the roles were reversed the Republicans would not do the same thing or that President Trump doesn't supply them with plentiful ammunition through his tweets and inflammatory public statements.

Actually, what has happened is as plain as the nose on your face. All the pieces were in place for a Hillary Clinton presidency, the continuation of the Obama march to globalism, where national sovereignty and personal liberties become less and less and adherence to a new age, one world and its tenants became more and more.

Legislative problems would have been solved by packing the Supreme Court, allowing more and more immigrants into the nation with a court approved path to voting status and liberal entitlement policies insuring continuity of power ad infinitum, a virtual one party Shangri-La of perpetual rule.

Along comes Donald Trump and with one swipe of his pen starts undoing Obama's socialist legacy, restores relations with Israel, withdraws from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, negotiates a lower price for the new Air Force One, has meetings with business leaders, nominates men and women for his cabinet who would actually get something done, the stock market surges, the teacher's unions cringe and that�s in just two months with only about half a cabinet confirmed.

So, war is declared. To hell with what is good for the nation, forget the economy, the security and stability, never mind that Obamacare is swiftly disintegrating and needs to be dealt with immediately.

Forget all the stuff you were voted into office to do, just destroy Trump, by hook, crook, lies and George Soros� money, never mind that you'll totally alienate half a nation, the working half that pays the taxes, never mind that a divided nation cannot stand and there's a hostile world out there just salivating for a chance to bring us down, just keep stirring it up and maybe after a while the pot will boil over.

Trump is not the only high government official to meet with the Russians, there's a picture of Putin and Chuck Schumer with smiles from ear to ear, one Nancy Pelosi "forgot" setting across the table from the Russian president and the Russian ambassador, Missouri Democratic senator, Claire MacAskill, who also has selective memory, had to admit she had also met with the Russians.

Look up how many times Sergey Kislyak, current Russian ambassador, visited the White House during the Obama administration.

Remember Obama's "Tell Vladimir" remark?

Any of these visits, actions and remarks could be construed as doing something dishonorable with a Russian, but I, for one, would never accuse any one I mentioned of doing something as traitorous as conspiring with them to fix an election.

And I do not believe that Jeff Sessions or anybody else in the Obama administration did either and Al Franken, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and their peers know it.

Attorney General Sessions was accused of lying which I don't believe either.

I believe he was answering the question in a specific context.

Of course, by the time the Democrats and the media got through with it they were asking him to resign.

But never mind voracity or intentions, it was a �gotcha� moment and it was open season on Trump and associates.

If this pot does boil over, the hot water is not just going to splash the Republicans, the Democrats will be deluged also.

The problem is most of it will fall on the United States of America

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB


The Dangerous Part
The real dangerous part is that the Democrat party since the turn of the 20th Century turned into the Progressive party pushing Socialism Communist via Social Justice, Collectivism and their continue social engineering that they have been experiencing with for over 100 years. It does not work because man was meant to be free with individual liberty, in the way the original Constitution was written which makes it one of the most incredible documents ever written by man. The Democrat party we have today is the Progressive Marxist Democrat party pushing Globalization of countries and one global government. You can not compromise with them.
Posted by JL
Trump is the Man
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie Trump is the man to pull it all off and I'm betting he dang sure will. The New World Order and all the Commie, Fascist and Nazi sympathizers be damned. God Bless , Trump, the USA and Israel. Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
the dangerous part
way to go charlie!! i love it that you say what you feel and i totally agree 100%.
Posted by beth
The Dangerous Part
Charlie, your piece is well-stated! It is dangerous because there is so much work to be done to clean up the mess left by prior administrations and with all the investigations going on, how will they find the time to work? I have doubled down on praying for Trump, his admin, and for those who are working hard to undermine him. God Bless!
Posted by (Mrs.) Lou
Total truth and commonsense. Too bad it doesn't extend into Washington
Posted by Richard
Agree with JL.
There is no dealing with these people. They have a mindset. A brainwashed mind set similar to mind control I swear they would follow each other off a cliff if they thought it was what they should do. The trouble with that is they want to take us with them and we dont wanna go. We wanna go back to a simple kind of life that is independently ours by our rights . I knew back in the day when I had to have a permit to fish in my own pond that something wicked was a coming to our country . I dont even fish in those ponds anymore. Most were destroyed with the oil industry yet if it wasnt for the oiland coal industry I never would have put my child through all her schools, bought me a car, house, It allow me to pursue my dreams and still today dabble in them when I have the time or asked to work for someone. Then enter Obama, everything I had saved and put away for health and emergencies was depleted to the point of a full fledge meltdown. There was no place to put your money to make money. It was the most horrifying 8 years of my life. I watched as I payed for overpriced health care yet I had to sit and wait while people with government paid healthcare got to go before me and get better treatment than me. I never once saw a real doctor during that 8 years until the last year he was in. I hate these people because they tried to take my lifehood and dignity away from me. I swallowed humble pie on all that would taste like the pie in The help but worse. The democrats(and I use to be registered as a democrat) hhave turned into a socialist bunch of mind controlled by their free meds zombies and I pray Trump does not get killed by these crazy people who will turn around and use it as yet another attack on right to bear arms.
Posted by A
The Dangerous Part
Well said. I truly believe that only by concerted prayer to God to open the eyes of all the people who just do not see the truth can help. I believe God can and will do it for His glory, but we need to pray for his help nonetheless. Wake up, world!
Posted by Julie
Down the Rabbit Hole
SEN. AL FRANKEN: "If there was any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this (2016) campaign, what would you do?," the Minnesota Democrat asked. SESSIONS: "I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians." SEN. PATRICK J. LEAHY: Several of the President-elect's nominees or senior advisers have Russian ties. Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?" the Vermont Democrat asked in a questionnaire. SESSIONS: No. It has been revealed by the Washington Post that Jeff Sessions, the US attorney general, met Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak on two occasions last year. The first meeting occurred when Kislyak was one of a group of ambassadors to approach Sessions as he was leaving the podium at an event at the Republican National Convention in July. The second incident � in September � was a private meeting held in the then-senator�s office. That meeting took place as US intelligence officials were investigating Russian interference in the presidential election. �I sort of assumed perjury occurred, but I want to read what was said, what the established fact is, and decide how clear that is and whether or not there is any wriggle room or realistic defense there," Sessions said in 1998. Back then, the senator described perjury as a �big-time issue,� adding, �I have no doubt that perjury qualifies under the Constitution as a high crime. It goes to the heart of the judicial system.�
Posted by dana
All sorts of wrong
So much of this soapbox article is wrong. I think the worst aspect of it, though, is the way you pretend that you are going to be even-handed and reasonable and then unleash a stream of hyperbole and vitriol toward the Left. This is practically a formula with you, Mr. Daniels, and is part and parcel of the the ridiculous right-wing narrative these days. Shame on you.
Posted by Steve
I'm tired of all these clowns making a living in politics, paid by our tax dollars, that can't get a damned, honest, days work done for the USA. They spend all their time trying to destroy one another. What a useless waste they are.
Posted by Mary
The Dangerous Part
You nailed it exactly!!! Good to know someone besides me sees what is going on.
Posted by Carol
President Trump and the Press.
Mr. Daniels, in addition to being a marvelous musician, you also have a prolific way of expressing an opinion. I have a serious concern about the war between President Trump and the Press. His policy of denying some of the media access to News Conferences is reminiscent of other world leaders. The secluding of information is a serious move, it tends to breed mistrust and innuendo. While he has performed many of the acts he promised, this action is questionable at best. President Trump and the media have never had a very good relationship, so one would expect problems. I hope he will reconsider this policy. I honestly believe this is my own opinion, if he would cease the tweeting, or at least verify the facts then he would garner far more trust and support. I wish again the thank you for your music and your soap box. yours, Jeff. McDowell
Posted by Jeffrey
Thank you for putting together in a very nice way everything that we have been thinking and trying to say. My husband and i agree with you completely. Hopefully more will be able to admit this and help make america great again.
Posted by paula
About Russia
Charlie, since you mentioned Russia quite a bit here, I might as well say this. I�m not so much worried about the nation of Russia itself as I am of that nation�s millionaires and billionaires. They can do business with certain American companies, knowing that those companies will give campaign donations to certain candidates. For this reason, we, as American consumers, should, as much as possible, support small businesses instead of big businesses, both here in America and around the world. �Tru Cola
Posted by Tru
The Dangerous Part
Every word in the Dangerous Part is so true! It is just a matter of time, when that pot does boil over and God help us all! It will be a blood bath, to be sure!
Posted by Sonja
The Dangerous Part
As usual, a fine article. But as a total aside, I was listening to your CD Saddle Tramp today for the gazillionth time, and I swear that is some of the most precise, clear yet complicated raw guitar playing as anything I've ever heard. The only thing that approaches it is Nightrider. Absolutely incredible.
Posted by Joe
I love this last post. It makes so much sense. I would like to read others.
Posted by James
The dangerous part
I agree 100%. I believe Trump is our best chance to get this country back on the right path. The reason for this I believe is because he didn't sell himself to get there. Let's face it, the Republicans didn't want him either because he won't one of them ( a politician). They didn't want a outsider coming in and upsetting their little club! We need to get rid of all career politicians and go back to sending statesmen to Washington to represent the people.
Posted by Gene
I agree with every word you wrote Charlie. You are 1000% right. It seems not one of the politicians care at all about what they are doing to our country, they are acting like selfish, undisciplined children. THEY ARE DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY AND IT'S TIME TO TAKE THEM OUT OF OFFICE PERMANENTLY!
Posted by Lois
Plowboy, It's the fascists and Nazi sympathizers that elected Trump. I'm pretty sure the 6 remaining Communists did not...
Posted by Steve
Your right Mr. Daniels we need to stop the garbage and get back to work. I always said if you are in congess and cant work it out your butt should be fired. So wasting tax payers money. I was always taught that no matter who is Presdent you must back them. Did I agree with Obama no but I stood up for him because he was President. That office should have the highest respect that you can give some. Flag burning is illegal and should be punish. My grandfather die for this country, my stepbrother die for this country along with many other Americans. In my life growing up this people would have arrested and thrown in jail. If we let them do this then what elsr can they do and get away with it. I am a American born and raised here. I belive in our country,your country and like many others am getting tired of all the garbage. I will fight to defend the American flag. I am a true Amercian with Indian blood in my veins. I love all your postings. I love all of John Waynes postings. I hope to see u Mr. Daniels in Pinellas Park on the 1st of April. Look for the flags flying high above my tent and you will find my lovely wife and me. Oh its her birthday on the 1st. Thank you and God Bless America and President Trump. May God go with you and bring you safe to Pinellas Park. R A.Ward, Wild West Creations 4
Posted by Ronald
State of the United States
I agree with you Sir. I have seen many things in governments all over the world. The media today is helping in tearing apart our nation. I know that when someone invades a country the first action is to take over the media outlets of the host nation. I see this happening from within. Although not violent as in war, but a media take over just the same. Thank you Sir as a great patriot in using your celebrity and loud voice to bolster our voice as a concerned real American.
Posted by Jeffrey
Reply to post
I'm so glad to see you are one the side of common sense & true patriots! Appreciate the thought & points you articulated.
Posted by Debra