Posted on 09.12.2016

Going Around, Coming Around

Recently the bloody, bruised, in shock, image of five-year-old Omran Daqneesh was flashed around the world, bringing home to all the cruelty and inhumanity of the political and religious war raging in Syria.

There seems to be no end to the conflict, nor even any concept as to how it could be brought to a peaceful conclusion as there are multiple combatants involved, fighting for multiple causes, some going back to millennia old blood feuds and vendettas, Russia trying to keep their puppet Assad in power, different sects of Islam trying to maintain superiority over the others and proxies being sponsored by outside nations.

For whatever reasons, the deadly conundrum goes on and on, the bloody collateral damage piles up and hundreds of thousands of refugees are trying to escape the madness by going to Europe and appealing to other nations, ours included, for asylum.

When you look at the image of this obviously traumatized five-year-old boy, his face bloody, his whole body covered in soot and a blank look on his face, your first inclination is to open the flood gates and let the masses of refugees in, to grant them safe haven from the horror and inhumanity they're fleeing.

But you have to then stop and soberly consider the fact that all the refugees are not like Omran Daqneesh. In fact, the very people who so abused this young boy, killed his family and left him alone in the world, could well be hiding in the ranks of those we so pity.

And they would like nothing better than to come to this country and create a thousand Omran�s, destroying America and Americans with terror attacks and suicide bombings.

Watch Germany and see what Ms. Merkel's profligate and downright stupid open door policy brings to bear. Already, the endemic Islamic disrespect for women is surfacing with groping and rapes and I wouldn't be surprised to see a spate of violent attacks to follow in short order.

Obama tells us that any refugees would be fully voted, but he also told us that we could keep our own doctors and the "junior varsity" team tells us that the ranks of the refugees will be infiltrated with operatives.

Obama hailed the Arab Spring as the Middle Eastern version of the Fourth of July, the hope of the people having a voice in the governments coming true at last, a democratic coming of age for a long repressed people.

But it was all smoke and mirrors and if anything the people in those areas are actually worse off than they were before the Arab Spring.

Then President Obama, against the advice of seasoned military and diplomatic advisors, pulled the troops out of Iraq and created a vacuum for Isis to come storming in, overwhelming a poorly motivated and green Iraqi military and gobbling up territory like an evil tsunami.

And now, the consequences of gross diplomatic and military mistakes have created a multi-million flood of refugees with no place to go and nowhere to turn and Obama wants to bring thousands of them to the continental United States, exposing the American public to the very real possibility of importing our very own intifada.

Anybody with half a brain knows that adequate vetting of these refugees is impossible since the countries they are leaving has no infrastructure and no capability of maintaining records.

Am I so cold and calloused that I would deny children like Omran Deqeesh a place of safety?

Am I impervious to his suffering?

Not at all, I just don't want to see the same thing happen to the kid next door.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website adminstrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether postive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB



Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie I know of no one that would deny Omran Deqeesh a place of safety, however there is plenty of real estate in the Middle East to build sanctuary cities and let UN Troops protect them. Uncle Sam could provide air support and take out any Muslim snake that moves within 50 miles of the place, kind of like a demilitarized zone. We can help keep them and feed em a whole lot cheaper over there and it will be 1,000% safer on the streets of America.God Bless Plowboy

Posted by Plowboy
Let others do it?

What did Jesus say when the apostles wanted to send the people back to their towns to eat? Yeah, everything in the Bible is easier said than done. What do you think we will be judged on when God opens the books? Just thinking.

Posted by Chuck
pen and keyring

Did you recieve the set from the lewisburg state fair i made for you

Posted by jeff

Chuck wrote "What do you think we will be judged on when God opens the books? Just thinking." Well Chuck this is what the Bible says: 1 Timothy 5:8 King James Version 8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. God Bless Plowboy

Posted by Plowboy
Gone continiued
As Mom always said charity begins at home, do you have babies and kids in need in your own community? This is close to home, do you let them in your house? If you want to let people in the boarder than I believe that you should want to let them in your house. God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
Gone concluded
Does Harry Reid leave his house unlocked so that people who want a "better life" can walk in and help themselves to the fruits of his labor? nuff said God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
Charlie's Reasoning Could Not Be Clearer...Vote Trump!

Bingo! Charlie, you are 100% correct! Donald Trump speaks the exact same Truths as Mr Daniels; those who Care about the Security of America, the America that has been fought and died for, Must get out and Vote Trump on Nov 8!

Posted by VAL
Forget you
You ask what I think and the "Security Filter" won't accept my comments. Again, Forget you. *****Note***** Not sure what you wrote that didn't go through, but this went through without a problem. - TeamCDB
Posted by Herbert